Madagascar Population

Madagascar Population

Madagascar has long been characterized by political uncertainty and poverty. Due to its isolated location, the island has a unique plant and animal life, which is not found anywhere else in the world.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Antananarivo
  • Ethnic groups: Malay Indonesians (the Merina people and the related Betsileo people), cotiers (mixed African, Malay Indonesian, and Arab origin; betsimisaraka, tsimihety, antaisaka, sakalava), French, Indians, Creole, Comoros
  • Language: French (official), Malagasy (official), English
  • Religion: Christians, traditional faiths, Muslims
  • Population: 26 262 810 (2018)
  • Control Form: Republic
  • Area: 587 040 km2
  • Currency: Ariary
  • GNP per capita: 1 506 PPP $
  • National Day: June 26th

Madagascar’s Population

Madagascar has an estimated population of 25,683,000 (2018). The annual population growth is around 2.5 percent. Life expectancy at birth is estimated at 68.2 years for women and 65.1 years for men (2018).

Madagascar Country Population

The high birth rates (31 per thousand, or just under 4 children per woman) give a “young” population – almost 40 percent are under 15, and 60 percent are under 25 (2018). In 2003, it was calculated from UN data that about 2 percent of the adult population lived with HIV/AIDS. In 2013, the figure was revised down to 0.4 percent (World Bank), and in 2018 to 0.3 percent (World Factbook).

Population of Madagascar by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 27,690,907 2.680% 47.5958 51
2019 26,969,196 2.690% 46.3553 51
2018 26,262,202 2.710% 45.1401 51
2017 25,570,401 2.720% 43.9511 51
2016 24,894,259 2.720% 42.7889 52
2015 24,233,977 2.760% 41.6540 52
2010 21,151,529 2.900% 36.3558 55
2005 18,336,613 3.070% 31.5175 58
2000 15,766,695 3.190% 27.1003 59
1995 13,475,289 3.050% 23.1618 62
1990 11,598,522 2.880% 19.9359 62
1985 10,063,384 2.920% 17.2973 62
1980 8,716,442 2.900% 14.9822 67
1975 7,555,915 2.820% 12.9874 67
1970 6,576,194 2.650% 11.3035 68
1965 5,769,107 2.500% 9.9162 71
1960 5,099,262 2.330% 8.7649 73
1955 4,543,431 2.160% 7.8095 73
1950 4,083,443 0.000% 7.0189 75

