Flags of Countries that Start with M

How many countries beginning with M? There are a total of 17 countries starting with letter M among the 193 countries in the world:

  1. Macedonia
  2. Madagascar
  3. Malawi
  4. Malaysia
  5. Maldives
  6. Mali
  7. Malta
  8. Marshall Islands
  9. Mauritania
  10. Mauritius
  11. Mexico
  12. Moldova
  13. Monaco
  14. Mongolia
  15. Montenegro
  16. Morocco
  17. Mozambique


Macedonia Country Flag

Macedonia is a republic in the Balkans in southern Europe. The country is an inland state with no access to the sea. Macedonia is flooded by the river Vardar, and the landscape consists mainly of lowlands, valleys, mountains, highlands, forests and large lakes.

Macedonia has mainland climate with hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters. Earthquakes often occur.

Agriculture is Macedonia’s most important profession. Wheat, sugar beet, maize, cotton and tobacco are mainly grown. There is also a large cattle and sheep team. Tourism is on the rise.

From 1945-1992 Macedonia was a sub-republic in Yugoslavia. Conflicts remain between the two largest population groups, Slavic Macedonians and Albanians. Macedonia is a candidate to be admitted to the EU.

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Malta Country Flag

Malta is an island state in the Mediterranean and the island constitutes an independent republic which is considered to be S-Europe. The country includes the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino in the Mediterranean S of Sicily. The islands are low with cut cliffs.

There is subtropical climate with dry summers and mild, rainy winters.

The islands have few natural resources and agriculture is limited. The main export goods are clothing and shoes as well as tobacco, beer, furniture and plastic products. Tourism is one of Malta’s most important occupations.

Malta was British colony from 1814-1974. The country remains a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. Malta joined the EU in 2004.

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Moldova Country Flag

Moldova is a Republic of Southern Europe between Romania and Ukraine. The landscape is hilly and consists of grasslands, ridges, low mountains, forest, steppes, valleys and rivers. The Transnistrian region of the island is separated from the rest of the country by the river Dniester. The river Prut forms the border with Romania.

There is temperate mainland climate with short, cold winters and long, hot summers.

Agriculture is of great economic importance. The main crops are grapes, sunflowers, tobacco, fruit, cereals and corn.

Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. The country was a Soviet republic in the period 1945-1991. Cooperation agreement with the EU in 2013. The Ukrainian and Russian minorities live especially in Tranistria, which is an independent enclave around the city of Tiraspol with its own passport control.

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Monaco Country Flag

Monaco is a small principality on the Mediterranean Sea at the border between France and Italy. Virtually the entire area of ​​Monaco is built and comprises four boroughs: Monaco-ville, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvieille.

There is subtropical climate with winter rain.

Monaco has no significant natural resources. Tourism, banking and finance, as well as the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries are key to the economy. Tourists are attracted to of the Monte Carlo casino, Monte Carlo Rally and Monaco Grand Prix (Formula 1 race). The original monegaskers don’t pay taxes.

Monaco is one of the smallest states in the world. The Principality has been under French protection since 1861.

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Montenegro Country Flag

Montenegro is a republic in the Balkan Peninsula of southern Europe. The country has a coastline to the Adriatic Sea and borders to Albania, Kosova, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The landscape consists mainly of limestone mountains, plateaus, high plains, rivers and a heavily cut coast. IS there are low coastal plains

Montenegro has a subtropical climate with hot, dry summers and cold winters. A lot of snow falls in the mountains.

The country’s most important natural resource is bauxite for the production of aluminum.

Montenegro became independent in 2006. Previously, the country was part of Yugoslavia and later part of the union Serbia and Montenegro. The country has major problems with corruption, organized crime and high unemployment. Montenegro is a candidate country for the EU, and admission negotiations started in 2012.

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Mexico Country Flag

Mexico is a Federal Republic of Central America. In the middle of Mexico there is a high plateau surrounded by mountain ranges and volcanoes, in the Baja California Peninsula there are lowlands, and along the Gulf of Mexico there are swamps and lagoons.

The climate is tropical to subtropical on the coast, though slightly cooler in the highlands.

Mexico is rich in natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, silver, copper, zinc, lead and timber. Agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing and tourism are also important for the economy.

Mexico became independent in 1821 after over 300 years as a Spanish colony. Since then, the country has been ravaged by civil wars and revolutions. Mexico continues to suffer from major social and economic disparities in the population, corruption and widespread drug-related crime.

