Embassies of Malawi
List of all Malawi embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Malawi and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Malawi.
Embassy in Denmark
City: Hellerup
Address: Agavevej 17, DK-2900 Hellerup
Telephone: +45 39627650
Fax: +45 39627650
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Telephone: 81-3-3449-3010
Fax: 81-3-3449-3220
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 3-12-9, Kami-Osaki, Shinagawa-ku. Post Code:141
Telephone: 34493010
Fax: 3.44932e+007
Embassy in Kenya
City: Nairobi
Address: Westlands, off Waiyaki Way P.O. Box 30453
Telephone: +(254) 2 440 569
Fax: +(254) 2 440 568
Embassy in Mozambique
City: Maputo
Address: Avenida Kenneth Kaunda No. 75 C.P. 4148 Maputo
Telephone: +(258) 1 491 468
Fax: +(258) 1 490 224
Embassy in Namibia
City: Windhoek
Address: 56 Bismarck Street Private Bag 13254 Windhoek 9000
Telephone: +(264) 61 221 391 to 3
Fax: +(264) 61 227 056
Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 770 Government Avenue Arcadia 0083 P O Box 11172 Hatfield 0028
Telephone: 012 342 0146/ 342 1759
Fax: 012 342 0147
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: 1st Floor, Sable Centre House 41 De Korte Street Braamfontein 2001 P O Box 31752 Braamfontein 2017
Telephone: 011 339 1569
Fax: 011 339 6926
Embassy in Taiwan
City: Taipei
Address: 2F, 9-1, Lane 62, Tienmu W. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 111
Telephone: 2876-2284
Fax: 2876-3454
Embassy in United States of America
City: Los Angeles
Address: 3420 Fredas Hill Rd., Vista, 92084
Telephone: (619) 598-1836牋
Fax: (619) 598-0066
Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2408 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008
Telephone: [1] (202) 797-1007