Micronesia Population

Micronesia Population

The Micronesia Federation consists of over 600 islands, divided into four states. The small islands are spread over an area five times larger than France.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Palikir
  • Ethnic groups: Chuukese/Mortlockers 49.3%, Pohnpeians 29.8%, Kosraans 6.3%, Yapsians 5.7%, Yap (from the Isles) 5.1%, Polynesians 1.6%, Asians 1.4%, others 0.8%, (2010)
  • Language: English (official language and daily speech), chuukese, kosrean, pohnpeian, yapese, ulithian, woleaian, nukuoro, kapingamarangi
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 54.7%, various Protestants 41.1%, Mormon 1.5%, other/none 2.7% (2010)
  • Population: 531 996 (2018)
  • Area: 700 km2
  • Currency: US Dollar
  • GNP per capita: 3 509 PPP $
  • National Day: November 3rd

Micronesia Population

The Micronesia Federation had a population of 107,700 in 2008 with the following distribution among the states: Yap approximately 11%, Chuuk approximately 50%, Pohnpei approximately 32% and Kosrae approximately 7%. The population is very young and is growing rapidly by approximately 3% per year. 37% of the population is under 15 years of age.

Many move from the islands of the Micronesia Federation, especially to Guam, Saipan or Hawaii, and the country has a negative balance of migration. In the period 1993–2003, the population decreased by an average of -0.08% annually.

The population is Micronesians with the exception of the population of the isolated atolls Nukuoro and Kapingamarangi in the state of Pohnpei, which are Polynesians. The largest places (2001) are the state capital Weno (in Chuuk, 14,000 b.c.) and the new capital Palikir (6200) located at Pohnpei.

Population of Micronesia by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 114,912 1.060% 164.3186 194
2019 113,704 1.040% 162.5929 194
2018 112,529 1.060% 160.9143 194
2017 111,348 1.130% 159.2271 194
2016 110,104 1.210% 157.4500 195
2015 108,784 1.140% 155.5643 196
2010 102,800 -0.610% 147.0157 198
2005 106,018 -0.240% 151.6129 195
2000 107,291 -0.020% 153.4314 195
1995 107,418 2.230% 153.6129 194
1990 96,190 2.370% 137.5729 195
1985 85,529 3.260% 122.3429 196
1980 72,819 2.930% 104.1857 196
1975 63,017 0.550% 90.1829 196
1970 61,306 3.300% 87.7386 197
1965 52,116 3.250% 74.6100 196
1960 44,403 3.280% 63.5914 199
1955 37,762 3.430% 54.1043 199
1950 31,890 0.000% 45.7157 200

Major Cities in Micronesia by Population

Rank City Population
1 Weno 13,745
2 Tofol 9,575
3 Colonia 7,260
4 Kolonia 5,963
5 Kolonia Town 5,570


About 49% of the population belongs to the Catholic Church, approximately 46% are Protestants; religious minorities include Chinese religion and followers of the Baha’i religion.


The official language is English. Native languages ​​of the population are different Austronesian languages.