Afghanistan Airports

As of 2019, there are 27 airports throughout the country of Afghanistan according to IATA and ICAO. Through the table below, you can find name of each airport, its abbreviation, city location, and size. Airports in Afghanistan are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that some airports serve internationally, while the other only serve domestically.

Airports in Afghanistan

List of All Airports in Afghanistan

# Airport Abbreviation Location Size
1 Bamiyan Airport BIN Bamiyan Small
2 Bost Airport BST Bost Small
3 Chakcharan Airport CCN Chakcharan Small
4 Darwaz Airport DAZ Darwaz Small
5 Faizabad Airport FBD Faizabad Small
6 Farah Airport FAH Farah Small
7 Gardez Airport GRG Gardez Small
8 Ghazni Airport GZI Ghazni Small
9 Herat Airport HEA Herat Small
10 Jalalabad Airport JAA Jalalabad Small
11 Kandahar Airport KDH Kandahar Small
12 Khost Airport KHT Khost Small
13 Khwahan Airport KWH Khwahan Small
14 Khwaja Rawash Airport KBL Kabul Small
15 Kunduz Airport UND Kunduz Small
16 Kuran-O-Munjan Airport KUR Kuran-O-Munjan Small
17 Maimana Airport MMZ Maimana Small
18 Mazar-I-Sharif Airport MZR Mazar-I-Sharif Small
19 Nimroz Airport IMZ Nimroz Small
20 Qala Nau Airport LQN Qala Nau Small
21 Sardeh Band Airport SBF Sardeh Band Small
22 Sheghnan Airport SGA Sheghnan Small
23 Taluqan Airport TQN Taluqan Small
24 Tirinkot Airport TII Tirinkot Small
25 Urgoon Airport URN Urgoon Small
26 Uruzgan Airport URZ Uruzgan Small
27 Zaranj Airport ZAJ Zaranj Small