Serbia Facts

Serbia, state of the Balkan Peninsula in southeastern Europe; 77 474 km², 7 million residents (2019), excluding Kosovo (10 887 km², 1.8 million residents).Serbia borders in the north to Hungary, in the east to Romania, in the south to Northern Macedonia and Albania and in the west to Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. The capital is Belgrade (1.2 million residents, 2012).

The country was formerly part of Yugoslavia. When Yugoslavia disbanded in 1992, Serbia became one of two parties to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which in 2003 changed to a looser association: the Union of Serbia and Montenegro. On June 5, 2006, two days after Montenegro’s declaration of independence, Serbia was also declared an independent state. On February 17, 2008, the disintegration continued as Kosovo unilaterally proclaimed itself an independent state.

Serbia Country Flag

Country facts

  • Srbija / Republic of Serbia
  • Country abbreviation: RS
  • Area: 77 474 km²
  • Population (2019): 7 million residents
  • Capital: Belgrade
  • Main language: Serbian
  • State: Republic
  • Head of State: Aleksandar Vučić (President)
  • Head of Government: Ana Brnabić
  • Per capita GDP (2018): US $ 5,348
  • GNI per capita (2018): US $ 6,390
  • Currency unit: dinar
  • Currency code: RSD
  • Country number (telephony): 381
  • Internet Domain Name: Rs
  • Time difference compared to Sweden: 0
  • National Day: February 15 (the first Serbian constitution, 1835)


  • Land use: forest (21%), agricultural land (53%), other (26%)
  • Highest mountain: Midžor (2,169 m above sea level)
  • Longest river: Danube (588 km, in Serbia)


  • Population density (2019): 90 residents per km²
  • Natural population growth (2019): −0.6%; birth rate 9 ‰, death rate 15 ‰
  • Age structure (2019): 0-14 years (14%), 15-64 (76%), 65- (20%)
  • Average life expectancy (2019): men 73 years, women 78 years
  • Infant mortality (2019): 5 per 1,000 live births
  • Population forecast 2050: 6 million residents
  • HDI (2017): 0.787 (place 67 of 189)
  • Urbanization rate (2019): 60%
  • Most populous cities (2012): Belgrade (1.2 million residents), Novi Sad (231,800) and Niš (183,200)


  • Industry’s contribution to GDP (2017): agriculture (10%), industry (41%), service (49%)
  • Exports (2017): US $ 15 920 million
  • Main export products: iron, steel, rubber
  • Main exporting countries: Italy, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Imports (2017): US $ 20,440 million
  • Main import products: Machinery and transport equipment, fuel
  • Main importing countries: Germany, Italy, China
  • Railway network (2015): 3,800 km

Northern Serbia consists of a fertile plains landscape while the middle and southern parts are highlands. Along the border with Bulgaria stretches the Balkan mountains. Serbia has a continental climate with cold winters and hot, humid summers with evenly distributed rainfall.

When Yugoslavia disbanded in 1992, Serbia became one party to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 2003-06 Serbia and Montenegro. On June 5, 2006, two days after Montenegro’s declaration of independence, Serbia was also declared an independent state. On February 17, 2008, the disintegration continued as Kosovo unilaterally proclaimed itself an independent state. The head of state is the president, who is elected for five years. Parliament is elected for four years. Despite the reforms of recent years, the country still suffers from the suites after the 1990s war and subsequent sanctions. The emergence of a modern service sector has been slow and dependence on an outdated manufacturing industry and agricultural sector is still high.

Serbia Map

Serbia Map