Iraq Airports

As of 2019, there are 14 airports throughout the country of Iraq according to IATA and ICAO. Through the table below, you can find name of each airport, its abbreviation, city location, and size. Airports in Iraq are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that some airports serve internationally, while the other only serve domestically.

Airports in Iraq

List of All Airports in Iraq

# Airport Abbreviation Location Size
1 Al Muthana Airport BGW Baghdad Small
2 Al Najaf International Airport NJF Najaf Small
3 Baghdad International Airport SDA Baghdad Small
4 Balad Airport XQC Balad Small
5 Bamerny Airport BMN Bamerny Small
6 Baqubah Airport XQV Baqubah Small
7 Basra International Airport BSR Basra Small
8 Erbil International Airport EBL Erbil Small
9 Khan Al Baghdadi Airport XIH Khan Al Baghdadi Small
10 Kirkuk Airport KIK Kirkuk Small
11 Mosul Airport OSM Mosul Small
12 Nasiriyah Airport XNH Nasiriyah Small
13 Ramidi Airport XTM Ramadi Small
14 Tikrit Airport XTV Tikrit Small