List of Airports in Alaska

As of 2024, there are 412 airports throughout the state of Alaska according to IATA and ICAO. Through the table below, you can find name of each airport, its abbreviation, city location, and size. Airports in Alaska are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that some airports serve internationally, while the other only serve domestically.

Airports in Alaska

List of All Airports in Alaska

# Airport Abbreviation Location Size
1 Akhiok Seaplane Base AKK Akhiok, AK Small
2 Akiak Airport AKI Akiak, AK Small
3 Akutan Airport KQA Akutan, AK Small
4 Alakanuk Airport AUK Alakanuk, AK Small
5 Aleknagik Airport WKK Aleknagik, AK Small
6 Aleneva Airport AED Aleneva, AK Small
7 Alitak Seaplane Base ALZ Alitak, AK Small
8 Allakaket Airport AET Allakaket, AK Small
9 Alyeska Airport AQY Alyeska, AK Small
10 Ambler Airport ABL Ambler, AK Small
11 Amchitka Airport AHT Amchitka, AK Small
12 Amook Airport AOS Amook, AK Small
13 Anaktuvuk Airport AKP Anaktuvuk, AK Small
14 Angoon Airport AGN Angoon, AK Small
15 Aniak Airport ANI Aniak, AK Small
16 Anita Bay Airport AIB Anita Bay, AK Small
17 Annette Island Airport ANN Annette Island, AK Medium
18 Anvik Airport ANV Anvik, AK Small
19 Arctic Village Airport ARC Arctic Village, AK Small
20 Atka Airport AKB Atka, AK Small
21 Atmautluak Airport ATT Atmautluak, AK Small
22 Atqasuk Airport ATK Atqasuk, AK Small
23 Barter Island Airport BTI Barter Island, AK Small
24 Bartlett Seaplane Base BQV Gustavus, AK Small
25 Bartletts Airport BSZ Bartletts, AK Small
26 Bear Creek Airport BCC Bear Creek, AK Small
27 Beaver Airport WBQ Beaver, AK Small
28 Beluga Airport BVU Beluga, AK Small
29 Bethel Airport BET Bethel, AK Medium
30 Bettles Airport BTT Bettles, AK Small
31 Big Creek Airport BIC Big Creek, AK Small
32 Big Lake Airport BGQ Big Lake, AK Small
33 Big Mountain Airport BMX Big Mountain, AK Small
34 Birch Creek Airport KBC Birch Creek, AK Small
35 Blue Fox Bay Airport BFB Blue Fox Bay, AK Small
36 Bob Barker Memorial Airport IAN Kiana, AK Small
37 Bornite Upper Airport RLU Bornite, AK Small
38 Boswell Bay Airport BSW Boswell Bay, AK Small
39 Boundary Airport BYA Boundary, AK Small
40 Brevig Mission Airport KTS Teller Mission, AK Small
41 Brooks Lodge Airport RBH Brooks Lodge, AK Small
42 Buckland Airport BKC Buckland, AK Small
43 Cabin Creek Airport CBZ Cabin Creek, AK Small
44 Candle Airport CDL Candle, AK Small
45 Cape Lisburne Airport LUR Cape Lisburne, AK Small
46 Cape Newenham Airport EHM Cape Newenham, AK Small
47 Cape Pole Seaplane Base CZP Cape Pole, AK Small
48 Cape Romanzof Airport CZF Cape Romanzof, AK Small
49 Cape Sarichef Airport CSH Cape Sarichef, AK Small
50 Casco Cove Airport ATU Attu Island, AK Small
51 Central Airport CEM Central, AK Small
52 Chalkyitsik Airport CIK Chalkyitsik, AK Small
53 Chandalar Airport WCR Chandalar, AK Small
54 Chatham Seaplane Base CYM Chatham, AK Small
55 Chefornak Seaplane Base CYF Chefornak, AK Small
56 Chena Hot Springs Airport CEX Chena Hot Springs, AK Small
57 Chevak Airport VAK Chevak, AK Small
58 Chicken Airport CKX Chicken, AK Small
59 Chignik Airport KCQ Chignik, AK Small
60 Chignik Bay Airport KBW Chignik, AK Small
61 Chignik Lagoon Airport KCL Chignik Flats, AK Small
62 Chisana Field CZN Chisana, AK Small
63 Chistochina Airport CZO Gakona, AK Small
