Sri Lanka Major Trade Partners

Buying and selling are essential for any country to develop its economy and maintain good relations with other nations. The first table below shows top trading partners of Sri Lanka in terms of export sales (selling), including United States, United Kingdom, and Italy. The second lists top trade partners of Sri Lanka regarding import total (buying). That is, most products are imported from these countries to Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Major Exports

Market Value: 6,300 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2019

Sri Lanka Major Exports

Rank Country (Exports To) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 United States 1,707,097 27.10 (8.56)
2 United Kingdom 989,501 15.71 27.38
3 Italy 379,954 6.03 147.48
4 India 349,816 5.55 (9.33)
5 Germany 318,758 5.06 17.21
6 Belgium 282,114 4.48 43.62
7 United Arab Emirates 212,154 3.37 80.41
8 Russia 208,745 3.31 38.55
9 Iran 148,638 2.36 156.54
10 France 135,512 2.15 34.53
11 Japan 117,897 1.87 (23.84)
12 Netherlands 113,742 1.81 9.24
13 Syria 110,885 1.76 68.16
14 Turkey 99,834 1.58 31.67
15 Hong Kong 79,165 1.26 20.58
16 Pakistan 60,883 0.97 55.12
17 Singapore 54,005 0.86 (34.69)
18 Ukraine 53,802 0.85 100.88
19 Jordan 49,665 0.79 58.40
20 Thailand 48,460 0.77 161.22
21 Mexico 48,071 0.76 26.11
22 Sweden 47,716 0.76 95.92
23 Canada 43,640 0.69 (39.04)
24 Spain 42,895 0.68 10.49
25 Israel 42,889 0.68 47.96
26 Iraq 40,423 0.64 272.45
27 Switzerland 40,190 0.64 28.98
28 Saudi Arabia 39,780 0.63 28.97
29 Malaysia 30,820 0.49 260.60
30 Indonesia 30,568 0.49 305.39
31 China 30,282 0.48 75.83
32 Poland 24,617 0.39 36.30
33 Kuwait 23,384 0.37 132.80
34 Chile 22,701 0.36 93.71
35 Libya 21,130 0.34 637.72
36 Denmark 20,022 0.32 77.97


Sri Lanka Major Imports

Market Value: 10,566 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2019

Sri Lanka Major Imports

Rank Country (Imports From) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 India 2,523,853 23.89 85.57
2 Singapore 1,367,042 12.94 86.55
3 Iran 1,194,968 11.31 158.89
4 China 732,019 6.93 60.97
5 Hong Kong 546,118 5.17 (11.98)
6 United Arab Emirates 374,327 3.54 90.32
7 Canada 333,010 3.15 662.91
8 Japan 317,187 3.00 (23.07)
9 Belgium 272,795 2.58 31.78
10 Malaysia 255,211 2.42 (18.81)
11 New Zealand 237,616 2.25 166.59
12 Indonesia 228,307 2.16 30.43
13 Thailand 206,991 1.96 35.87
14 Saudi Arabia 186,536 1.77 55.71
15 United States 183,023 1.73 (23.88)
16 Germany 158,754 1.50 (18.37)
17 Pakistan 155,790 1.47 44.17
18 Italy 149,402 1.41 9.75
19 United Kingdom 149,155 1.41 (52.44)
20 Switzerland 133,435 1.26 7.69
21 France 123,558 1.17 (0.05)
22 South Korea 111,103 1.05 (54.89)
23 Sweden 62,396 0.59 (20.89)
24 Netherlands 60,157 0.57 16.97
25 Austria 59,957 0.57 180.58
26 Ukraine 51,356 0.49 3,228.90
27 Turkey 48,711 0.46 162.17
28 Qatar 42,163 0.40 184.99
29 Egypt 39,980 0.38 3,031.61
30 Israel 32,652 0.31 (21.77)
31 Poland 24,564 0.23 419.29
32 Chile 22,272 0.21 36.32
33 Finland 18,126 0.17 (72.26)
34 Spain 16,414 0.16 (0.98)
35 Belarus 14,624 0.14 NA
36 South Africa 14,536 0.14 (33.87)