List of Airports in Alaska
As of 2024, there are 412 airports throughout the state of Alaska according to IATA and ICAO. Through the table below, you can find name of each airport, its abbreviation, city location, and size. Airports in Alaska are listed in alphabetical order. Please note that some airports serve internationally, while the other only serve domestically.
List of All Airports in Alaska
# | Airport | Abbreviation | Location | Size |
1 | Akhiok Seaplane Base | AKK | Akhiok, AK | Small |
2 | Akiak Airport | AKI | Akiak, AK | Small |
3 | Akutan Airport | KQA | Akutan, AK | Small |
4 | Alakanuk Airport | AUK | Alakanuk, AK | Small |
5 | Aleknagik Airport | WKK | Aleknagik, AK | Small |
6 | Aleneva Airport | AED | Aleneva, AK | Small |
7 | Alitak Seaplane Base | ALZ | Alitak, AK | Small |
8 | Allakaket Airport | AET | Allakaket, AK | Small |
9 | Alyeska Airport | AQY | Alyeska, AK | Small |
10 | Ambler Airport | ABL | Ambler, AK | Small |
11 | Amchitka Airport | AHT | Amchitka, AK | Small |
12 | Amook Airport | AOS | Amook, AK | Small |
13 | Anaktuvuk Airport | AKP | Anaktuvuk, AK | Small |
14 | Angoon Airport | AGN | Angoon, AK | Small |
15 | Aniak Airport | ANI | Aniak, AK | Small |
16 | Anita Bay Airport | AIB | Anita Bay, AK | Small |
17 | Annette Island Airport | ANN | Annette Island, AK | Medium |
18 | Anvik Airport | ANV | Anvik, AK | Small |
19 | Arctic Village Airport | ARC | Arctic Village, AK | Small |
20 | Atka Airport | AKB | Atka, AK | Small |
21 | Atmautluak Airport | ATT | Atmautluak, AK | Small |
22 | Atqasuk Airport | ATK | Atqasuk, AK | Small |
23 | Barter Island Airport | BTI | Barter Island, AK | Small |
24 | Bartlett Seaplane Base | BQV | Gustavus, AK | Small |
25 | Bartletts Airport | BSZ | Bartletts, AK | Small |
26 | Bear Creek Airport | BCC | Bear Creek, AK | Small |
27 | Beaver Airport | WBQ | Beaver, AK | Small |
28 | Beluga Airport | BVU | Beluga, AK | Small |
29 | Bethel Airport | BET | Bethel, AK | Medium |
30 | Bettles Airport | BTT | Bettles, AK | Small |
31 | Big Creek Airport | BIC | Big Creek, AK | Small |
32 | Big Lake Airport | BGQ | Big Lake, AK | Small |
33 | Big Mountain Airport | BMX | Big Mountain, AK | Small |
34 | Birch Creek Airport | KBC | Birch Creek, AK | Small |
35 | Blue Fox Bay Airport | BFB | Blue Fox Bay, AK | Small |
36 | Bob Barker Memorial Airport | IAN | Kiana, AK | Small |
37 | Bornite Upper Airport | RLU | Bornite, AK | Small |
38 | Boswell Bay Airport | BSW | Boswell Bay, AK | Small |
39 | Boundary Airport | BYA | Boundary, AK | Small |
40 | Brevig Mission Airport | KTS | Teller Mission, AK | Small |
41 | Brooks Lodge Airport | RBH | Brooks Lodge, AK | Small |
42 | Buckland Airport | BKC | Buckland, AK | Small |
43 | Cabin Creek Airport | CBZ | Cabin Creek, AK | Small |
44 | Candle Airport | CDL | Candle, AK | Small |
45 | Cape Lisburne Airport | LUR | Cape Lisburne, AK | Small |
46 | Cape Newenham Airport | EHM | Cape Newenham, AK | Small |
47 | Cape Pole Seaplane Base | CZP | Cape Pole, AK | Small |
48 | Cape Romanzof Airport | CZF | Cape Romanzof, AK | Small |
49 | Cape Sarichef Airport | CSH | Cape Sarichef, AK | Small |
50 | Casco Cove Airport | ATU | Attu Island, AK | Small |
51 | Central Airport | CEM | Central, AK | Small |
52 | Chalkyitsik Airport | CIK | Chalkyitsik, AK | Small |
53 | Chandalar Airport | WCR | Chandalar, AK | Small |
54 | Chatham Seaplane Base | CYM | Chatham, AK | Small |
55 | Chefornak Seaplane Base | CYF | Chefornak, AK | Small |
56 | Chena Hot Springs Airport | CEX | Chena Hot Springs, AK | Small |
57 | Chevak Airport | VAK | Chevak, AK | Small |