64 Chitina Airport CXC Chitina, AK Small
65 Chomley Airport CIV Chomley, AK Small
66 Cinder River Airport RCP Cinder River, AK Small
67 Circle City Airport IRC Circle, AK Small
68 Circle Hot Springs Airport CHP Circle Hot Springs, AK Small
69 City Airport CKU Cordova, AK Small
70 City Landing JBT Bethel, AK Small
71 Clarks Point Airport CLP Clarks Point, AK Small
72 Coast Guard LRK Lincoln Rock, AK Small
73 Coffee Point Airport CFA Coffee Point, AK Small
74 Coffman Cove Seaplane Base KCC Coffman Cove, AK Small
75 Cold Bay Airport CDB Cold Bay, AK Small
76 Coldfoot Airport CXF Coldfoot, AK Small
77 Colorado Creek Airport KCR Colorado Creek, AK Small
78 Copper Centre Airport CZC Copper Centre, AK Small
79 Corner Bay Airport CBA Corner Bay, AK Small
80 Craig Seaplane Base CGA Craig, AK Small
81 Crooked Creek Airport CKD Crooked Creek, AK Small
82 Cube Cove Airport CUW Cube Cove, AK Small
83 Curtis Memorial Airport ORV Noorvik, AK Small
84 Dahl Creek Airport DCK Dahl Creek, AK Small
85 Danger Bay Airport DGB Danger Bay, AK Small
86 Deep Bay Airport WDB Deep Bay, AK Small
87 Deering Airport DRG Deering, AK Small
88 Delta Junction Airport DJN Delta Junction, AK Small
89 Dew Station Airport LNI Lonely, AK Small
90 Dew Station Airport PIZ Point Lay, AK Small
91 Diomede Island Airport DIO Nome, AK Small
92 Dora Bay Airport DOF Dora Bay, AK Small
93 Drift River Airport DRF Drift River, AK Small
94 Eagle Airport EAA Eagle, AK Small
95 East Fork Airport EFO East Fork, AK Small
96 Edna Bay Airport EDA Edna Bay, AK Small
97 Eek Airport EEK Eek, AK Small
98 Egegik Airport EGX Egegik, AK Small
99 Eight Fathom Bight Airport EFB Eight Fathom Bight, AK Small
100 Ekuk Airport KKU Ekuk, AK Small
101 Ekwok Airport KEK Ekwok, AK Small
102 Elfin Cove Seaplane Base ELV Elfin Cove, AK Small
103 Elim Airport ELI Elim, AK Small
104 Ellamar Airport ELW Ellamar, AK Small
105 Ellis Field MYU Mekoryuk, AK Small
106 Emergency Field DUT Dutch Harbor, AK Small
107 Emmonak Airport EMK Emmonak, AK Small
108 Fairbanks International Airport FAI Fairbanks, AK Small
109 Falls Bay Airport FLJ Falls Bay, AK Small
110 False Island Airport FAK False Island, AK Small
111 False Pass Airport KFP False Pass, AK Small
112 Farewell Airport FWL Farewell, AK Small
113 Fin Creek Airport FNK Fin Creek, AK Small
114 Fire Cove Airport FIC Fire Cove, AK Small
115 Fisheries Airport KCG Chignik, AK Small
116 Five Mile Airport FMC Five Mile, AK Small
117 Flat Airport FLT Flat, AK Small
118 Flaxman Island Airport FXM Flaxman Island, AK Small
119 Fort Yukon Airport FYU Fort Yukon, AK Small
120 Fortuna Ledge Airport FTL Fortuna Ledge, AK Small
121 Fresh Water Bay Airport FRP Fresh Water Bay, AK Small
122 Ft Wainwright Airport FBK Fairbanks, AK Medium
123 Gakona Airport GAK Gakona, AK Small
124 Galbraith Lake Airport GBH Galbraith Lake, AK Small
125 Galena Airport GAL Galena, AK Small
126 Gambell Airport GAM Gambell, AK Small
127 Ganes Creek Airport GEK Ganes Creek, AK Small
128 Glacier Creek Airport KGZ Glacier Creek, AK Small
129 Glennallen Airport GLQ Glennallen, AK Small
130 Golden Horn Seaplane Base GDH Golden Horn, AK Small
131 Golovin Airport GLV Golovin, AK Small
132 Goodnews Bay Airport GNU Goodnews Bay, AK Small
133 Granite Mountain Airport GMT Granite Mountain, AK Small
134 Grayling Airport KGX Grayling, AK Small
