Embassies of Mali
List of all Mali embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Mali and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Mali.
Embassy in Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Address: Dampf鎟gevej 10, DK-2100 Copenhagen �
Telephone: +45 35262995
Fax: +45 35266995
Embassy in Gabon
City: Libreville
Telephone: (00241) 73 73 82
Embassy in Gambia
City: Banjul
Address: 26 Grant Street, Banjul
Telephone: 228433
Embassy in Ghana
City: Accra
Address: Agostino Neto Road, Airport Residential Area, P.O. Box 1121, Accra
Telephone: 775160/666423
Embassy in Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Address: Jl. Mendawai III/ # 18, Kebayoran Baru, 12130 Jakarta, Indonesia
Telephone: (62-21) 720-8472/ 726-8504
Fax: (62-21) 722-9589
Embassy in Niger
City: Niamey
Address: B.P. 10 115 niamey Niger
Telephone: (227)75-42-90
Fax: (227)75-41-88
Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Novokuznetskaya str., 11
Telephone: 231-06-55, 231-27-84
Fax: 230-28-89
Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 876 Pretorius Street (Block B) Arcadia 0083
Telephone: 012 342 7464/ 0676
Fax: 012 342 0670
Embassy in United States of America
City: Albuquerque
Address: 7600 American Heritage Dr., N.E., 87109
Embassy in United States of America
City: Boston
Address: 339 Union St., 02370
Embassy in United States of America
City: Ft. Lauderdale
Address: Financial Services, 1624 E. Sunrise Bl., 33304牋
Telephone: (305) 463-1700
Embassy in United States of America
City: New Orleans
Address: 4232 Williams Bl., Suite 101, Kenner,牋 70065
Telephone: (504) 465-0765
Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2130 R Street NW Washington, D.C. 20008 United States
Telephone: 202 332 22 49
Fax: 202 332 66 03