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Madagascar Country Flag

Madagascar is a republic in the Indian Ocean off the coast of South Africa. Madagascar is the world’s 4th largest island. The central part consists of volcanic mountains with rainforest on the east side. The western part is highland, savannah and coastal lowland with mangrove swamps. There are small volcanic islands and coral reefs on the N. coasts.

The climate is tropical and influenced by the southeastern pass. Most rainfall in Ø. There is cooler and drier in the highlands. Droughts and hurricanes occur.

Over 3/4 of the workforce is employed in agriculture, fishing and forestry. Among other things, rice, cassava, sweet potato and beans, as well as vanilla, coffee and spices, which are exported.

The population consists of about 18-20 ethnic groups and the country is very poor.

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Malawi Country Flag

Malawi is a republic in South Africa. In the island, the landscape is dominated by the Rift Valley with Lake Malawi and the Shire River Valley. Most of the country is highlighter and mountains. Towards S smaller areas with lowland.

The climate is tropical with rainy season in the period November-May. There are more temperate heights.

About 80% of the workforce is employed in agriculture. The main crops are tobacco, tea, sugar cane, cotton, maize, rice, beans, peanuts, millet, cassava and cassava. Fishing in Lake Malawi. Poor utilization of coal, uranium and bauxite deposits.

Malawi relies on financial assistance. A large proportion of the population is infected with HIV / AIDS and the average life expectancy is very low. British colony until 1962.

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Mali Country Flag

Mali is a republic in V-Africa. The landscape consists of sandstone plateaus and desert (Sahara) in the N, lowlands and low plateaus with shrubs, river valleys, swamps and savannah centrally in the country and in S. Lowlands intersect the rivers, Niger and Senegal.

IN there is subtropical grassland and desert. Towards S there is tropical savanna.

The majority of the population is employed in agriculture. Cotton is grown for export and manioc, millet, sorghum and corn for self-sufficiency. Large animal husbandry, and considerable fishing in the two rivers. Electricity is produced by hydropower. The country’s other natural resources are only used to a lesser extent.

Mali was French colony from 1850-1960. The country is very poor and dependent on financial assistance, especially from France.

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Morocco Country Flag

Morocco is a kingdom in NV Africa. The landscape is dominated by a narrow coastal plain, highland, the Rif mountains in the N, Sahara in the S and SE as well as the three Atlas mountain ranges: the High Atlas, the Middle Atlas and the Anti Atlas that intersect the country from SV to NØ.

On the coasts there is a subtropical climate with hot, dry summers and rainy winters. To the south and east there is a dry desert climate. There is a lot of rain and snow in the mountains.

Agriculture and fisheries are the most important occupations. Among other things, fruits, vegetables, wheat and barley. Irrigation is needed in many places. Large animal husbandry. Morocco is the world’s largest exporter of phosphate.

Morocco is an important tourist country. Morocco claims Western Sahara and the two Spanish enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla.

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Mauritania Country Flag

Mauritania is a republic in NV Africa. The landscape is flat and consists mostly of desert (Sahara) with hiking dunes, fly sand, plateaus and rocks. The southernmost part of the country is more fertile with savanna, bush steppe and lowland around the Senegal River.

There is tropical climate with extreme temperature fluctuations and limited rainfall. Sandstorms and longer periods of drought occur.

The country’s most important natural resources are fish and iron. IS and the oases are cultivated, among other things. millet, rice, peanuts, dates, wheat, tobacco and sorghum. Big cattle this year with rainfall. Unused deposits of diamonds and oil and limited extraction of copper, salt and phosphate.

Mauritania was the French colony until 1960.

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Mauritius Country Flag

Mauritius is located in the Indian Ocean Island of Madagascar. The island state consists of the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues as well as the two archipelagos Aqaleqa and St. Brandon. Over 90% of the population lives in Mauritius. Mauritius is a volcanic island with a large central plateau surrounded by a coastal plain. The islands are lush with coral reefs and several unique plant and animal species.

The climate is tropical with a dry and warm period and a wet and hot period. Cyclones occur regularly.

In the past, sugar production was the driver of the economy. Today, tourism and industry are the main sources of income.

Mauritius was formerly both Dutch, French and English colony, but became independent in 1968. The Republic was established in 1992.

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Mozambique Country Flag

Mozambique is a republic in South Africa with a coast to the Indian Ocean. The landscape consists of lowland, savanna and river valleys in the southern part of the country, swamps on the coast as well as highlands and forest areas in N and NV.

