What is the Capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina? Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina Sarajevo

Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Miljacka’s river valley. The city has 275 524 residents, with suburbs 395 133 residents (2013).


Sarajevo’s business sector accounts for about 25 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The main business activities are the furniture, tobacco, automotive and knitwear industries, as well as the production of communication equipment.

In 2018, 573,227 tourists visited Sarajevo, which was 18.8 percent more than in 2017. Sarajevo International Airport is located 12 kilometers west of the city center.


In Sarajevo there are two public universities, as well as several private colleges and universities, including an international university where the teaching takes place in English. In the city there are a number of museums, including the National Museum, the National Gallery, a historical museum of Bosnia-Herzegovina, a museum of the Bosnia war and a museum of Jewish history in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

There are a number of mosques in Sarajevo; the oldest is from 1457.


Sarajevo was founded in the 13th century and was subject to the Turks (Ottoman Empire) in 1429-1878. From 1851 Sarajevo was the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was incorporated in Austria-Hungary in 1878.

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28 June 1914, known as The shots in Sarajevo, is considered the front line of the First World War. In 1918, Bosnia-Herzegovina entered the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (from 1929 called Yugoslavia).

Winter Olympic Games were held in Sarajevo in 1984.

With over 70 mosques and the Turkish bazaar Baščaršija, the city had a distinctive oriental look and was an ethnically highly mixed city. At the 1991 census, the population was divided by approximately 49 percent of Muslims, 30 percent of Serbs and 6.6 percent of Croats. In connection with the country’s declaration of independence in 1992, fighting broke out in and around the city, see the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

When Yugoslavia disbanded in 1992, war broke out between Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks. The Bosnia War, which lasted until 1995, inflicted great suffering on people and had a major impact on the population, population composition and business. The city also suffered significant material damage.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Location Map