Largest Countries in Asia by Land Area

Asia is surrounded by oceans except in the northwest and constitutes the Eurasia landmass, of which Asia constitutes four-fifths. There is no clearly defined continuous border with Europe, but the Ural Mountains are an indisputable border. Between these and the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan’s western border is usually considered a border. Another border to the west is the Great Caucasus, and along the Suez Canal, Asia borders Africa.

In the north, Asia borders the Arctic Ocean, in the east to the Pacific, in the south to the Indian Ocean, and in the southwest to the Mediterranean, the Aegean, the Black Sea and the Red Sea. Several large and numerous small islands in the Indian Ocean, the Pacific and the Arctic Ocean belong to Asia.

Asia’s and Earth’s highest mountain is Mount Everest, 8848 meters above sea level, on the border between Nepal and China (Tibet). Asia’s lowest point is on the shores of the Dead Sea, 395 meters below sea level. The longest river is Chang Jiang (Yangtzekiang) in China, 6,301 kilometers, and the largest lake is the Caspian Sea, 371,000 square kilometers, with beaches in Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan.

Biggest Asian countries by area

The area of the Asian continent is some 44.5 million square kilometers, contributing to nearly one-third of all land area of our planet. Again, China is the biggest country while Maldives is the smallest one.

Rank Country Name Land Area (km²) Density
1 China 9,326,410 149.88
2 India 2,973,190 453.61
3 Kazakhstan 2,699,700 6.85
4 Saudi Arabia 2,149,690 15.54
5 Indonesia 1,811,569 147.98
6 Mongolia 1,553,556 2.10
7 Iran 1,531,595 53.89
8 Pakistan 881,912 232.51
9 Turkey 769,632 106.55
10 Burma 653,508 83.15
11 Afghanistan 652,230 49.41
12 Yemen 527,968 55.23
13 Thailand 510,890 129.92
14 Turkmenistan 469,930 12.64
15 Iraq 437,367 89.46
16 Uzbekistan 425,400 78.90
17 Japan 364,543 346.19
18 Malaysia 329,613 99.42
19 Vietnam 310,070 307.52
20 Oman 309,500 14.97
21 Philippines 298,170 361.57
22 Laos 230,800 30.86
23 Kyrgyzstan 191,801 33.31
24 Syria 183,630 92.96
25 Cambodia 176,515 92.28
26 Nepal 143,351 206.55
27 Tajikistan 141,510 63.11
28 Bangladesh 130,168 1,281.05
29 North Korea 120,538 211.14
30 South Korea 99,909 518.58
31 Jordan 88,802 117.57
32 Azerbaijan 86,100 115.93
33 United Arab Emirates 83,600 116.87
34 Georgia 69,700 53.42
35 Sri Lanka 62,732 345.44
36 Bhutan 38,394 19.32
37 Armenia 28,342 104.51
38 Israel 20,330 444.93
39 Kuwait 17,818 248.07
40 Timor-Leste 14,919 92.98
41 Qatar 11,586 236.53
42 Lebanon 10,230 670.16
43 Cyprus 9,241 93.52
44 Palestine 5,640 882.39
45 Brunei 5,265 84.02
46 Bahrain 767 2,012.11
47 Singapore 687 8,207.70
48 Maldives 298 1,268.80