Malaysia Import Restrictions

In order to enter Malaysia, certain goods are subject to specific controls and, regardless of their value and quantity, they require the consent of Malaysia government, preferably, license must be obtained prior to passage through the customs, preventing the goods from being retained. On this page, you will see what kinds of items are prohibited from entering the Malaysia, and which items need special documentation before exporting to Malaysia.

Malaysia Import Regulations

Import regulations

Malaysia requires an import permit for many goods. Before posting any item, senders should confirm that the addressee has any necessary permit. Senders should determine import restrictions from Malaysian authorities before posting:


  • Animals, live
  • Firearms and firearm parts
  • Fruit and nuts
  • Goods originating from Israel (documents are not restricted)
  • Hypodermic syringes
  • Medicines
  • Milk products
  • Plants and parts of plants
  • Seeds and grain
  • Vegetables for consumption

Special documentation requirements

British-made goods require a Certificate of Origin.


In addition to items prohibited by Dangerous and Prohibited Goods & Packaging Post Guide and ECI International Courier Regulations, Malaysia prohibits:

  • Advertising material on lucky charms
  • Animals and animal products
  • Coins exceeding $M50 in value, except purely for ornament
  • Cotton
  • Copyright infringements
  • Daggers
  • Electric machinery
  • Flick knives
  • Fertilizers
  • Firearms and parts thereof
  • Glass and glassware
  • Government Service markings, imitation
  • Headgear and parts thereof
  • Lottery tickets
  • Obscene or seditious articles
  • Pornography
  • Photographic, cinematographic instruments and parts thereof
  • Products of the printing industry- offensive by nature
  • Plastics and articles thereof
  • Pearls, precious stones and metals
  • Some textile products
  • Spear guns
  • Spirits and liqueurs
  • Toys, games and sports requirements
  • Trademark infringements.
  • Wood and articles of wood

Malaysia also prohibits all Parcels addressed to Vietnamese refugees in camps or addressed to Post Office Box 12468, Kuala Lumpur.

Transporting food of any kind is prohibited under ECI Platinum.