Panama Major Trade Partners

Buying and selling are essential for any country to develop its economy and maintain good relations with other nations. The first table below shows top trading partners of Panama in terms of export sales (selling), including United States, Netherlands, and Sweden. The second lists top trade partners of Panama regarding import total (buying). That is, most products are imported from these countries to Panama.

Panama Major Exports

Market Value: 870 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Panama Major Exports

Rank Country (Exports To) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 United States 429,780 49.41 (3.41)
2 Netherlands 121,547 13.97 213.13
3 Sweden 62,274 7.16 7.34
4 United Kingdom 58,468 6.72 790.60
5 Spain 51,223 5.89 13.64
6 China 44,907 5.16 313.86
7 Italy 27,882 3.21 125.30
8 Dominican Republic 13,481 1.55 37.98
9 Belgium 10,466 1.20 (64.67)
10 Colombia 7,685 0.88 (35.30)
11 Mexico 5,961 0.69 (57.16)
12 India 4,862 0.56 (73.21)
13 Germany 4,394 0.51 (11.50)
14 Jamaica 3,183 0.37 (59.16)
15 Portugal 2,882 0.33 (87.60)
16 Thailand 2,765 0.32 73.73
17 South Korea 2,711 0.31 34.84
18 France 2,528 0.29 (18.58)
19 Brazil 2,493 0.29 577.36
20 Canada 2,400 0.28 3.03
21 Japan 2,219 0.26 (11.71)
22 Denmark 2,081 0.24 9,080.20
23 Chile 1,356 0.16 529.67
24 Hong Kong 1,210 0.14 (84.05)
25 Peru 1,148 0.13 (22.56)


Panama Major Imports

Market Value: 4,546 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Panama Major Imports

Rank Country (Imports From) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%)
1 United States 2,236,501 49.20
2 Japan 355,698 7.82
3 China 305,120 6.71
4 South Korea 241,025 5.30
5 Mexico 223,301 4.91
6 Colombia 164,871 3.63
7 Peru 86,697 1.91
8 Germany 80,066 1.76
9 Ecuador 79,330 1.75
10 Thailand 78,206 1.72
11 Brazil 77,555 1.71
12 Spain 77,093 1.70
13 Netherlands Antilles 49,946 1.10
14 Canada 46,611 1.03
15 Dominican Republic 45,619 1.00
16 Turkey 43,096 0.95
17 Denmark 41,788 0.92
18 Trinidad and Tobago 38,594 0.85
19 New Zealand 25,195 0.55
20 Italy 24,931 0.55
21 Cuba 23,783 0.52
22 Chile 22,651 0.50
23 Netherlands 19,191 0.42
24 Hong Kong 18,412 0.41
25 Venezuela 17,717 0.39
26 France 16,722 0.37
27 Sweden 14,698 0.32
28 Austria 13,153 0.29
29 India 11,989 0.26
30 United Kingdom 11,715 0.26
31 Finland 10,746 0.24
32 Switzerland 10,097 0.22
33 Belgium 9,961 0.22
34 Ireland 8,718 0.19
35 Uruguay 4,823 0.11
36 Israel 3,538 0.08