135 Gulkana Airport GKN Gulkana, AK Small
136 Gustavus Airport GST Gustavus, AK Small
137 Haycock Airport HAY Haycock, AK Small
138 Healy Lake Airport HKB Healy Lake, AK Small
139 Herendeen Airport HED Herendeen, AK Small
140 Hidden Falls Airport HDA Hidden Falls, AK Small
141 Hobart Bay Airport HBH Hobart Bay, AK Small
142 Hog River Airport HGZ Hogatza, AK Small
143 Holikachu Airport HOL Holikachu, AK Small
144 Hollis Seaplane Base HYL Hollis, AK Small
145 Holy Cross Airport HCR Holy Cross, AK Small
146 Homer Airport HOM Homer, AK Small
147 Homeshore Airport HMS Homeshore, AK Small
148 Hoonah Airport HNH Hoonah, AK Small
149 Hooper Bay Airport HPB Hooper Bay, AK Small
150 Hot Springs Seaplane Base KBE Bell Island, AK Small
151 Howard County Airport HCA Big Spring, AK Small
152 Huslia Airport HSL Huslia, AK Small
153 Hyder Seaplane Base WHD Hyder, AK Small
154 Icy Bay Airport ICY Icy Bay, AK Small
155 Igiugig Airport IGG Igiugig, AK Small
156 Iliamna Airport ILI Iliamna, AK Small
157 Indian Mountain AFS UTO Utopia Creek, AK Small
158 Intermediate Airport MDO Middleton Island, AK Small
159 Intermediate Airport MHM Minchumina, AK Small
160 Intermediate Airport MOS Moses Point, AK Small
161 Intermediate Airport SKW Skwentna, AK Small
162 Intermediate Airport TSG Tanacross, AK Small
163 Intermediate Airport CYT Yakataga, AK Small
164 Intermediate Field BIG Big Delta, AK Small
165 Isabel Pass Airport ISL Isabel Pass, AK Small
166 Ivishak Airport IVH Ivishak, AK Small
167 Juneau International Airport JNU Juneau, AK Large
168 Kagvik Creek Airport KKF Kagvik Creek, AK Small
169 Kakhonak Airport KNK Kakhonak, AK Small
170 Kalakaket AFS KKK Kalakaket, AK Small
171 Kaltag Airport KAL Kaltag, AK Small
172 Karluk Airport KYK Karluk, AK Small
173 Karluk Lake Seaplane Base KKL Karluk Lake, AK Small
174 Kasaan Seaplane Base KXA Kasaan, AK Small
175 Kasigluk Airport KUK Kasigluk, AK Small
176 Kavik Airstrip VIK Kavik, AK Small
177 Kelp Bay Airport KLP Kelp Bay, AK Small
178 Kenai Airport ENA Kenai, AK Medium
179 Ketchikan International Airport KTN Ketchikan, AK Medium
180 King Cove Airport KVC King Cove, AK Small
181 King Salmon Airport AKN King Salmon, AK Medium
182 Kipnuk Seaplane Base KPN Kipnuk, AK Small
183 Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base KKB Kodiak, AK Small
184 Kivalina Airport KVL Kivalina, AK Small
185 Kizhuyak Airport KZH Kizhuyak, AK Small
186 Klag Bay Airport KBK Klag Bay, AK Small
187 Klawock Airport KLW Klawock, AK Small
188 Kobuk/Wien Airport OBU Kobuk, AK Small
189 Kodiak Airport ADQ Kodiak, AK Small
190 Kodiak FSS WDY Kodiak, AK Small
191 Kongiganak Airport KKH Kongiganak, AK Small
192 Kotlik Airport KOT Kotlik, AK Small
193 Kotzebue Airport OTZ Kotzebue, AK Medium
194 Koyuk Airport KKA Koyuk, AK Small
195 Koyukuk Airport KYU Koyukuk, AK Small
196 Kulik Lake Airport LKK Kulik Lake, AK Small
197 Kuparuk Airport UUK Kuparuk, AK Small
198 Kwethluk Airport KWT Kwethluk, AK Small
199 Kwigillingok Airport KWK Kwigillingok, AK Small
200 Kwinhagak Airport KWN Quinhagak, AK Small
201 Labouchere Bay Airport WLB Labouchere Bay, AK Small
202 Lake Minchumina Airport LMA Lake Minchumina, AK Small
203 Larsen Seaplane Base KLN Larsen Bay, AK Small
204 Levelock Airport KLL Levelock, AK Small
205 Lime Village Airport LVD Lime Village, AK Small
