Martinique Flag and Meaning

Flag of Martinique

Flag of Martinique

Martinique Flag Meaning


Martinique Overview

Population 392000
Currency Euro
Area 1,100 km²
Capital city Fort-de-France
Population density 356.3 residents/km²

Martinique is of volcanic origin and is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean. The island is mountainous and its main point is the volcano Mont Pelée, which, in its violent eruption in 1902, completely destroyed the city of Saint-Pierre. The soil is fertile. for the cultivation of sugar cane. The climate is tropical but slightly moderated by the surrounding sea.

The People: The majority of the population (90%) is descended from introduced African slaves. 5% are of European descent and a total of 5% belong to other immigrant groups such as Indians, Lebanese and Chinese.

Religion: Predominantly Catholic (95%). Hinduism and African religions (5%).

Languages: French (official), Creole.

Political parties: Party Comuniste de Martinique (PCM); Party Progresiste de Martinique (PPM) is an independent left wing party; Party Socialists (PS); Front National Martinique for Autonomy; Union of Democrats of Martinique (UDM); Group Revolutionary Socialists; Movement of the Independence of Martinique (MIM).

Social organizations: The Confederation General de Travail (CGT)

Official name: Département d’Outre-Mer de la Martinique

Capital: Fort-de-France, 91,249 residents (2007).

Other important cities: Le Marin, 13,100 residents; La Trinité, 7,400 residents (2000)

Government: France considers Martinique to be an overseas department and as such an integral part of France. Ange Mancini is the prefect, appointed by the French government in July 2007. In December 2015, Alfred Marie-Jeanne was elected President of the Conseil Generale (Parliament), which consists of 36 members elected in general elections for a 6-year term. The colony has 2 seats in the French Senate and 4 in the National Assembly.