58 | Chicken Airport | CKX | Chicken, AK | Small |
59 | Chignik Airport | KCQ | Chignik, AK | Small |
60 | Chignik Bay Airport | KBW | Chignik, AK | Small |
61 | Chignik Lagoon Airport | KCL | Chignik Flats, AK | Small |
62 | Chisana Field | CZN | Chisana, AK | Small |
63 | Chistochina Airport | CZO | Gakona, AK | Small |
64 | Chitina Airport | CXC | Chitina, AK | Small |
65 | Chomley Airport | CIV | Chomley, AK | Small |
66 | Cinder River Airport | RCP | Cinder River, AK | Small |
67 | Circle City Airport | IRC | Circle, AK | Small |
68 | Circle Hot Springs Airport | CHP | Circle Hot Springs, AK | Small |
69 | City Airport | CKU | Cordova, AK | Small |
70 | City Landing | JBT | Bethel, AK | Small |
71 | Clarks Point Airport | CLP | Clarks Point, AK | Small |
72 | Coast Guard | LRK | Lincoln Rock, AK | Small |
73 | Coffee Point Airport | CFA | Coffee Point, AK | Small |
74 | Coffman Cove Seaplane Base | KCC | Coffman Cove, AK | Small |
75 | Cold Bay Airport | CDB | Cold Bay, AK | Small |
76 | Coldfoot Airport | CXF | Coldfoot, AK | Small |
77 | Colorado Creek Airport | KCR | Colorado Creek, AK | Small |
78 | Copper Centre Airport | CZC | Copper Centre, AK | Small |
79 | Corner Bay Airport | CBA | Corner Bay, AK | Small |
80 | Craig Seaplane Base | CGA | Craig, AK | Small |
81 | Crooked Creek Airport | CKD | Crooked Creek, AK | Small |
82 | Cube Cove Airport | CUW | Cube Cove, AK | Small |
83 | Curtis Memorial Airport | ORV | Noorvik, AK | Small |
84 | Dahl Creek Airport | DCK | Dahl Creek, AK | Small |
85 | Danger Bay Airport | DGB | Danger Bay, AK | Small |
86 | Deep Bay Airport | WDB | Deep Bay, AK | Small |
87 | Deering Airport | DRG | Deering, AK | Small |
88 | Delta Junction Airport | DJN | Delta Junction, AK | Small |
89 | Dew Station Airport | LNI | Lonely, AK | Small |
90 | Dew Station Airport | PIZ | Point Lay, AK | Small |
91 | Diomede Island Airport | DIO | Nome, AK | Small |
92 | Dora Bay Airport | DOF | Dora Bay, AK | Small |
93 | Drift River Airport | DRF | Drift River, AK | Small |
94 | Eagle Airport | EAA | Eagle, AK | Small |
95 | East Fork Airport | EFO | East Fork, AK | Small |
96 | Edna Bay Airport | EDA | Edna Bay, AK | Small |
97 | Eek Airport | EEK | Eek, AK | Small |
98 | Egegik Airport | EGX | Egegik, AK | Small |
99 | Eight Fathom Bight Airport | EFB | Eight Fathom Bight, AK | Small |
100 | Ekuk Airport | KKU | Ekuk, AK | Small |
101 | Ekwok Airport | KEK | Ekwok, AK | Small |
102 | Elfin Cove Seaplane Base | ELV | Elfin Cove, AK | Small |
103 | Elim Airport | ELI | Elim, AK | Small |
104 | Ellamar Airport | ELW | Ellamar, AK | Small |
105 | Ellis Field | MYU | Mekoryuk, AK | Small |
106 | Emergency Field | DUT | Dutch Harbor, AK | Small |
107 | Emmonak Airport | EMK | Emmonak, AK | Small |
108 | Fairbanks International Airport | FAI | Fairbanks, AK | Small |
109 | Falls Bay Airport | FLJ | Falls Bay, AK | Small |
110 | False Island Airport | FAK | False Island, AK | Small |
111 | False Pass Airport | KFP | False Pass, AK | Small |
112 | Farewell Airport | FWL | Farewell, AK | Small |
113 | Fin Creek Airport | FNK | Fin Creek, AK | Small |
114 | Fire Cove Airport | FIC | Fire Cove, AK | Small |
115 | Fisheries Airport | KCG | Chignik, AK | Small |
116 | Five Mile Airport | FMC | Five Mile, AK | Small |
117 | Flat Airport | FLT | Flat, AK | Small |
118 | Flaxman Island Airport | FXM | Flaxman Island, AK | Small |
119 | Fort Yukon Airport | FYU | Fort Yukon, AK | Small |
120 | Fortuna Ledge Airport | FTL | Fortuna Ledge, AK | Small |
121 | Fresh Water Bay Airport | FRP | Fresh Water Bay, AK | Small |
122 | Ft Wainwright Airport | FBK | Fairbanks, AK | Medium |