206 Little Naukati Airport WLN Little Naukati, AK Small
207 Little Port Walter Airport LPW Little Port Walter, AK Small
208 Livengood Airport LIV Livengood, AK Small
209 Long Island Airport LIJ Long Island, AK Small
210 Loring Airport WLR Loring, AK Small
211 Lost River Airport LSR Lost River, AK Small
212 Manley Hot Springs Airport MLY Manley Hot Springs, AK Small
213 Manokotak Seaplane Base KMO Manokotak, AK Small
214 Marguerite Bay Airport RTE Marguerite Bay, AK Small
215 Marshall Airport MLL Marshall, AK Small
216 May Creek Airport MYK May Creek, AK Small
217 Mccarthy Airport MXY Mccarthy, AK Small
218 Mcgrath Airport MCG Mcgrath, AK Small
219 Medfra Airport MDR Medfra, AK Small
220 Melsing Creek Airport CIL Council, AK Small
221 Merrill Field MRI Anchorage, AK Medium
222 Metlakatla Seaplane Base MTM Metlakatla, AK Small
223 Metro Field MTX Fairbanks, AK Small
224 Minto Airport MNT Minto, AK Small
225 Moser Bay Airport KMY Moser Bay, AK Small
226 Mountain Village Airport MOU Mountain Village, AK Small
227 Mt McKinley Airport MCL Mt McKinley, AK Small
228 Mudhole Smith Airport CDV Cordova, AK Small
229 Municipal Airport DLG Dillingham, AK Medium
230 Municipal Airport HNS Haines, AK Small
231 Municipal Airport HUS Hughes, AK Medium
232 Municipal Airport KLG Kalskag, AK Small
233 Municipal Airport KDK Kodiak, AK Small
234 Municipal Airport ENN Nenana, AK Small
235 Municipal Airport PAQ Palmer, AK Medium
236 Municipal Airport PSG Petersburg, AK Small
237 Municipal Airport SDP Sand Point, AK Small
238 Municipal Airport SGY Skagway, AK Small
239 Municipal Airport VDZ Valdez, AK Small
240 Naknek Airport NNK Naknek, AK Small
241 Nakolik River Airport NOL Nakolik River, AK Small
242 Nanwalek Airport KEB Nanwalek, AK Small
243 Napakiak Seaplane Base WNA Napakiak, AK Small
244 Napaskiak Seaplane Base PKA Napaskiak, AK Small
245 Naukiti Airport NKI Naukiti, AK Small
246 Nelson Lagoon Airport NLG Nelson Lagoon, AK Small
247 New Chenega Airport NCN New Chenega, AK Small
248 New Koliganek Airport KGK New Koliganek, AK Small
249 New Stuyahok Airport KNW New Stuyahok, AK Small
250 Newtok Airport WWT Newtok, AK Small
251 Niblack Airport NIE Niblack, AK Small
252 Nichen Cove Airport NKV Nichen Cove, AK Small
253 Nichen Cove Seaplane Base WNC Tuxekan Island, AK Small
254 Nightmute Airport NME Nightmute, AK Small
255 Nikolai Airport NIB Nikolai, AK Small
256 Nikolski AFS IKO Nikolski, AK Small
257 Ninilchik Airport NIN Ninilchik, AK Small
258 Noatak Airport WTK Noatak, AK Small
259 Nome Airport OME Nome, AK Small
260 Nondalton Airport NNL Nondalton, AK Small
261 North Shore Airport UMB Umnak Island, AK Small
262 Northway Airport ORT Northway, AK Small
263 Nulato Airport NUL Nulato, AK Small
264 Nunapitchuk Airport NUP Nunapitchuk, AK Small
265 Nyac Airport ZNC Nyac, AK Small
266 Oceanic Airport OCI Oceanic, AK Small
267 Old Harbor Seaplane Base OLH Old Harbor, AK Small
268 Olga Bay Seaplane Base KOY Olga Bay, AK Small
269 Onion Bay Airport ONN Onion Bay, AK Small
270 Ouzinkie Seaplane Base KOZ Ouzinkie, AK Small
271 Pack Creek Airport PBK Pack Creek, AK Small
272 Paf Warren Airport PFA Paf Warren, AK Small
273 Painter Creek Airport PCE Painter Creek, AK Small
274 Parks Seaplane Base KPK Parks, AK Small
275 Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base KPH Pauloff Harbor, AK Small
