Category: Uruguay

Second smallest country in South America, Uruguay loses in this respect only to Suriname. Avant-garde, the country appears as the most evolved in South America in the fight for civil rights, being the first in the world to legalize divorce and the first in South America to regularize same-sex unions and homo parental adoption. It was also the first country in the world to regulate the cultivation, consumption and sale of cannabis. It has a better human development index on the continent from the perspective of inequality and is considered the ninth greenest and most livable country on the planet, assuming the continent’s first position. Some of its most touristic cities are Montevideo, Colonia del Sacramento and Punta del Este.

Capital: Montevideo

Population: 3.7 million

Territory: 176,215 km²

Official language: Spanish

Currency: Uruguayan Peso

Uruguay Country Population

Uruguay Population

Uruguay is among Latin America’s most successful countries in many areas. This may be partly because the...

Uruguay Country Flag

Uruguay Facts

Uruguay, State of Southeastern South America; 176,220 km², 3.4 million residents (2019).Uruguay borders Brazil in the north,...

Embassies of Uruguay

Embassies of Uruguay

List of all Uruguay embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it...