Belize Population

Belize Population

Belize, located in Central America, has much in common with the island states of the Caribbean. Tourism is an important source of income for the country, which has one of the world’s largest coral reefs.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Belmopan
  • Ethnic groups: Fertilizer 52.9%, Creole 25.9%, Mayan Indians 11.3%, Garifuners 6.1%, others 11.2% (2010)
  • Language: English 62.9% (official), Spanish 56.6%, Creole 44.6%, Mayan dialects 10.5%, German 3.2%, garifuna 2.9% (Caribbean), other 1.8%, unknown 0.5% (2010)
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 40.1%, Protestants 31.5% (Pentecostals 8.4%, Seventh-day Adventists 5.4%, Anglicans 4.7%, Mennonites 3.7%, Methodists 2.9%), Jehovah’s Witnesses 1.7%, others 10.5%, none/unspecified 16.1% (2010)
  • Population: 382 444 (2017)
  • Area: 22 970 Km2
  • Currency: Belizean dollar
  • GNP per capita: 8 462 PPP $
  • National Day: September 21st

Belize’s Population

The population of Belize is estimated at 331 900 (World Bank 2013), annual population growth of 2.4%. The highly heterogeneous population consists of about 25% Creole, which is particularly dominant in Belize City, the former capital, approximately 50% mastics and 11% Mayan Indians. A special group is the Garifuna (6%), descendants of slaves combined with Caribbean Indians from the island of Saint Vincent who were deported by the British to the Bay Islands outside Honduras in 1797. The population density is low with an average of approximately 14.6 people per km². The coastal areas are most densely populated. Only major city is Belize City with 49,050 inbound (2000). The capital is Belmopan with 8100 residents (2002).

Population of Belize by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 397,517 1.860% 17.4322 177
2019 390,242 1.900% 17.1132 177
2018 382,960 1.940% 16.7940 178
2017 375,658 2.000% 16.4739 179
2016 368,289 2.070% 16.1508 179
2015 360,822 2.280% 15.8234 179
2010 322,353 2.590% 14.1370 179
2005 283,689 2.790% 12.4419 180
2000 247,204 3.630% 10.8424 181
1995 206,852 1.990% 9.0733 182
1990 187,441 2.610% 8.2224 182
1985 164,810 2.730% 7.2302 182
1980 144,044 1.580% 6.3198 185
1975 133,149 1.750% 5.8422 182
1970 122,071 2.860% 5.3565 180
1965 106,008 2.880% 4.6523 180
1960 91,953 2.880% 4.0361 179
1955 79,759 2.990% 3.5015 180
1950 68,808 0.000% 3.0214 182

Major Cities in Belize by Population

Rank City Population
1 Belize City 61,350
2 San Ignacio 16,701
3 Orange Walk 15,187
4 Belmopan 13,270
5 Dangriga 10,639
6 Corozal 9,760
7 San Pedro 8,307
8 Benque Viejo el Carmen 6,981
9 Punta Gorda 5,094


About 58% of the population is Catholic, approximately 7% Anglicans, approximately 4.5% Methodists, approximately 4% Mennonites, Pentecostals 6.3% and Seventh-day Adventists 4.1%. In addition, there are minorities of Muslims, Hindus, Jews and Bahai.


The official language is English. English Creole and Spanish are widely used as a spoken language. The Indians speak Mayan or other Native American languages.