Zambia Major Trade Partners

Buying and selling are essential for any country to develop its economy and maintain good relations with other nations. The first table below shows top trading partners of Zambia in terms of export sales (selling), including Switzerland, South Africa, and Egypt. The second lists top trade partners of Zambia regarding import total (buying). That is, most products are imported from these countries to Zambia.

Zambia Major Exports

Market Value: 4,849 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Zambia Major Exports

Rank Country (Exports To) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 Switzerland 2,533,948 52.25 982.08
2 South Africa 496,579 10.24 32.61
3 Egypt 384,732 7.93 52,121.12
4 China 284,093 5.86 868.85
5 DR Congo 212,210 4.38 108.63
6 Netherlands 108,788 2.24 152.13
7 United Kingdom 107,488 2.22 (56.83)
8 Thailand 99,728 2.06 8,999.66
9 Saudi Arabia 90,492 1.87 1,563,878.33
10 South Korea 68,562 1.41 NA
11 Zimbabwe 54,779 1.13 (35.73)
12 Belgium 51,041 1.05 45.31
13 Malawi 50,736 1.05 18.21
14 Japan 41,238 0.85 489.72
15 India 30,654 0.63 112.70
16 Kuwait 30,458 0.63 331,106.84
17 Pakistan 28,844 0.59 NA
18 Kenya 25,704 0.53 207.52
19 United States 22,931 0.47 29.97
20 United Arab Emirates 22,420 0.46 2,037.18
21 Tanzania 20,426 0.42 (81.01)
22 Mauritius 19,698 0.41 460.69
23 Oman 16,132 0.33 NA
24 Portugal 12,594 0.26 7,301.07
25 Malaysia 10,199 0.21 NA
26 Namibia 5,992 0.12 41.53
27 Singapore 4,677 0.10 795.36
28 Indonesia 3,123 0.06 13,607.99
29 Burundi 2,417 0.05 21.95
30 Swaziland 2,043 0.04 324.97
31 Germany 1,818 0.04 (82.28)
32 Sri Lanka 1,652 0.03 NA
33 Rwanda 1,639 0.03 342.68
34 Botswana 1,454 0.03 (47.67)


Zambia Major Imports

Market Value: 3,900 (millions) – Last Updated: June, 2024

Zambia Major Imports

Rank Country (Imports From) Trade Value (thousands) Share (%) Growth (% 5yr)
1 South Africa 1,747,104 44.80 89.07
2 DR Congo 529,575 13.58 3,968.39
3 Kuwait 513,727 13.17 60,014,756.78
4 China 129,464 3.32 197.48
5 India 123,891 3.18 207.35
6 United Kingdom 96,369 2.47 (66.21)
7 Japan 79,612 2.04 198.33
8 United Arab Emirates 70,507 1.81 (50.81)
9 Zimbabwe 65,573 1.68 (45.39)
10 Kenya 61,941 1.59 92.07
11 Mozambique 45,054 1.16 2,236.56
12 Finland 43,393 1.11 104.42
13 Sweden 42,583 1.09 136.72
14 Germany 39,610 1.02 89.86
15 United States 32,447 0.83 29.90
16 Tanzania 28,508 0.73 6.19
17 Switzerland 27,857 0.71 115.01
18 France 26,505 0.68 (53.80)
19 Denmark 20,891 0.54 392.86
20 Hong Kong 17,728 0.45 154.02
21 Botswana 15,072 0.39 73.48
22 Belgium 14,877 0.38 106.01
23 Netherlands 14,806 0.38 64.33
24 Ireland 13,171 0.34 56.03
25 South Korea 12,310 0.32 8.70
26 Canada 11,659 0.30 44.35
27 Thailand 11,176 0.29 298.31
28 Mauritius 9,994 0.26 272.35
29 Swaziland 7,255 0.19 42.00
30 Namibia 7,152 0.18 38.02
31 Malawi 7,039 0.18 (8.61)
32 Singapore 5,158 0.13 (14.18)
33 Brazil 4,856 0.12 (19.75)
34 Vietnam 4,287 0.11 1,170.67
35 Seychelles 3,604 0.09 27,843.08
36 Italy 3,544 0.09 (19.27)