The climate is tropical with rainy season in October-March. Both floods and droughts occur.

The country is rich in natural resources, but only to a lesser extent. Agriculture is the most important profession. Among other things, cashews, sugar, cotton and tea for export as well as corn, rice, cassava, peanuts, beans and sweet potatoes for self-sufficiency.

Mozambique was a Portuguese colony until 1975, after which the country was ravaged by civil war until 1992. Mozambique relies on financial assistance.

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Flag of Myanmar

Myanmar is a republic in Southeast Asia. The country is located on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea with borders to Bangladesh, China, India, Laos and Thailand. The landscape consists of mountain ranges, woods, valleys, river deltas and highlands.

The climate is warm and tropical with large amounts of rainfall (monsoon rain).

The majority of the labor force is employed in agriculture, contributing about half of GDP. The country is rich in natural resources. minerals, oil, timber (teak) and precious stones. However, this is only slightly exploited. There is a large production of opium in the country.

Myanmar is one of the world’s poorest countries. In 1989, the country’s official name was changed from Burma to Myanmar.

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Malaysia Country Flag

Malaysia is a federal state in SE Asia. The country is divided into the island and the V of the South China Sea. Malaysia includes the southern part of the Malacca Peninsula (V-Malaysia) and the northern part of Borneo (Island of Malaysia). Inland, the landscape consists of highlands, hills and mountains. On the coasts are fertile lowlands and mangrove swamps. Much of the country’s area is covered by rainforest.

The climate is tropical and humid. There are cooler in the highlands.

The country’s most important natural resources are tin, oil, timber, iron, copper, bauxite and agricultural land. Natural rubber and palm oil, as well as pepper, cocoa and coconuts, are mainly exported.

Malaysia has a slightly higher standard of living than many other states in Asia.

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Maldives Country Flag

The Maldives is a republic and archipelago of the Indian Ocean, SV of India and Sri Lanka. The archipelago consists of about 1200 low coral islands divided into 26 atolls. Only 200 of the islands are inhabited. The archipelago lies on a submarine ridge. The landscape is flat with wide sandy beaches. The islands are less than 2 m above sea level. The Maldives has played an active role in the international climate debate.

There is tropical monsoon climate. The weather is hot and humid. Rainy season May-October.

Tourism and fishing are essential to the economy. Textiles are also exported.

The Maldives is a poor country. Islamic Sharia law applies.

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Mongolia Country Flag

Mongolia is a republic in the north of Central Asia. The country is a large inland state surrounded by Russia and China. The landscape consists of mountain ranges and large lakes in NV, the Gobi Desert in S as well as highlands, woods and grassy steppes.

There is a temperate mainland climate with large temperature fluctuations. Winters are long and cold. Precipitation is limited and decreasing towards S.

The country’s most important natural resources are coal, copper, molybdenum, gold and other raw materials, as well as agricultural land. The livestock team is very large.

In years of drought and harsh winters, the country relies on financial assistance. Mongolia detached from China in 1911, but only became independent several years later.

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Marshall Islands

Marshall Islands Country Flag

Marshall Islands is an island state in Micronesia in the western Pacific. The islands are divided into two long rows, Ratak in the island and Ralik in V. The islands are low, and along the coasts there are sandy beaches, coral reefs, small islands and lagoons.

The climate is tropical, warm and humid. Rainy season April-December. Occasionally, typhoons occur.

The most important natural resources are phosphate and agricultural soil. Among other things, coconuts, taro and breadfruit. Significant fishing. Self-sufficiency is dominant.

After World War II, the Marshall Islands were under US patronage. The Marshall Islands remain closely linked to the United States, provides great financial assistance and oversees foreign policy. The United States also rents the island of Kwajalein as a military base.

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Federal States of Micronesia

Federated States of Micronesia Country Flag

The Federal States of Micronesia is a federal republic in the western Pacific. The country comprises 607 atolls and islands, 65 of which are uninhabited. Part of the islands are lush volcanic islands. The low coral atolls are covered in coconut palms, pandanus palms and breadfruit trees. There are many lagoons.

The climate is tropical and rainy all year round. Typhoons occur June-December.

More than half of the population is employed in the public sector. Agriculture, fishing and the sale of fishing rights are also important for the economy. Among other things, pepper, bananas and breadfruit.

The Federal States of Micronesia was previously part of the United States Presidency. The United States continues to pursue its security and defense policy and provides financial assistance.

Flags of countries beginning with M

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