Guyana Flag and Meaning

Flag of Guyana

Flag of Guyana

Guyana Flag Meaning

Guyana’s flag also called the “golden arrowhead” was adopted on May 20, 1966. The flag contains the colors green, yellow, white, black and red. The green color represents the forests and agriculture, the narrow white stripe represents the water resources, the yellow field in the middle of the flag represents the mineral wealth. Red represents the determination of the people and the black stripe represents the perseverance and patience required to build a new state.

The flag initially lacked the black and white stripes that now separate the fields. These stripes were added by the British College of Arms which is a national heraldry office. The colors red, green and yellow are also the traditional pan-African colors used in many African flags, including Ghana’s.

Guyana Overview

Population 800000
Currency Guyana dollars
Area 214,970 km²
Capital city Georgetown
Population density 3.7 residents/km²
HDI location 104

In the 15-90 km wide coastline, 90% of the population is concentrated, and most of the agricultural activities take place here – primarily the production of rice and sugar cane. A considerable part of the country is located below the sea level and is protected by a system of dikes and canals. About 150km inland, the rainforest begins where bauxite, gold and diamonds are found. To the west and south is the Guayana massif – the indigenous people’s name for the “land of the waters”. It consists of ancient mountain ranges, and here the water resources are extensive. In comparison with the forestry on the rest of the land, the forestry in Guyana has been limited. Until 1990, only small areas of the extensive rainforest were forested, but since then foreign organizations have been pushing to intensify the use of the country’s tree resources.

The People: Half of the country’s residents are descended from workers imported from India, one third from former African slaves, and the last third are indigenous peoples, mixed peoples, Chinese and Europeans.

Religion: Protestants 34%; Catholics 18%; Hindus 34%; Muslims 9%.

Language: English (official). Hindi and Urdu are also used on religious occasions.

Political Parties: Popular Progressive Party (PPP); Peobles National Congress (PNC).

Social organizations: Guyana’s National Organization (TUC) with 22 affiliated unions

Official Name: Cooperative Republic of Guyana.

Administrative division: 10 regions.

Capital: Georgetown, 239,000 in (2009)

Other important cities: Linden 43,800 residents; New Amsterdam 31,500 inb (2000)

Government: David Arthur Granger, President and Head of State since May 2015. Since May 2015, Moses Nagamootoo is Prime Minister and Head of Government. The legislative assembly has one chamber consisting of 65 members, 25 of whom are regional representatives and 40 elected by direct election. The electoral system is a proportional electoral system.

National Day: February 23 (Proclamation of the Republic, 1970)

Armed Forces: 1,600 Soldiers (1995)

Paramilitary forces: 4,500 (People’s militia, National service)