Sierra Leone Population

Sierra Leone Population

Sierra Leone has many natural resources that could make the country one of Africa’s richest. However, war, political unrest and a major outbreak of Ebola disease have made Sierra Leone one of the world’s poorest and least developed countries. Today, more than 50 percent of the population lives in absolute poverty.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Freetown
  • Ethnic groups: Time 35.5%, mending 33.2%, limba 6.2%, kono 4.4%, fullah 3.4%, loko 2.9%, koranko 2.8%, sherbro 2.6%, mandingo 2, 4%, creole (krio) 1.2%, others from Sierra Leone 4.7%, others from abroad 0.3%, unspecified 0.2% (2013)
  • Language: English (official), mende, temne, krio
  • Religion: Muslims 78.6%, Christians 20.8%, other/unspecified 0.5% (2013)
  • Population: 7,719,729 (2018)
  • Control Form: Republic
  • Area: 72 300 km2
  • Currency: Sierra Leone
  • GNP per capita: 1 476 PPP $
  • National Day: April 27th

Population of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone has a population estimated at 6.6 million residents and an annual population growth of 2.4 percent (2020). In the period 1994-2006, population growth was 2.6 percent.

Sierra Leone Country Population

Life expectancy is among the lowest in the world. In 2020, it was estimated to be 62 years for women and 57 years for men. However, there is a large increase from 2004, when life expectancy was estimated at 40 years for women and 37 years for men. Both birth rate and mortality are high, and especially infant mortality is high – 63 dead per 1,000 live births (2017). Each woman has an average of 4.6 children (2020). The population is “young”; 41.3 percent of the population is under 15 (2020).

Population of Sierra Leone by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 7,976,872 2.100% 110.5151 103
2019 7,813,104 2.130% 108.2463 103
2018 7,650,039 2.160% 105.9871 103
2017 7,488,312 2.180% 103.7465 103
2016 7,328,723 2.190% 101.5355 103
2015 7,171,803 2.250% 99.3615 105
2010 6,415,523 2.590% 88.8838 105
2005 5,645,513 4.250% 78.2159 107
2000 4,584,460 1.270% 63.5158 113
1995 4,303,846 -0.070% 59.6281 116
1990 4,319,651 2.570% 59.8471 112
1985 3,805,200 2.350% 52.7197 113
1980 3,388,384 2.210% 46.9451 113
1975 3,037,043 2.040% 42.0775 116
1970 2,744,780 1.820% 38.0284 115
1965 2,508,108 1.590% 34.7495 112
1960 2,317,525 1.360% 32.1091 111
1955 2,165,704 1.190% 30.0057 111
1950 2,041,092 0.000% 28.2793 110

Major Cities in Sierra Leone by Population

Rank City Population
1 Freetown 802,528
2 Bo 174,243
3 Kenema 143,026
4 Koidu 87,889
5 Makeni 87,568
6 Lunsar 22,350
7 Port Loko 21,197
8 Waterloo 19,639
9 Kabala 17,837
10 Segbwema 16,421
11 Magburaka 14,804
12 Kailahun 13,974
13 Binkolo 13,756
14 Freetown 13,657
15 Bumpe 13,469
16 Rokupr 12,393
17 Gandorhun 12,177
18 Kambia 11,409
19 Yengema 11,110
20 Gandorhun 10,567
21 Bonthe 9,536
22 Pendembu 8,669
23 Blama 8,035
24 Kamakwie 7,987
25 Panguma 7,854
26 Pujehun 7,815
27 Kukuna 7,565
28 Barma 7,418
29 Boajibu 7,273
30 Bunumbu 7,244
31 Sumbuya 6,963
32 Baoma 6,933
33 Moyamba 6,589
34 Mambolo 6,513
35 Tombodu 5,874
36 Daru 5,847
37 Foindu 5,757
38 Masingbi 5,533
39 Motema 5,363
40 Bomi 5,352
41 Tintafor 5,349
42 Buedu 5,301
43 Mamboma 5,090
44 Kassiri 5,050
45 Hastings 5,010
46 Hangha 4,896

People Groups

The population consists of a number of ethnic groups that have many cultural and social similarities. Mende and temne are the largest groups with about 30 percent each of the total population. Mende dominates in the south, tem in the central parts of the country and in the north. Among the minorities are limba and fulani in the north, kuranko in the northeast and sherbro in the south.

The Krio (really Creole), who are descendants of slaves, long dominated the country’s political elite. These now make up less than 2 percent of the population and live mostly in Freetown. They are divided on the basis of religion and traditions, and come into contradiction with the inland people.

People Density

Sierra Leone has a population density of 105 people per square kilometer (2017). The majority of the population lives in the capital region in the west. Around 43 percent of the residents live in densely populated areas (2020). The capital Freetown with 1,202,000 residents (2020) is the largest city.


78.6 percent of the population are Sunni Muslims and 20.8 percent are Christians (2020). The rest belong to traditional religions.


English is the official language, but the daily speech is the Creole language krio, which is a mixture of English and different African languages. The local languages ​​belong to the Niger-Congo language family. The largest is accommodating, Temne and limba.