North Korea Flag and Meaning

Flag of North Korea

Flag of North Korea

North Korea Flag Meaning

The red star is a traditional symbol of socialism and communism. The two blue stripes of the flag represent the population’s quest for peace and the red is the color of socialism. White is Korea’s national color that stands for dignity and represents the purity of Korean ideals and its national sovereignty. The white circle should be connected to the yin and yang symbol.

The colors of the current flag were included in the previous one. When the country was divided and North Korea became communist in 1948, they took and made a combination of the original Korean colors together with the star to mark communism and socialism.

North Korea Overview

Population 22.2 million
currency wons
Area 120,540 km²
Capital city P’yongyang
Population density 184.7 inches / km²

Located on the north of the Korean Peninsula, east of China and between the Japanese and the Yellow Sea. The territory is mountainous and covered with forests residents the eastern mountains facing the Japanese sea. residents the plains, rice is produced, which is the country’s most important crop. 90% of the land is cultivated cooperatively. The country is rich residents minerals: Coal, iron, zinc, lead and manganese.

The country has formally continued to war with the United States and South Korea, since no peace agreement has been concluded since 1953. The US and North Korea have entered into ceasefire agreements, but South Korea has not even entered into a ceasefire agreement. The United States and South Korea conduct extensive military exercises near the border to the north annually.

The People: Koreans residents both the north and south are probably a branch of the Tungus tribe. For centuries, they have suffered from changing Chinese and Mongol invasions. Compared to most other Asian people, it is striking that the population is ethnically and culturally very homogeneous. There are no ethnic minorities.

Religion: Religious worship is not allowed, but where it is nonetheless, they are the most common: Buddhism, Confucianism (which, rather than religion, is a code of morality), chondokio (combining elements of Buddhism with Christianity), and residents the inner parts of the country traditional shamanism.

Language: Korean

Political Parties: Korea’s Workers’ Party (KAP) was established residents 1945. It is a Marxist-Leninist party that is dominant residents Korean politics. Korea’s Social Democratic Party and Chindokio Chongu Party are united with the KAP residents the National Front for the Korean Reunion, formed residents 1945. The youth are organized residents the Socialist Workers’ Youth and the women residents the Democratic Women’s Union, both of whom are members of the KAP.

Social organizations: The trade union federation is the country’s only national organization. The farmers are organized residents the Union of Land Workers.

Official name: Choson-Minjujuui-Inmin-Konghwaguk (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).

Administrative subdivision: 9 provinces, 1 district.

Capital: Pyongyang 3,255,000 residents 2008 (2008).

Other important cities: Hamhung, 808,300 residents; Chongjin, 663,400 residents; Sunch´on, 371,300 residents (2000).

Government: The presidential post has not been formally occupied since the death of Kim Il Sung residents July 1994. As of December 2011, the presidential office was de-facto occupied by his grandson, Kim Jong-Un. He was elected by the parliament residents March 2014. Since May 2016, he is the party’s secretary general.
The chairman of the Supreme People’s Assembly has been Kim Yong Nam since September 1998. Pak Pong-ju has been Prime Minister since April 2013. The state’s highest body is the Supreme People’s Assembly with 687 members.

National Day: September 9 (Republic Day, 1948)

Armed Forces: 1,054,000 Soldiers (1994)

Paramilitary forces: 3,800,000 (Farmer’s Red Guard), 115,000 (Security forces affiliated with the Ministry of Public Security)