123 | Gakona Airport | GAK | Gakona, AK | Small |
124 | Galbraith Lake Airport | GBH | Galbraith Lake, AK | Small |
125 | Galena Airport | GAL | Galena, AK | Small |
126 | Gambell Airport | GAM | Gambell, AK | Small |
127 | Ganes Creek Airport | GEK | Ganes Creek, AK | Small |
128 | Glacier Creek Airport | KGZ | Glacier Creek, AK | Small |
129 | Glennallen Airport | GLQ | Glennallen, AK | Small |
130 | Golden Horn Seaplane Base | GDH | Golden Horn, AK | Small |
131 | Golovin Airport | GLV | Golovin, AK | Small |
132 | Goodnews Bay Airport | GNU | Goodnews Bay, AK | Small |
133 | Granite Mountain Airport | GMT | Granite Mountain, AK | Small |
134 | Grayling Airport | KGX | Grayling, AK | Small |
135 | Gulkana Airport | GKN | Gulkana, AK | Small |
136 | Gustavus Airport | GST | Gustavus, AK | Small |
137 | Haycock Airport | HAY | Haycock, AK | Small |
138 | Healy Lake Airport | HKB | Healy Lake, AK | Small |
139 | Herendeen Airport | HED | Herendeen, AK | Small |
140 | Hidden Falls Airport | HDA | Hidden Falls, AK | Small |
141 | Hobart Bay Airport | HBH | Hobart Bay, AK | Small |
142 | Hog River Airport | HGZ | Hogatza, AK | Small |
143 | Holikachu Airport | HOL | Holikachu, AK | Small |
144 | Hollis Seaplane Base | HYL | Hollis, AK | Small |
145 | Holy Cross Airport | HCR | Holy Cross, AK | Small |
146 | Homer Airport | HOM | Homer, AK | Small |
147 | Homeshore Airport | HMS | Homeshore, AK | Small |
148 | Hoonah Airport | HNH | Hoonah, AK | Small |
149 | Hooper Bay Airport | HPB | Hooper Bay, AK | Small |
150 | Hot Springs Seaplane Base | KBE | Bell Island, AK | Small |
151 | Howard County Airport | HCA | Big Spring, AK | Small |
152 | Huslia Airport | HSL | Huslia, AK | Small |
153 | Hyder Seaplane Base | WHD | Hyder, AK | Small |
154 | Icy Bay Airport | ICY | Icy Bay, AK | Small |
155 | Igiugig Airport | IGG | Igiugig, AK | Small |
156 | Iliamna Airport | ILI | Iliamna, AK | Small |
157 | Indian Mountain AFS | UTO | Utopia Creek, AK | Small |
158 | Intermediate Airport | MDO | Middleton Island, AK | Small |
159 | Intermediate Airport | MHM | Minchumina, AK | Small |
160 | Intermediate Airport | MOS | Moses Point, AK | Small |
161 | Intermediate Airport | SKW | Skwentna, AK | Small |
162 | Intermediate Airport | TSG | Tanacross, AK | Small |
163 | Intermediate Airport | CYT | Yakataga, AK | Small |
164 | Intermediate Field | BIG | Big Delta, AK | Small |
165 | Isabel Pass Airport | ISL | Isabel Pass, AK | Small |
166 | Ivishak Airport | IVH | Ivishak, AK | Small |
167 | Juneau International Airport | JNU | Juneau, AK | Large |
168 | Kagvik Creek Airport | KKF | Kagvik Creek, AK | Small |
169 | Kakhonak Airport | KNK | Kakhonak, AK | Small |
170 | Kalakaket AFS | KKK | Kalakaket, AK | Small |
171 | Kaltag Airport | KAL | Kaltag, AK | Small |
172 | Karluk Airport | KYK | Karluk, AK | Small |
173 | Karluk Lake Seaplane Base | KKL | Karluk Lake, AK | Small |
174 | Kasaan Seaplane Base | KXA | Kasaan, AK | Small |
175 | Kasigluk Airport | KUK | Kasigluk, AK | Small |
176 | Kavik Airstrip | VIK | Kavik, AK | Small |
177 | Kelp Bay Airport | KLP | Kelp Bay, AK | Small |
178 | Kenai Airport | ENA | Kenai, AK | Medium |
179 | Ketchikan International Airport | KTN | Ketchikan, AK | Medium |
180 | King Cove Airport | KVC | King Cove, AK | Small |
181 | King Salmon Airport | AKN | King Salmon, AK | Medium |
182 | Kipnuk Seaplane Base | KPN | Kipnuk, AK | Small |
183 | Kitoi Bay Seaplane Base | KKB | Kodiak, AK | Small |
184 | Kivalina Airport | KVL | Kivalina, AK | Small |
185 | Kizhuyak Airport | KZH | Kizhuyak, AK | Small |
