Category: Population

Turkey Country Population

Turkey Population

Turkey’s position between Europe and Asia has given the country a key role in the relationship between...

Tunisia Country Population

Tunisia Population

After many years of dictatorship, Tunisia gained a people-elected government in 2011, and a new democratic constitution...

Tonga Population

Tonga Population

Tonga was called “Friendly Islands” after Captain James Cook was kindly received in the 18th century. The...

Togo Population

Togo Population

After more than 40 years of dictatorship, Togo can take a step in the democratic direction. Key...

Thailand Country Population

Thailand Population

The Buddhist monarchy Thailand quickly moved from being an agricultural country to an industrialized country after World...

Tanzania Country Population

Tanzania Population

Tanzania is among the poorest countries in Africa and the economy has been largely characterized by corruption....

Syria Country Population

Syria Population

Syria was the hotbed of one of the world’s oldest civilizations, and is today an oil-producing country...

Sweden Country Population

Sweden Population

Sweden is the largest and most populous country in the Nordic countries. The country has large resources...

Suriname Population

Suriname Population

Suriname consists almost exclusively of dense, pristine rainforest. Political unrest, weak economy, military coup and civil war...

Sudan Country Population

Sudan Population

Sudan has struggled with civil war and unrest since independence in 1956. The country was given a...

Spain Country Population

Spain Population

Spain is one of Europe’s oldest states. The Spanish conquerors made the country a world power, and...

Somalia Country Population

Somalia Population

Somalia has been ravaged by civil war and the absence of government structures for over 20 years....

Slovenia Population

Slovenia Population

Slovenia was the richest sub-republic in Yugoslavia, and clearly has the transition from communism to democracy and...

Slovakia Country Population

Slovakia Population

Slovakia has been independent since 1993, when Czechoslovakia was split in two. Since then, the country has...