Senegal Flag and Meaning

Flag of Senegal

Flag of Senegal

Senegal Flag Meaning

The colors are the classic Pan-African colors. Their own interpretation is that the color green represents the different religious groups in the country. For Islam, green is a traditional color. For Christianity, that color stands for hope and for animists, it stands for fertility. The yellow color stands for wealth and represents the workers who reap their fruits and are a people who prioritize economy and progress. Red is the color of blood and life.

The five-pointed star is a common symbol in Africa. It stands for the fact that the people do not live on only ?? rice and bread ??. The flag was adopted on August 20, 1960.

Senegal Overview

Population 9.9 million
Currency CFA francs
Area 196.720 km²
Capital city Dakar
Population density 47.7 residents/km²
HDI location 144

The country is located in West Africa, south of the Senegal River. The majority of the population is concentrated in the less dry area of ​​the country and in the vicinity of the capital Dakar. The arid interior of the country is inhabited by nomads. The coastal areas are used for agriculture. The Senegal Valley is relatively thinly populated, which is a consequence of the slave trade that was previously more intense. The country is plagued by extensive deforestation and desertification. At the same time, the construction of a hydroelectric plant is planned across the Senegal valley in the north, which could further aggravate the situation.

Authoritarian regime supported by EU and US.

The people: The most important ethnic groups are unlawful, which make up more than 42% of the population, seres (14.9%), peul (fulani) (14.4%), tuks (9.3%), diola (5.3%), and malinke (mandingo) (3.6%). About 3% of the population comes from non-African countries – primarily France, Lebanon and Syria.

Religion: Predominantly Sunni Muslim (94%), Christian (5%), local religions.

Languages: French and Uloof (official) as well as the individual languages ​​of each ethnic group – pod and ful.

Political parties: Senegal Socialist Party (PSS), founded by Leopoldo Senghor – Government Party 1960-2000. Senegal Democratic Party (PDS) – current government party. Furthermore, there are 13 smaller parties assembled in the Coordination of Democratic Forces.

Social organizations: Senegalese National Organization (CNTS) affiliated with the PSS and the Union of Free Senegalese Workers (UTLS).

Official name: République du Sénégal.

Administrative division: 10 regions

Capital: Dakar, 2,452,000 (2005).

Other important cities: Thiès, 255,200 inb.; Kaolack, 221,400 residents; Ziguinchor, 200,700 residents (2000).

Government: Parliamentary Republic. Macky Sall has been President and Head of State since April 2012. Mohammed Dionne has been Prime Minister and Head of Government since July 2014. Parliament has a Chamber: The National Assembly with 120 members elected for a 5-year term.

National Day: April 4 (Independence, 1960)

Armed Forces: 14,000 Soldiers (2003)