186 | Klag Bay Airport | KBK | Klag Bay, AK | Small |
187 | Klawock Airport | KLW | Klawock, AK | Small |
188 | Kobuk/Wien Airport | OBU | Kobuk, AK | Small |
189 | Kodiak Airport | ADQ | Kodiak, AK | Small |
190 | Kodiak FSS | WDY | Kodiak, AK | Small |
191 | Kongiganak Airport | KKH | Kongiganak, AK | Small |
192 | Kotlik Airport | KOT | Kotlik, AK | Small |
193 | Kotzebue Airport | OTZ | Kotzebue, AK | Medium |
194 | Koyuk Airport | KKA | Koyuk, AK | Small |
195 | Koyukuk Airport | KYU | Koyukuk, AK | Small |
196 | Kulik Lake Airport | LKK | Kulik Lake, AK | Small |
197 | Kuparuk Airport | UUK | Kuparuk, AK | Small |
198 | Kwethluk Airport | KWT | Kwethluk, AK | Small |
199 | Kwigillingok Airport | KWK | Kwigillingok, AK | Small |
200 | Kwinhagak Airport | KWN | Quinhagak, AK | Small |
201 | Labouchere Bay Airport | WLB | Labouchere Bay, AK | Small |
202 | Lake Minchumina Airport | LMA | Lake Minchumina, AK | Small |
203 | Larsen Seaplane Base | KLN | Larsen Bay, AK | Small |
204 | Levelock Airport | KLL | Levelock, AK | Small |
205 | Lime Village Airport | LVD | Lime Village, AK | Small |
206 | Little Naukati Airport | WLN | Little Naukati, AK | Small |
207 | Little Port Walter Airport | LPW | Little Port Walter, AK | Small |
208 | Livengood Airport | LIV | Livengood, AK | Small |
209 | Long Island Airport | LIJ | Long Island, AK | Small |
210 | Loring Airport | WLR | Loring, AK | Small |
211 | Lost River Airport | LSR | Lost River, AK | Small |
212 | Manley Hot Springs Airport | MLY | Manley Hot Springs, AK | Small |
213 | Manokotak Seaplane Base | KMO | Manokotak, AK | Small |
214 | Marguerite Bay Airport | RTE | Marguerite Bay, AK | Small |
215 | Marshall Airport | MLL | Marshall, AK | Small |
216 | May Creek Airport | MYK | May Creek, AK | Small |
217 | Mccarthy Airport | MXY | Mccarthy, AK | Small |
218 | Mcgrath Airport | MCG | Mcgrath, AK | Small |
219 | Medfra Airport | MDR | Medfra, AK | Small |
220 | Melsing Creek Airport | CIL | Council, AK | Small |
221 | Merrill Field | MRI | Anchorage, AK | Medium |
222 | Metlakatla Seaplane Base | MTM | Metlakatla, AK | Small |
223 | Metro Field | MTX | Fairbanks, AK | Small |
224 | Minto Airport | MNT | Minto, AK | Small |
225 | Moser Bay Airport | KMY | Moser Bay, AK | Small |
226 | Mountain Village Airport | MOU | Mountain Village, AK | Small |
227 | Mt McKinley Airport | MCL | Mt McKinley, AK | Small |
228 | Mudhole Smith Airport | CDV | Cordova, AK | Small |
229 | Municipal Airport | DLG | Dillingham, AK | Medium |
230 | Municipal Airport | HNS | Haines, AK | Small |
231 | Municipal Airport | HUS | Hughes, AK | Medium |
232 | Municipal Airport | KLG | Kalskag, AK | Small |
233 | Municipal Airport | KDK | Kodiak, AK | Small |
234 | Municipal Airport | ENN | Nenana, AK | Small |
235 | Municipal Airport | PAQ | Palmer, AK | Medium |
236 | Municipal Airport | PSG | Petersburg, AK | Small |
237 | Municipal Airport | SDP | Sand Point, AK | Small |
238 | Municipal Airport | SGY | Skagway, AK | Small |
239 | Municipal Airport | VDZ | Valdez, AK | Small |
240 | Naknek Airport | NNK | Naknek, AK | Small |
241 | Nakolik River Airport | NOL | Nakolik River, AK | Small |
242 | Nanwalek Airport | KEB | Nanwalek, AK | Small |
243 | Napakiak Seaplane Base | WNA | Napakiak, AK | Small |
244 | Napaskiak Seaplane Base | PKA | Napaskiak, AK | Small |
245 | Naukiti Airport | NKI | Naukiti, AK | Small |
246 | Nelson Lagoon Airport | NLG | Nelson Lagoon, AK | Small |
247 | New Chenega Airport | NCN | New Chenega, AK | Small |
248 | New Koliganek Airport | KGK | New Koliganek, AK | Small |
249 | New Stuyahok Airport | KNW | New Stuyahok, AK | Small |
