Category: Timor-Leste

Timor-Leste is a parliamentary republic, with about 1.2 million residents (2012). The population’s origin is mainly Malay-Polynesian and Papua, but there are minorities of Chinese, Arabs and Europeans. About 90% of Timorese are Catholics. There are minorities of Protestants and Muslims. The official languages ​​are Portuguese and Tetum, which was the main language spoken on the island before the arrival of the Portuguese in the early 16th century (the name of the country, in Tetum, is Timor Lorosa’e). There are also about 15 other native languages, such as Idalaca, Galole, Mambai and Cauaimina. The word timor comes from the Malay and means east. The country occupies the eastern half of the Island of Timor, in the Malay archipelago (the western part belongs to Indonesia). The terrain is mountainous and the highest peak is Ramelau, with 2,972 m. East Timor is located about 550 km from Australia. The capital is Dili. The country is divided into 13 districts: Aileu, Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Cova-Lima, Dili, Ermera, Lautem, Liquica, Manatuto, Manufahi, Oecussi and Viqueque. The territory includes the islands of Ataúro and Jaco, in addition to the enclave of Oecusse, on the west side of the island of Timor. Oil and natural gas are Timor-Leste’s main economic resources. Agriculture also plays an important role and is the livelihood of most of the population. The economy has grown in recent years at an average rate of around 10% per year, one of the highest in the world. The currency is the US dollar.

Timor-Leste Country Flag

East Timor Facts

East Timor, State of Southeast Asia; 14,954 km², 1.3 million residents (2019).Internationally, the Portuguese name form Timor-Leste...