Embassies of Belize
List of all Belize embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Belize and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Belize.
Embassy in Cuba
City: Havana
Address: Calle 5a. A No. 3608, C/36 y 36 A, Mirama, Playa, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba
Telephone: (53 7) 204 3504
Fax: (53 7) 204 3506
Embassy in El Salvador
City: San Salvador
Address: Calle el Bosque oriente y Calle Lomas de Candelaria No. I, Block “P”, Colonia Jardines de la 1ra. Etapa
Telephone: 248-1423
Embassy in Guatemala
City: Guatemala City
Address: Avenida La Reforma 1-50, Zona 9, Edificio El Reformador, Nivel 8, Of. 803
Telephone: 334-5531, 331-1137
Fax: 334-5536
Embassy in Singapore
City: Singapore
Address: 101 Cecil Street # 22-01 Tong Eng Building, Singapore 069533
Telephone: (65) 6224 4312, 6224 3308
Fax: (65) 6224 6230
Embassy in Taiwan
City: Taipei
Address: 11F, 9, Lane 62, Tienmu W.
Telephone: 2873-3096
Fax: 2873-3071
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 2535 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington DC 20008
Telephone: (202) 332-9636
Fax: (202) 332-6888