Lebanon Major Trade Partners

Buying and selling are essential for any country to develop its economy and maintain good relations with other nations. The first table below shows top trading partners of Lebanon in terms of export sales (selling), including Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, and Iraq. The second lists top trade partners of Lebanon regarding import total (buying). That is, most products are imported from these countries to Lebanon.

Lebanon Major Exports

Market Value: 2,269 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Lebanon Major Exports

Rank Country (Exports To) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%)
1 Switzerland 324,040 14.28
2 United Arab Emirates 258,562 11.39
3 Iraq 211,533 9.32
4 Turkey 197,661 8.71
5 Syria 151,801 6.69
6 Saudi Arabia 126,760 5.59
7 Egypt 97,063 4.28
8 Iran 95,525 4.21
9 Belgium 73,604 3.24
10 Brazil 59,773 2.63
11 China 52,558 2.32
12 France 48,190 2.12
13 Jordan 46,017 2.03
14 Greece 42,485 1.87
15 Italy 41,553 1.83
16 United Kingdom 41,535 1.83
17 Kuwait 34,158 1.51
18 Spain 33,606 1.48
19 United States 31,313 1.38
20 Qatar 30,695 1.35
21 Nigeria 23,109 1.02
22 South Korea 21,673 0.95
23 Bulgaria 18,228 0.80
24 Netherlands 17,669 0.78
25 Algeria 17,574 0.77
26 Hong Kong 16,746 0.74
27 Germany 16,212 0.71
28 Sudan 14,872 0.66
29 Cyprus 13,029 0.57
30 Guinea 9,848 0.43
31 Morocco 8,883 0.39
32 Pakistan 8,785 0.39
33 Slovenia 8,402 0.37
34 India 8,284 0.37
35 Romania 6,648 0.29
36 Yemen 6,391 0.28
37 Tunisia 6,217 0.27


Lebanon Major Imports

Market Value: 12,974 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Lebanon Major Imports

Rank Country (Imports From) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%)
1 United States 1,671,258 12.88
2 France 1,143,968 8.82
3 China 1,023,580 7.89
4 Italy 838,809 6.47
5 Germany 828,112 6.38
6 Turkey 590,199 4.55
7 Switzerland 580,610 4.48
8 Japan 559,977 4.32
9 Russia 492,084 3.79
10 Kuwait 480,032 3.70
11 Egypt 402,970 3.11
12 United Kingdom 362,919 2.80
13 Brazil 290,037 2.24
14 United Arab Emirates 284,203 2.19
15 Romania 254,711 1.96
16 Ukraine 248,811 1.92
17 Malta 245,278 1.89
18 Saudi Arabia 240,455 1.85
19 Syria 210,998 1.63
20 Belgium 203,256 1.57
21 South Korea 183,768 1.42
22 Spain 179,850 1.39
23 India 146,039 1.13
24 Thailand 122,755 0.95
25 Netherlands 113,000 0.87
26 Bulgaria 109,715 0.85
27 Malaysia 94,233 0.73
28 Greece 83,836 0.65
29 Kazakhstan 82,566 0.64
30 Jordan 74,916 0.58
31 Denmark 54,592 0.42
32 Indonesia 47,932 0.37
33 Finland 44,470 0.34
34 South Africa 43,753 0.34
35 Austria 43,521 0.34
36 Libya 37,166 0.29