250 | Newtok Airport | WWT | Newtok, AK | Small |
251 | Niblack Airport | NIE | Niblack, AK | Small |
252 | Nichen Cove Airport | NKV | Nichen Cove, AK | Small |
253 | Nichen Cove Seaplane Base | WNC | Tuxekan Island, AK | Small |
254 | Nightmute Airport | NME | Nightmute, AK | Small |
255 | Nikolai Airport | NIB | Nikolai, AK | Small |
256 | Nikolski AFS | IKO | Nikolski, AK | Small |
257 | Ninilchik Airport | NIN | Ninilchik, AK | Small |
258 | Noatak Airport | WTK | Noatak, AK | Small |
259 | Nome Airport | OME | Nome, AK | Small |
260 | Nondalton Airport | NNL | Nondalton, AK | Small |
261 | North Shore Airport | UMB | Umnak Island, AK | Small |
262 | Northway Airport | ORT | Northway, AK | Small |
263 | Nulato Airport | NUL | Nulato, AK | Small |
264 | Nunapitchuk Airport | NUP | Nunapitchuk, AK | Small |
265 | Nyac Airport | ZNC | Nyac, AK | Small |
266 | Oceanic Airport | OCI | Oceanic, AK | Small |
267 | Old Harbor Seaplane Base | OLH | Old Harbor, AK | Small |
268 | Olga Bay Seaplane Base | KOY | Olga Bay, AK | Small |
269 | Onion Bay Airport | ONN | Onion Bay, AK | Small |
270 | Ouzinkie Seaplane Base | KOZ | Ouzinkie, AK | Small |
271 | Pack Creek Airport | PBK | Pack Creek, AK | Small |
272 | Paf Warren Airport | PFA | Paf Warren, AK | Small |
273 | Painter Creek Airport | PCE | Painter Creek, AK | Small |
274 | Parks Seaplane Base | KPK | Parks, AK | Small |
275 | Pauloff Harbor Seaplane Base | KPH | Pauloff Harbor, AK | Small |
276 | Pedro Bay Airport | PDB | Pedro Bay, AK | Small |
277 | Pelican Seaplane Base | PEC | Pelican, AK | Small |
278 | Perryville Seaplane Base | KPV | Perryville, AK | Small |
279 | Phillips Field | PII | Fairbanks, AK | Small |
280 | Pilot Point Airport | PIP | Pilot Point, AK | Small |
281 | Pilot Station Airport | PQS | Pilot Station, AK | Small |
282 | Platinum Airport | PTU | Platinum, AK | Small |
283 | Pleasant Harbour Airport | PTR | Pleasant Harbour, AK | Small |
284 | Point Baker Seaplane Base | KPB | Point Baker, AK | Small |
285 | Point Barrow Airport | PBA | Barrow, AK | Small |
286 | Point Hope Airport | PHO | Point Hope, AK | Small |
287 | Polk Inlet Airport | POQ | Polk Inlet, AK | Small |
288 | Pope Vanoy Airport | PVY | Pope Vanoy, AK | Small |
289 | Porcupine Creek Airport | PCK | Porcupine Creek, AK | Small |
290 | Port Alice Airport | PTC | Port Alice, AK | Small |
291 | Port Alsworth Airport | PTA | Port Alsworth, AK | Small |
292 | Port Armstrong Airport | PTL | Port Armstrong, AK | Small |
293 | Port Bailey Seaplane Base | KPY | Port Bailey, AK | Small |
294 | Port Clarence Airport | KPC | Port Clarence, AK | Small |
295 | Port Frederick Airport | PFD | Port Frederick, AK | Small |
296 | Port Graham Airport | PGM | Port Graham, AK | Small |
297 | Port Heiden Airport | PTH | Port Heiden, AK | Small |
298 | Port Johnson Airport | PRF | Port Johnson, AK | Small |
299 | Port Lions Seaplane Base | ORI | Port Lions, AK | Small |
300 | Port Oceanic Airport | PRL | Port Oceanic, AK | Small |
301 | Port Protection Airport | PPV | Point Baker, AK | Small |
302 | Port San Juan Airport | PJS | Port San Juan, AK | Small |
303 | Port Williams Seaplane Base | KPR | Port Williams, AK | Small |
304 | Prospect Creek Airport | PPC | Prospect Creek, AK | Small |
305 | Prudhoe Bay Airport | PUO | Prudhoe Bay, AK | Small |
306 | Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse Airport | SCC | Prudhoe Bay, AK | Small |
307 | Quartz Creek Airport | JLA | Cooper Lodge, AK | Small |
308 | Queen Airport | UQE | Queen, AK | Small |
309 | Ralph Calhoun Airport | TAL | Tanana, AK | Small |
