Puerto Rico Population
Geography Most of the bedrock in Puerto Rico consists of limestones and shales and young volcanic rocks....
Geography Most of the bedrock in Puerto Rico consists of limestones and shales and young volcanic rocks....
Population The total population amounts to 29,511 inhabitants (2018), of which almost half live in Mariehamn. In...
Europe was the stage of scientific and cultural revolutions. From the 16th to the 19th centuries, it...
South America is one of four parts of the American continent, is home to twelve countries and...
North America is one of the four parts of the American continent. It comprises Canada, USA, Mexico,...
Oceania is a geographical division of the world, including Australia, New Zealand and several clusters of islands...
Asia is largest and most populous of all continents. There are more than 4 billion residents. It...
Africa is the third largest continent on Earth, after Asia and America. It has a population of...
Greenland has a population of 55 984 (2015), of which 88.3 percent are Greenlanders, which are related...
The Faroe Islands are essentially of Norwegian descent, and are descendants of Norwegian settlers who settled on...
Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco since 1975. Morocco regards the country as its own, despite...
Niue is a small island state in the western Pacific. The country is self-governing with free association...
Kosovo was formerly a province of Serbia but declared independence in 2008. Independence is contested, but 116...
The small island state has autonomy but belongs to New Zealand. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit...
Taiwan is one of the economic and technological successes in Asia. The country has a complicated relationship...
Zimbabwe was previously one of Africa’s richest countries. After many years of economic downturn, poor political governance,...
Zambia is one of the world’s largest copper producers. Although the country’s economy has grown stronger, Zambia’s...
Yemen was united into one country in 1990. The country is the poorest in the Middle East,...
Vietnam’s nature is characterized by hills and mountains. The country has experienced tremendous economic growth and the...
Venezuela has the world’s largest oil reserves, and the country is entirely dependent on oil revenues. The...
Vanuatu consists of over 80 islands in the Pacific. The inhabitants belong to many different groups of...
Uzbekistan is the most populous of the former Soviet republics of Central Asia. The country has had...
Uruguay is among Latin America’s most successful countries in many areas. This may be partly because the...
The United States is the most powerful country in the world. The country has traditionally been a...
Britain was a colonial power and housed a worldwide empire in the early 1900s, and has played...
The United Arab Emirates is a federal state of seven Emirates, which has the world’s seventh largest...
Ukraine is the second largest state in Europe. The country became independent in 1991, following the fall...
Uganda is rich in natural resources, but has suffered from poor leaders and many internal unrest. The...
The island state of Tuvalu is one of the world’s smallest countries in both area and population....
Turkmenistan is a dictatorship where all opposition is banned and where the press is controlled by the...