Niue Facts

Country Facts

Niue Island, autonomous island in free association with New Zealand, Southwest Pacific; 259 km², 1 600 inhabitants (2018).Niue Island is located 2,200 km northeast of Auckland. The population consists mainly of Polynesians. Agriculture is the foremost industry; passion fruit and copra are exported. More recently, Niue Island has also received revenue from the sale of the domain name now, mainly from Sweden, Belgium and the Netherlands. Niue Island was previously a New Zealand possession, but in 1974 gained internal autonomy. Main place is Alofi.

Niue is located in the South Pacific, east of the international dateline, and has a total land area of 260 square kilometers. It has a population of 1,800 people, most of whom are Polynesian. Many residents believe in Kelixiya Niue teaching. English and General Niue are the most common languages, the currency is the New Zealand dollar and the capital is Alofi.

Niue National Flag

Niue Country Flag

History Summary

Polynesians arrive on Niue around 1,000 years ago. In 1774, the British discovered the island, and in 1900 it became a British protectorate. In 1901, as part of the Cook Islands, it came under New Zealand ownership. A separate administrative body was set up in 1904, and on October 19, 1974, an internal self-government was established. The Government of Niue has full executive and legislative power, with defense and foreign affairs from New Zealand, which provides assistance. Citizens of Niue and New Zealand enjoy dual citizenship.

Economy and Culture Overview

Niue lacks natural resources, but its major industries are agriculture, tourism, and fisheries. Niue produces coconuts, lemons, and bananas, but is heavily dependent on New Zealand for aid and expatriate remittances. Niue’s environment and industrial pollution do not create diving conditions that attract tourists. The Head of State is the Queen of England, who is represented by the Governor of New Zealand. Niue enjoys free medical care, with medical expenses funded by New Zealand.