276 Pedro Bay Airport PDB Pedro Bay, AK Small
277 Pelican Seaplane Base PEC Pelican, AK Small
278 Perryville Seaplane Base KPV Perryville, AK Small
279 Phillips Field PII Fairbanks, AK Small
280 Pilot Point Airport PIP Pilot Point, AK Small
281 Pilot Station Airport PQS Pilot Station, AK Small
282 Platinum Airport PTU Platinum, AK Small
283 Pleasant Harbour Airport PTR Pleasant Harbour, AK Small
284 Point Baker Seaplane Base KPB Point Baker, AK Small
285 Point Barrow Airport PBA Barrow, AK Small
286 Point Hope Airport PHO Point Hope, AK Small
287 Polk Inlet Airport POQ Polk Inlet, AK Small
288 Pope Vanoy Airport PVY Pope Vanoy, AK Small
289 Porcupine Creek Airport PCK Porcupine Creek, AK Small
290 Port Alice Airport PTC Port Alice, AK Small
291 Port Alsworth Airport PTA Port Alsworth, AK Small
292 Port Armstrong Airport PTL Port Armstrong, AK Small
293 Port Bailey Seaplane Base KPY Port Bailey, AK Small
294 Port Clarence Airport KPC Port Clarence, AK Small
295 Port Frederick Airport PFD Port Frederick, AK Small
296 Port Graham Airport PGM Port Graham, AK Small
297 Port Heiden Airport PTH Port Heiden, AK Small
298 Port Johnson Airport PRF Port Johnson, AK Small
299 Port Lions Seaplane Base ORI Port Lions, AK Small
300 Port Oceanic Airport PRL Port Oceanic, AK Small
301 Port Protection Airport PPV Point Baker, AK Small
302 Port San Juan Airport PJS Port San Juan, AK Small
303 Port Williams Seaplane Base KPR Port Williams, AK Small
304 Prospect Creek Airport PPC Prospect Creek, AK Small
305 Prudhoe Bay Airport PUO Prudhoe Bay, AK Small
306 Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse Airport SCC Prudhoe Bay, AK Small
307 Quartz Creek Airport JLA Cooper Lodge, AK Small
308 Queen Airport UQE Queen, AK Small
309 Ralph Calhoun Airport TAL Tanana, AK Small
310 Rampart Airport RMP Rampart, AK Small
311 Raspberry Strait Airport RSP Raspberry Strait, AK Small
312 Red Devil Airport RDV Red Devil, AK Small
313 Red Dog Airport RDB Red Dog, AK Small
314 Rowan Bay Airport RWB Rowan Bay, AK Small
315 Ruby Airport RBY Ruby, AK Small
316 Russian Seaplane Base RSH Russian Mission, AK Small
317 Sagwon Airport SAG Sagwon, AK Small
318 Saint Marys Airport KSM Saint Marys, AK Small
319 Saint Paul Island Airport SNP Saint Paul Island, AK Small
320 San Juan Seaplane Base WSJ San Juan, AK Small
321 Sarichef Airport WSF Sarichef, AK Small
322 Savoonga Airport SVA Savoonga, AK Small
323 Scammon Bay Seaplane Base SCM Scammon Bay, AK Small
324 Seal Bay Airport SYB Seal Bay, AK Small
325 Seaplane Base KKI Akiachak, AK Small
326 Seaplane Base KCN Chernofski, AK Small
327 Seaplane Base HWI Douglas, AK Small
328 Seaplane Base FNR Funter Bay, AK Small
329 Seaplane Base HYG Hydaburg, AK Small
330 Seaplane Base KIB Ivanof Bay, AK Small
331 Seaplane Base EXI Juneau, AK Small
332 Seaplane Base KAE Kake, AK Small
333 Seaplane Base WMK Meyers Chuck, AK Small
334 Seaplane Base WSB Steamboat Bay, AK Small
335 Selawik Airport WLK Selawik, AK Small
336 Seldovia Airport SOV Seldovia, AK Small
337 Seward Airport SWD Seward, AK Small
338 Shageluk Airport SHX Shageluk, AK Small
339 Shaktoolik Airport SKK Shaktoolik, AK Small
340 Sheep Mountain Airport SMU Palmer, AK Small
341 Sheldon Seaplane Base SXP Sheldon Point, AK Small
342 Shishmaref Airport SHH Shishmaref, AK Small
343 Shoal Cove Airport HCB Shoal Cove, AK Small
