Bosnia and Herzegovina Major Trade Partners

Buying and selling are essential for any country to develop its economy and maintain good relations with other nations. The first table below shows top trading partners of Bosnia – Herzegovina in terms of export sales (selling), including Croatia, Germany, and Italy. The second lists top trade partners of Bosnia – Herzegovina regarding import total (buying). That is, most products are imported from these countries to Bosnia – Herzegovina.

Bosnia – Herzegovina Major Exports

Market Value: 3,254 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Bosnia - Herzegovina Major Exports

Rank Country (Exports To) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 Croatia 655,527 20.14 99.12
2 Germany 612,683 18.83 234.18
3 Italy 576,988 17.73 126.09
4 Slovenia 387,064 11.89 (2.75)
5 Austria 262,734 8.07 257.05
6 Hungary 142,870 4.39 137.53
7 United States 100,366 3.08 629.09
8 Romania 60,657 1.86 2,650.42
9 France 56,467 1.74 167.07
10 Netherlands 44,029 1.35 327.11
11 United Kingdom 36,607 1.12 103.00
12 Poland 36,453 1.12 529.35
13 Czech Republic 33,000 1.01 NA
14 Macedonia 28,856 0.89 113.92
15 Sweden 25,334 0.78 231.11
16 Spain 20,884 0.64 66.39
17 Luxembourg 19,587 0.60 97.69
18 Belgium 18,920 0.58 254.77
19 Switzerland 18,031 0.55 (71.17)
20 Bulgaria 15,608 0.48 1,273.10
21 Egypt 14,006 0.43 154.98
22 Libya 13,450 0.41 877.28
23 Algeria 11,913 0.37 4,696.23
24 Slovakia 10,782 0.33 204.36
25 Albania 8,977 0.28 211.95
26 Ukraine 7,823 0.24 1,090.53
27 Russia 7,344 0.23 1,657.77
28 Morocco 5,656 0.17 3,272.68
29 Portugal 5,043 0.15 131.00
30 Turkey 4,798 0.15 (69.55)
31 Norway 2,928 0.09 206.57
32 Seychelles 2,008 0.06 NA
33 Canada 1,536 0.05 (52.35)
34 Malaysia 1,429 0.04 909.98
35 China 1,420 0.04 2,545.66
36 Burma 1,320 0.04 NA


Bosnia – Herzegovina Major Imports

Market Value: 7,907 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Bosnia - Herzegovina Major Imports

Rank Country (Imports From) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 Croatia 1,765,179 22.33 95.63
2 Germany 1,105,219 13.98 58.46
3 Italy 798,557 10.10 74.17
4 Turkey 511,420 6.47 369.88
5 Hungary 471,324 5.96 114.60
6 Slovenia 439,448 5.56 (57.68)
7 China 346,251 4.38 211.29
8 United States 327,816 4.15 386.19
9 Austria 279,235 3.53 20.61
10 Russia 243,763 3.08 116.56
11 France 176,553 2.23 88.94
12 Ukraine 161,980 2.05 297.74
13 Brazil 161,228 2.04 328.60
14 Czech Republic 146,897 1.86 NA
15 Poland 97,923 1.24 12.64
16 Switzerland 88,097 1.11 (0.45)
17 Netherlands 74,996 0.95 26.75
18 Macedonia 74,973 0.95 153.71
19 Romania 69,175 0.87 66.85
20 Japan 57,952 0.73 71.23
21 Greece 57,259 0.72 83.14
22 Slovakia 49,107 0.62 50.99
23 South Korea 47,566 0.60 98.01
24 Sweden 46,722 0.59 (38.79)
25 Bulgaria 41,962 0.53 214.77
26 Spain 39,416 0.50 5.54
27 United Kingdom 37,087 0.47 11.64
28 Belgium 28,657 0.36 (21.47)
29 Ireland 22,498 0.28 57.82
30 Ecuador 22,230 0.28 54.01
31 Colombia 16,975 0.21 609.83
32 Portugal 14,700 0.19 819.47
33 Thailand 10,853 0.14 89.60
34 India 10,496 0.13 3.73
35 Denmark 10,407 0.13 (35.69)
36 Vietnam 8,629 0.11 480.21