310 | Rampart Airport | RMP | Rampart, AK | Small |
311 | Raspberry Strait Airport | RSP | Raspberry Strait, AK | Small |
312 | Red Devil Airport | RDV | Red Devil, AK | Small |
313 | Red Dog Airport | RDB | Red Dog, AK | Small |
314 | Rowan Bay Airport | RWB | Rowan Bay, AK | Small |
315 | Ruby Airport | RBY | Ruby, AK | Small |
316 | Russian Seaplane Base | RSH | Russian Mission, AK | Small |
317 | Sagwon Airport | SAG | Sagwon, AK | Small |
318 | Saint Marys Airport | KSM | Saint Marys, AK | Small |
319 | Saint Paul Island Airport | SNP | Saint Paul Island, AK | Small |
320 | San Juan Seaplane Base | WSJ | San Juan, AK | Small |
321 | Sarichef Airport | WSF | Sarichef, AK | Small |
322 | Savoonga Airport | SVA | Savoonga, AK | Small |
323 | Scammon Bay Seaplane Base | SCM | Scammon Bay, AK | Small |
324 | Seal Bay Airport | SYB | Seal Bay, AK | Small |
325 | Seaplane Base | KKI | Akiachak, AK | Small |
326 | Seaplane Base | KCN | Chernofski, AK | Small |
327 | Seaplane Base | HWI | Douglas, AK | Small |
328 | Seaplane Base | FNR | Funter Bay, AK | Small |
329 | Seaplane Base | HYG | Hydaburg, AK | Small |
330 | Seaplane Base | KIB | Ivanof Bay, AK | Small |
331 | Seaplane Base | EXI | Juneau, AK | Small |
332 | Seaplane Base | KAE | Kake, AK | Small |
333 | Seaplane Base | WMK | Meyers Chuck, AK | Small |
334 | Seaplane Base | WSB | Steamboat Bay, AK | Small |
335 | Selawik Airport | WLK | Selawik, AK | Small |
336 | Seldovia Airport | SOV | Seldovia, AK | Small |
337 | Seward Airport | SWD | Seward, AK | Small |
338 | Shageluk Airport | SHX | Shageluk, AK | Small |
339 | Shaktoolik Airport | SKK | Shaktoolik, AK | Small |
340 | Sheep Mountain Airport | SMU | Palmer, AK | Small |
341 | Sheldon Seaplane Base | SXP | Sheldon Point, AK | Small |
342 | Shishmaref Airport | SHH | Shishmaref, AK | Small |
343 | Shoal Cove Airport | HCB | Shoal Cove, AK | Small |
344 | Shungnak Airport | SHG | Shungnak, AK | Medium |
345 | Sitka Airport | SIT | Sitka, AK | Small |
346 | Sitkinak Airport | SKJ | Sitkinak Island, AK | Small |
347 | Sleetmute Airport | SLQ | Sleetmute, AK | Small |
348 | Smith Cove Airport | SCJ | Smith Cove, AK | Small |
349 | Soldotna Airport | SXQ | Soldotna, AK | Small |
350 | Solomon State Field | SOL | Solomon, AK | Small |
351 | South Naknek Airport | WSN | South Naknek, AK | Small |
352 | Sparrevohn AFS | SVW | Sparrevohn, AK | Small |
353 | St George Island Airport | STG | St George Island, AK | Small |
354 | St Michael Airport | SMK | St Michael, AK | Small |
355 | Stebbins Airport | WBB | Stebbins, AK | Small |
356 | Stevens Village Airport | SVS | Stevens Village, AK | Small |
357 | Stony River Airport | SRV | Stony River, AK | Small |
358 | Summit Airport | UMM | Summit, AK | Small |
359 | Tahneta Pass Airport | HNE | Tahneta Pass Lodge, AK | Small |
360 | Takotna Airport | TCT | Takotna, AK | Small |
361 | Taku Seaplane Base | TKL | Taku Lodge, AK | Small |
362 | Talkeetna Airport | TKA | Talkeetna, AK | Small |
363 | Tanalian Point Airport | TPO | Tanalian Point, AK | Small |
364 | Tatalina AFS | TLJ | Tatalina, AK | Small |
365 | Tatitlek Airport | TEK | Tatitlek, AK | Small |
366 | Taylor Airport | TWE | Taylor, AK | Small |
367 | Ted Stevens International Airport | ANC | Anchorage, AK | Medium |
368 | Telida Airport | TLF | Telida, AK | Small |
369 | Teller Airport | TLA | Teller, AK | Small |
370 | Tenakee Seaplane Base | TKE | Tenakee Springs, AK | Small |
371 | Tetlin Airport | TEH | Tetlin, AK | Small |
372 | Thorne Bay Airport | KTB | Thorne Bay, AK | Small |
373 | Tikchik Lodge Seaplane Base | KTH | Tikchik, AK | Small |