344 Shungnak Airport SHG Shungnak, AK Medium
345 Sitka Airport SIT Sitka, AK Small
346 Sitkinak Airport SKJ Sitkinak Island, AK Small
347 Sleetmute Airport SLQ Sleetmute, AK Small
348 Smith Cove Airport SCJ Smith Cove, AK Small
349 Soldotna Airport SXQ Soldotna, AK Small
350 Solomon State Field SOL Solomon, AK Small
351 South Naknek Airport WSN South Naknek, AK Small
352 Sparrevohn AFS SVW Sparrevohn, AK Small
353 St George Island Airport STG St George Island, AK Small
354 St Michael Airport SMK St Michael, AK Small
355 Stebbins Airport WBB Stebbins, AK Small
356 Stevens Village Airport SVS Stevens Village, AK Small
357 Stony River Airport SRV Stony River, AK Small
358 Summit Airport UMM Summit, AK Small
359 Tahneta Pass Airport HNE Tahneta Pass Lodge, AK Small
360 Takotna Airport TCT Takotna, AK Small
361 Taku Seaplane Base TKL Taku Lodge, AK Small
362 Talkeetna Airport TKA Talkeetna, AK Small
363 Tanalian Point Airport TPO Tanalian Point, AK Small
364 Tatalina AFS TLJ Tatalina, AK Small
365 Tatitlek Airport TEK Tatitlek, AK Small
366 Taylor Airport TWE Taylor, AK Small
367 Ted Stevens International Airport ANC Anchorage, AK Medium
368 Telida Airport TLF Telida, AK Small
369 Teller Airport TLA Teller, AK Small
370 Tenakee Seaplane Base TKE Tenakee Springs, AK Small
371 Tetlin Airport TEH Tetlin, AK Small
372 Thorne Bay Airport KTB Thorne Bay, AK Small
373 Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base KTH Tikchik, AK Small
374 Tin City AFS Airport TNC Tin City, AK Small
375 Togiak Fish Airport GFB Togiak Fish, AK Small
376 Togiak Village Airport TOG Togiak Village, AK Small
377 Tok Airport TKJ Tok, AK Small
378 Toksook Bay Airport OOK Toksook Bay, AK Small
379 Tuluksak Airport TLT Tuluksak, AK Small
380 Tuntutuliak Airport WTL Tuntutuliak, AK Small
381 Tununak Airport TNK Tununak, AK Small
382 Twin Hills Airport TWA Twin Hills, AK Small
383 Tyonek Airport TYE Tyonek, AK Small
384 Uganik Airport UGI Uganik, AK Small
385 Ugashik Airport UGS Ugashik, AK Small
386 Ugashik Bay Airport UGB Pilot Point, AK Small
387 Umiat Airport UMT Umiat, AK Small
388 Umnak Airport UNS Umnak Island, AK Small
389 Unalakleet Airport UNK Unalakleet, AK Small
390 Uyak Seaplane Base KUY Uyak, AK Small
391 Venetie Airport VEE Venetie, AK Small
392 Wainwright Airport AIN Wainwright, AK Small
393 Wales Airport WAA Wales, AK Small
394 Warm Spring Bay Seaplane Base BNF Baranof, AK Small
395 Wasilla Airport WWA Wasilla, AK Small
396 Waterfall Seaplane Base KWF Waterfall, AK Small
397 Waterfront Seaplane Base WFB Ketchikan, AK Medium
398 West Kavik Airport VKW West Kavik, AK Small
399 West Kuparuk Airport XPU West Kuparuk, AK Small
400 Whale Pass Airport WWP Whale Pass, AK Small
401 White Mountain Airport WMO White Mountain, AK Small
402 Wildman Lake Airport EWD Wildman Lake, AK Small
403 Wiley Post / Will Rogers Memorial Airport BRW Barrow, AK Small
404 Willow Airport WOW Willow, AK Small
405 Wiseman Airport WSM Wiseman, AK Small
406 Wood River Airport WOD Wood River, AK Small
407 Woodchopper Airport WOO Woodchopper, AK Small
408 Wrangell Seaplane Base WRG Wrangell, AK Small
409 Wrench Creek Airport WRH Wrench Creek, AK Small
410 Yakutat Airport YAK Yakutat, AK Small
411 Yes Bay Seaplane Base WYB Yes Bay, AK Small
412 Zachar Bay Seaplane Base KZB Zachar Bay, AK Small

