Sweden Flag and Meaning

Flag of Sweden

Flag of Sweden

Sweden Flag Meaning

The Swedish flag is believed to have been invented in connection with the legend when Erik the Holy landed in Finland in connection with the first Swedish crusade in 1157. In the blue sky, Erik saw a yellow cross and he saw this as a sign from God. However, there is not much evidence for this legend… These colors, yellow and blue, have always been common in Sweden and about 400 years later in the 16th century, there is more evidence that the flag began to look like it does today.

The Swedish flag has thus received its appearance from, among other things, the blue and yellow colors that were in the Tre Kronor coat of arms and the medieval crusade banner that was used in the crusades. The flag is believed to have been used as a resistance flag to the Danish Union and is inspired by Dannebrogen ( Danish flag ).

Sweden’s flag is actually the world’s second oldest flag after the Danish flag!

Sweden Overview

Population 8.8 million
Currency SKr
Area 449,960 km²
Capital city Stockholm
Population density 19.5 residents/km²
HDI location 9

Located on the eastern part of the Scandinavian peninsula. The northern part of the country is covered with forests. Iron is extracted and paper is produced from the woods of the forest. The central part of the country has fertile soils facing the coasts and is the country’s industrial center – especially the metallurgical industry. The southern part of the country is primarily involved in agricultural production: wheat, potatoes, beet and cattle production. It is also the most densely populated part of the country. The coastal areas facing the Skagerrak and the Baltic Sea are suffering from considerable pollution.

The people: Swedes (89.4%), Finns (5%), Sami, other Scandinavians, Iranians, Poles, Kurds, ex-yogos, Latin Americans.

Religion: Protestants (89%), Catholic Minorities (1.8%), Pentecostal Movement (1.1%), Others (8.1%)

Languages: Swedish (official), Finnish and Sami

Political parties: Swedish Labor Party (SAP), social democracy. Center lot, center right. The moderates, conservatives. Christian People’s Party. The People’s Party, liberal right-wing. The Greens, the center-left. The Left Party, the Communist Party. Socialist Party (SP), Section of 4th International. The Justice Party Socialists (the Justice Party Socialists), the Trotskyist Party affiliated with Congress for a Workers International. KPML (s), Stalinist former Maoist party. Arbetarmakt(Workforce), breaker group from SP. Swedish Communist Party (SKP), Stalinist Soviet faithful party.

Social organizations: LO (National Organization), TCO (Officials Central Organization).

Official name: Kingdom of Sweden.

Administrative division: 24 provinces

Capital: Stockholm, 1,252,000 (2009).

Other important cities: Gothenburg, 744,300 residents; Malmö, 242,700 residents; Uppsala, 125,400 residents (2000).

Government: Constitutional succession monarchy. Karl XVI Gustav has been king of the country since September 15, 1973. Social Democrat Stefan Löfven has been prime minister since October 2014. Parliament (Parliament) has one chamber with 349 members elected for a four-year term.

National Day: June 6 (Flag Day)

Armed Forces: 36,000 (including 16,000 recruits) (2003).

Paramilitary Forces: Coast Guard, 600 (1993)