Major Cities in Madagascar by Population

Rank City Population
1 Antananarivo 1,391,322
2 Toamasina 206,262
3 Antsirabe 186,142
4 Fianarantsoa 167,116
5 Mahajanga 154,546
6 Toliara 115,208
7 Antsiranana 82,826
8 Antanifotsy 70,515
9 Ambovombe 66,707
10 Ambilobe 55,889
11 Amparafaravola 51,408
12 Tolanaro 45,030
13 Ambatondrazaka 43,023
14 Mananara 41,098
15 Soavinandriana 40,342
16 Mahanoro 39,768
17 Soanierana Ivongo 39,160
18 Faratsiho 37,452
19 Nosy Varika 37,041
20 Vavatenina 36,805
21 Morondava 36,692
22 Amboasary 35,971
23 Manakara 35,388
24 Antalaha 34,001
25 Ikongo 32,263
26 Antsohimbondrona 31,969
27 Manjakandriana 31,729
28 Sambava 31,411
29 Fandriana 31,326
30 Marovoay 31,142
31 Betioky 30,991
32 Ambanja 30,510
33 Ambositra 30,242
34 Tsiombe 29,714
35 Betafo 29,674
36 Moramanga 29,101
37 Ambatolampy 28,350
38 Ambalavao 27,916
39 Sahavato 27,889
40 Mananjary 27,575
41 Tsiroanomandidy 26,949
42 Miandrarivo 26,889
43 Vohipaho 26,889
44 Marolambo 26,049
45 Ambatofinandrahana 25,886
46 Ankazoabo 25,850
47 Ampanihy 25,575
48 Vohibinany 25,200
49 Ampahana 24,889
50 Farafangana 24,653
51 Maevatanana 23,889
52 Belo sur Tsiribihina 23,789
53 Maroantsetra 23,748
54 Vangaindrano 23,412
55 Beloha 22,910
56 Hell-Ville 22,569
57 Ambato Boeny 22,418
58 Arivonimamo 21,871
59 Sakaraha 21,715
60 Antsohihy 21,179
61 Fenoarivo Atsinanana 20,925
62 Ampasimanolotra 20,889
63 Sitampiky 20,889
64 Soanindrariny 20,889
65 Andapa 20,687
66 Miandrivazo 20,520
67 Vondrozo 19,838
68 Andilamena 19,639
69 Fenoarivo Be 19,494
70 Anjozorobe 18,916
71 Beroroha 18,521
72 Ifanadiana 17,432
73 Amboanjo 16,889
74 Ambohitrolomahitsy 16,889
75 Sadabe 16,889
76 Ihosy 16,879
77 Bealanana 16,837
78 Tsaratanana 16,650
79 Ambarakaraka 16,003
80 Alarobia 15,889
81 Ankazondandy 15,889
82 Maintirano 15,889
83 Ankazobe 15,611
84 Ikalamavony 15,490
85 Ifatsy 14,889
86 Kopoky 14,889
87 Antsirabe Afovoany 12,889
88 Tranovaho 12,889
89 Ambodifotatra 11,719
90 Antakotako 10,889
91 Andovoranto 10,318
92 Ambodivoara 9,889
93 Mahabe 9,889
94 Mantasoa 9,889
95 Miadanandriana 9,889
96 Sahatavy 9,889
97 Fandrandava 8,889
98 Ambohitrandriamanitra 7,889
99 Bemaitso 7,889
100 Merikanjaka 7,889
101 Mahavelona 7,876
102 Sadjoavato 7,489
103 Behompy 6,889
104 Beteza 6,889
105 Manato 6,889
106 Sambaina 6,889
107 Ambohitseheno 5,889
108 Anjepy 5,889
109 Ranohira 5,889
110 Vohimanitra 5,889

People Groups

The population consists almost entirely of Malagasy (Malagasy), who are of mixed Indonesian and African descent, and are divided into about 20 ethnic groups or tribes. The Merina people make up 25 percent of the population and live in the area around Antananarivo. Other ethnic groups include betsimisaraka in the northeast of the country, betsileo on the altitude plateau around Fianarantsoa, tsimihety in the north and antanandroy in the south. Along the west coast the Sakalava people live. Also, there are small groups of Europeans (mainly French), Comorians, Indians and Chinese.


Madagascar has 39.4 residents per square kilometer (2013). The highest population density is found along the east coast and around the cities of Antananarivo, Antsirabe and Fianarantsoa in the central highlands. Since 1974, the authorities have been trying to spread the settlement from the often overcrowded agricultural districts of the Highlands to more sparsely settled areas in the west. Although most Madagascans live in the countryside, the cities grow in size, and approximately 38 percent of the island’s population resides in cities (2019). The largest city is the capital Antananarivo.


About half of the population are supporters of the traditional Malagasy religion, where the cult of ancestors plays an important role. Around 43 percent are Christians, of which just over half are Catholic, the rest are Protestants. 7 percent are Muslims, essentially immigrants from the Comoros.

Norwegian mission

Norwegian mission has been active in Madagascar since 1867 (Det Norske Mission), and a large number of Norwegian missionaries have served in Madagascar, including Christian D. Borchgrevink, who founded the medical education in the country, and Lars N. Dahle, Fridtjov S. Birkeli and Otto Chr. Dahl, all of whom have made important contributions to the history of religion, culture and language of Madagascar. Especially in nursing and school work, a great effort was made by female missionaries, including Marie Føreid, who did groundbreaking work for the care of lepers. Founded in 1950, the Gass Lutheran Church is independent from 1975.


Official languages ​​are French and Malagasy (Malagasy, Gassian, Malgache). Madagascan is one of the Indonesian languages of the Austronesian language family, closely related to the Manjan of Borneo.