Major Airports in Alaska

Alaska’s airports serve as crucial gateways for travelers to and from the state, offering flights to both domestic and international destinations. With vast distances between cities and the rugged terrain, many of these airports also serve as lifelines for cargo, tourism, and local communities. Below are details of five major airports in Alaska.

1. Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC)

Airport Code: ANC
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 5000 W International Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK 99502

Nearby Cities:

  • Anchorage (0 miles)
  • Eagle River (15 miles)
  • Wasilla (43 miles)
  • Palmer (45 miles)

Major Airlines Served:

  • Alaska Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines
  • American Airlines
  • United Airlines
  • Air Canada

Annual Passenger Traffic: Over 5 million (2023)

Airport Location and History

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC) is the largest and busiest airport in Alaska, serving as a vital hub for both domestic and international travel. Located in Anchorage, the airport is strategically positioned between North America and Asia, making it an important refueling stop for trans-Pacific flights. Originally established as a military base in the early 1940s during World War II, ANC became a civilian airport after the war and has since expanded significantly.

In addition to passenger services, ANC is a key center for cargo flights, with the airport often ranked as one of the busiest cargo airports in the world. Its location in Anchorage, a city with close proximity to both Asia and North America, makes it an ideal base for airfreight operations. The airport supports not only tourism but also local industries, including fishing, oil, and mining, all of which rely heavily on air transportation for supplies and exports.

Facilities and Infrastructure

ANC has 3 runways:

  • Runway 7/25: 11,000 feet
  • Runway 16/34: 10,000 feet
  • Runway 14/32: 8,000 feet

Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is fully capable of accommodating large wide-body aircraft, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A380. The airport is equipped with modern terminals and a wide range of services for both passengers and cargo. In addition to extensive baggage handling and freight facilities, ANC offers restaurants, duty-free shopping, and lounge access. Its vast runways make it ideal for handling heavy aircraft, and the airport is a critical point for trans-Pacific flights, making it one of the busiest airports in the United States by cargo volume.

2. Fairbanks International Airport (FAI)

Airport Code: FAI
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 6450 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709

Nearby Cities:

  • Fairbanks (0 miles)
  • North Pole (10 miles)
  • Ester (10 miles)
  • Fort Wainwright (5 miles)

Major Airlines Served:

  • Alaska Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines
  • United Airlines

Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 400,000 (2023)

Airport Location and History

Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) is located in the city of Fairbanks, in the interior of Alaska. It is the second-largest airport in the state and serves as a major point of entry for travelers heading to the Arctic Circle, national parks, and other northern regions. The airport opened in the 1950s and has grown to become a crucial transportation hub for the interior and northern Alaska, connecting remote communities with the rest of the state and the U.S.

Fairbanks is an important gateway for both tourists visiting Alaska’s wilderness areas and for cargo operations. The airport is also vital for military and scientific activities, as Fairbanks serves as a base for several U.S. Army and Air Force operations. Furthermore, FAI handles a significant amount of air cargo related to the state’s resource industries, including oil, gas, and mining.

Facilities and Infrastructure

FAI has 2 runways:

  • Runway 2/20: 10,300 feet
  • Runway 1/19: 7,800 feet

Fairbanks International Airport is capable of accommodating a range of aircraft, including narrow-body and wide-body jets, although it is not as large as ANC in terms of passenger traffic. The airport’s longest runway can handle large commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 747. FAI’s terminal is modern and offers amenities like dining, rental car services, and a small shopping area. The airport also has a strong emphasis on cargo, with ample space for airfreight operations.