374 | Tin City AFS Airport | TNC | Tin City, AK | Small |
375 | Togiak Fish Airport | GFB | Togiak Fish, AK | Small |
376 | Togiak Village Airport | TOG | Togiak Village, AK | Small |
377 | Tok Airport | TKJ | Tok, AK | Small |
378 | Toksook Bay Airport | OOK | Toksook Bay, AK | Small |
379 | Tuluksak Airport | TLT | Tuluksak, AK | Small |
380 | Tuntutuliak Airport | WTL | Tuntutuliak, AK | Small |
381 | Tununak Airport | TNK | Tununak, AK | Small |
382 | Twin Hills Airport | TWA | Twin Hills, AK | Small |
383 | Tyonek Airport | TYE | Tyonek, AK | Small |
384 | Uganik Airport | UGI | Uganik, AK | Small |
385 | Ugashik Airport | UGS | Ugashik, AK | Small |
386 | Ugashik Bay Airport | UGB | Pilot Point, AK | Small |
387 | Umiat Airport | UMT | Umiat, AK | Small |
388 | Umnak Airport | UNS | Umnak Island, AK | Small |
389 | Unalakleet Airport | UNK | Unalakleet, AK | Small |
390 | Uyak Seaplane Base | KUY | Uyak, AK | Small |
391 | Venetie Airport | VEE | Venetie, AK | Small |
392 | Wainwright Airport | AIN | Wainwright, AK | Small |
393 | Wales Airport | WAA | Wales, AK | Small |
394 | Warm Spring Bay Seaplane Base | BNF | Baranof, AK | Small |
395 | Wasilla Airport | WWA | Wasilla, AK | Small |
396 | Waterfall Seaplane Base | KWF | Waterfall, AK | Small |
397 | Waterfront Seaplane Base | WFB | Ketchikan, AK | Medium |
398 | West Kavik Airport | VKW | West Kavik, AK | Small |
399 | West Kuparuk Airport | XPU | West Kuparuk, AK | Small |
400 | Whale Pass Airport | WWP | Whale Pass, AK | Small |
401 | White Mountain Airport | WMO | White Mountain, AK | Small |
402 | Wildman Lake Airport | EWD | Wildman Lake, AK | Small |
403 | Wiley Post / Will Rogers Memorial Airport | BRW | Barrow, AK | Small |
404 | Willow Airport | WOW | Willow, AK | Small |
405 | Wiseman Airport | WSM | Wiseman, AK | Small |
406 | Wood River Airport | WOD | Wood River, AK | Small |
407 | Woodchopper Airport | WOO | Woodchopper, AK | Small |
408 | Wrangell Seaplane Base | WRG | Wrangell, AK | Small |
409 | Wrench Creek Airport | WRH | Wrench Creek, AK | Small |
410 | Yakutat Airport | YAK | Yakutat, AK | Small |
411 | Yes Bay Seaplane Base | WYB | Yes Bay, AK | Small |
412 | Zachar Bay Seaplane Base | KZB | Zachar Bay, AK | Small |
Major Airports in Alaska
Alaska’s airports serve as crucial gateways for travelers to and from the state, offering flights to both domestic and international destinations. With vast distances between cities and the rugged terrain, many of these airports also serve as lifelines for cargo, tourism, and local communities. Below are details of five major airports in Alaska.
1. Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC)
Airport Code: ANC
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 5000 W International Airport Rd, Anchorage, AK 99502
Nearby Cities:
- Anchorage (0 miles)
- Eagle River (15 miles)
- Wasilla (43 miles)
- Palmer (45 miles)
Major Airlines Served:
- Alaska Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
- American Airlines
- United Airlines
- Air Canada
Annual Passenger Traffic: Over 5 million (2023)
Airport Location and History
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport (ANC) is the largest and busiest airport in Alaska, serving as a vital hub for both domestic and international travel. Located in Anchorage, the airport is strategically positioned between North America and Asia, making it an important refueling stop for trans-Pacific flights. Originally established as a military base in the early 1940s during World War II, ANC became a civilian airport after the war and has since expanded significantly.
