Indonesia Flag and Meaning

Flag of Indonesia

Flag of Indonesia

Indonesia Flag Meaning

Indonesia’s flag known as ?? Sang Merah Putih ??, means ?? the red and white ?? is a relatively simple horizontal beehive flag in the colors red and white, with the red bar at the top. The roots of the modern Indonesian flag can be traced all the way back to the Majapahitri flag from the 13th century. Red and white began to be used in the flag in connection with the liberation efforts from the Netherlands that took place during the 20th century.

Today’s Indonesian flag was adopted on Indonesia’s Independence Day on August 17, 1945. Red and white were the sacred colors during the 13th century. Red symbolizes physical existence and white symbolizes the soul. The combination of the different colors represents man in its entirety.

Indonesia Overview

Population 212.1 million
currency Indonesian Rupiah
Area 1,889,700 km²
Capital city Jakarta
Population density 112.2 residents/km²
HDI location 108

Indonesia is the world’s largest archipelago and consists of 13,700 islands, the most important of which are: Borneo (Kalimantán), Sumatra, Java, Celebes, Bali, the Moluccas, the western part of New Guinea and West Timor. The land stretches over the equator, has tropical climate and is covered by dense rainforests. The country is the world’s fourth largest residents terms of population size, but it is very unevenly distributed. residents Java, the Population density is 640 people per year. km² among the world’s highest, while at Borneo it is only 10 per km. km². Agricultural production consists partly of export crops: coffee, tea, natural rubber and palm oil. Part of food for own consumption – especially rice. Mineral resources are extensive: Indonesia is the world’s 10th largest oil producer and the third largest tin producer. residents the same way as the neighboring country Malaysia is suffering from heavy deforestation residents Indonesia due to the expansion of the paper industry and of timber exports.

The people: Indonesians are predominantly (90%) of Malay descent, about half of which comes from the Javanese ethnic branch. There are also Chinese and Indian minorities.

Religion: Muslims (86%), Christians (about 10%), Hindus (about 2%) – especially residents Bali, Buddhists (about 1%)

Language: Bahasa Indonesia (official) almost coincides with the Bahasa Malaya language residents Malaysia. The governments of both countries have decided on the gradual unification of the two languages ​​based on the native language melayu. Javanese is spoken by 60 million. English is frequently used ifbm. commerce. residents addition, 250 regional languages.

Political parties: A presidential decree of 1960 allows the president to dissolve any party whose ideology is inconsistent with the country’s official policy.
Permitted parties are: National Awakening Party (PKB); Indonesia Democratic Party residents Kamp (PDIP). The ruling party under the Suharto dictatorship, Golongan Karya (Golkar) was established residents 1971. the United Party for Progress (PPP); the National Mandate Party (PAN). Both moderately Islamic oriented.

In the wake of the 1965 massacre that killed 700,000 supposed or actual Communists, the state developed a legitimization ideology – the so-called Pancasila. According to it, the state is secular (non-religious), unit-oriented, and outwardly opposed. The two allowed opposition parties until the late 1990s were created by the government (!) residents 1973. These are the United Party for Development (PPP), which is conservative and Islamic. Furthermore, it is the Indonesia Democratic Party (PDI), which organizes Christian and traditional nationalist groups from the Sukarn period. residents the late 1990s, the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the National Mandate Party (PAN) were established. Indonesia’s Communist Party (PKI) was ahead of the military coup residents 1965 residents the world’s third largest Communist Party. It has since had to work illegally.

In 1990, partisan movements initiated the Frit Aceh Movement and Aceh’s National Liberation Movement attacks residents this region of northern Sumatra. There are also independence movements residents Irian Jaya (OPM), as well as the Moluccas.

Social organizations: The Union of Indonesian Workers (SPSI) formed residents 1985 by renaming the former Indonesia Workers’ Federation – formed residents 1973.

Official name: Republic of Indonesia

Administrative division: 26 provinces

Capital: Jakarta, 8,792,000 (2008)

Other important cities: Surabaya, 3,683,200; Bandung, 3,834,300 residents; While, 2,977,000 residents (2000)

Government: Joko Widodo has been President since October 2014. One-chamber parliamentary system with 550 members elected every 5 years.

National Day: August 17 (Independence, 1945)

Armed Forces: 297,000 (2001)

Paramilitary forces: Police (215,000). Auxiliary Police ( Kamra), 1.5 million. Military auxiliary forces residents charge of regional military commands ( Wanra).