3. Juneau International Airport (JNU)

Airport Code: JNU
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1873 Shell Simmons Dr, Juneau, AK 99801

Nearby Cities:

  • Juneau (0 miles)
  • Auke Bay (12 miles)
  • Douglas (5 miles)

Major Airlines Served:

  • Alaska Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines

Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 250,000 (2023)

Airport Location and History

Juneau International Airport (JNU) serves as the primary airport for Juneau, the capital city of Alaska. Due to its location on the Gastineau Channel, the airport is accessible only by air or sea, as there are no connecting roads to other cities in Alaska. JNU opened in 1951 and has since become a key transportation hub for the southeastern region of the state. Despite its relatively small size, it is critical for both local residents and tourists visiting Juneau, as it connects the capital to the rest of Alaska and beyond.

The airport plays an important role in providing access to the state government, tourism, and maritime industries in Juneau. Juneau is a popular destination for cruise ships, and the airport serves as a connecting point for passengers arriving or departing by air. Additionally, the airport is frequently used by government officials and employees traveling to and from the state capital.

Facilities and Infrastructure

JNU has 1 runway:

  • Runway 8/26: 6,390 feet

Juneau International Airport’s runway is long enough to accommodate regional jets and smaller commercial aircraft, but it is not designed for large wide-body jets. However, the airport is capable of handling narrow-body aircraft such as the Boeing 737. The terminal offers basic services, including dining, baggage handling, and rental car facilities. The airport is well-equipped for the transportation of goods, especially given the region’s reliance on air travel for accessing goods and services.

4. Ketchikan International Airport (KTN)

Airport Code: KTN
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1000 Airport Terminal Rd, Ketchikan, AK 99901

Nearby Cities:

  • Ketchikan (0 miles)
  • Saxman (3 miles)
  • Metlakatla (12 miles)

Major Airlines Served:

  • Alaska Airlines
  • Delta Air Lines

Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 200,000 (2023)

Airport Location and History

Ketchikan International Airport (KTN) serves Ketchikan, a city in southeastern Alaska known for its fishing industry and tourism. Opened in 1973, Ketchikan International Airport is located on Gravina Island, a short distance from the mainland. The airport serves as a key transportation hub for residents of Ketchikan and surrounding communities, as well as tourists visiting the region.

Given its location on an island, Ketchikan International is important for connecting the city to the rest of Alaska and beyond. The airport provides access to both seasonal and year-round flights and serves as a vital point of entry for cruise ship passengers and cargo. It is also important for the timber and fishing industries, which are central to the local economy.

Facilities and Infrastructure

KTN has 1 runway:

  • Runway 11/29: 6,500 feet

Ketchikan International Airport is equipped to handle smaller commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 737, but it is not large enough to accommodate wide-body aircraft. The airport’s runway is long enough for most regional jets and narrow-body aircraft. KTN features a modern terminal with basic amenities, including baggage claim, restaurants, and rental car services. Given the city’s reliance on air travel for both residents and tourism, the airport plays a crucial role in the region’s infrastructure.

5. Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport (SIT)

Airport Code: SIT
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1000 Airport Rd, Sitka, AK 99835

Nearby Cities:

  • Sitka (0 miles)
  • Baranof (1 mile)
  • Mount Edgecumbe (9 miles)

Major Airlines Served:

  • Alaska Airlines

Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 100,000 (2023)

Airport Location and History

Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport (SIT) serves Sitka, a city located on Baranof Island in the southeastern part of Alaska. Opened in 1950, the airport is named after Rocky Gutierrez, a prominent Alaskan aviator. Sitka is a small community, and the airport plays a crucial role in connecting the city to the rest of Alaska and the lower 48 states. The airport primarily supports local residents, as well as tourists visiting Sitka’s historical sites, including Russian-era architecture and natural beauty.

Alaska Overview

Alaska is one of the 50 states in the USA. It was purchased from Russia, in 1867, and incorporated into the Union, as a state, on January 3, 1959. The population is 737 thousand residents (2014). The capital is Juneau, with 33 thousand residents. Alaska is normally considered to be part of the Arctic region.