In addition to passenger services, ANC is a key center for cargo flights, with the airport often ranked as one of the busiest cargo airports in the world. Its location in Anchorage, a city with close proximity to both Asia and North America, makes it an ideal base for airfreight operations. The airport supports not only tourism but also local industries, including fishing, oil, and mining, all of which rely heavily on air transportation for supplies and exports.
Facilities and Infrastructure
ANC has 3 runways:
- Runway 7/25: 11,000 feet
- Runway 16/34: 10,000 feet
- Runway 14/32: 8,000 feet
Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport is fully capable of accommodating large wide-body aircraft, including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A380. The airport is equipped with modern terminals and a wide range of services for both passengers and cargo. In addition to extensive baggage handling and freight facilities, ANC offers restaurants, duty-free shopping, and lounge access. Its vast runways make it ideal for handling heavy aircraft, and the airport is a critical point for trans-Pacific flights, making it one of the busiest airports in the United States by cargo volume.
2. Fairbanks International Airport (FAI)
Airport Code: FAI
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 6450 Airport Way, Fairbanks, AK 99709
Nearby Cities:
- Fairbanks (0 miles)
- North Pole (10 miles)
- Ester (10 miles)
- Fort Wainwright (5 miles)
Major Airlines Served:
- Alaska Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
- United Airlines
Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 400,000 (2023)
Airport Location and History
Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) is located in the city of Fairbanks, in the interior of Alaska. It is the second-largest airport in the state and serves as a major point of entry for travelers heading to the Arctic Circle, national parks, and other northern regions. The airport opened in the 1950s and has grown to become a crucial transportation hub for the interior and northern Alaska, connecting remote communities with the rest of the state and the U.S.
Fairbanks is an important gateway for both tourists visiting Alaska’s wilderness areas and for cargo operations. The airport is also vital for military and scientific activities, as Fairbanks serves as a base for several U.S. Army and Air Force operations. Furthermore, FAI handles a significant amount of air cargo related to the state’s resource industries, including oil, gas, and mining.
Facilities and Infrastructure
FAI has 2 runways:
- Runway 2/20: 10,300 feet
- Runway 1/19: 7,800 feet
Fairbanks International Airport is capable of accommodating a range of aircraft, including narrow-body and wide-body jets, although it is not as large as ANC in terms of passenger traffic. The airport’s longest runway can handle large commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 747. FAI’s terminal is modern and offers amenities like dining, rental car services, and a small shopping area. The airport also has a strong emphasis on cargo, with ample space for airfreight operations.
3. Juneau International Airport (JNU)
Airport Code: JNU
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1873 Shell Simmons Dr, Juneau, AK 99801
Nearby Cities:
- Juneau (0 miles)
- Auke Bay (12 miles)
- Douglas (5 miles)
Major Airlines Served:
- Alaska Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 250,000 (2023)
Airport Location and History
Juneau International Airport (JNU) serves as the primary airport for Juneau, the capital city of Alaska. Due to its location on the Gastineau Channel, the airport is accessible only by air or sea, as there are no connecting roads to other cities in Alaska. JNU opened in 1951 and has since become a key transportation hub for the southeastern region of the state. Despite its relatively small size, it is critical for both local residents and tourists visiting Juneau, as it connects the capital to the rest of Alaska and beyond.
The airport plays an important role in providing access to the state government, tourism, and maritime industries in Juneau. Juneau is a popular destination for cruise ships, and the airport serves as a connecting point for passengers arriving or departing by air. Additionally, the airport is frequently used by government officials and employees traveling to and from the state capital.
Facilities and Infrastructure
JNU has 1 runway:
- Runway 8/26: 6,390 feet
Juneau International Airport’s runway is long enough to accommodate regional jets and smaller commercial aircraft, but it is not designed for large wide-body jets. However, the airport is capable of handling narrow-body aircraft such as the Boeing 737. The terminal offers basic services, including dining, baggage handling, and rental car facilities. The airport is well-equipped for the transportation of goods, especially given the region’s reliance on air travel for accessing goods and services.
4. Ketchikan International Airport (KTN)
Airport Code: KTN
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1000 Airport Terminal Rd, Ketchikan, AK 99901
Nearby Cities:
- Ketchikan (0 miles)
- Saxman (3 miles)
- Metlakatla (12 miles)
Major Airlines Served:
- Alaska Airlines
- Delta Air Lines
Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 200,000 (2023)
Airport Location and History
Ketchikan International Airport (KTN) serves Ketchikan, a city in southeastern Alaska known for its fishing industry and tourism. Opened in 1973, Ketchikan International Airport is located on Gravina Island, a short distance from the mainland. The airport serves as a key transportation hub for residents of Ketchikan and surrounding communities, as well as tourists visiting the region.
Given its location on an island, Ketchikan International is important for connecting the city to the rest of Alaska and beyond. The airport provides access to both seasonal and year-round flights and serves as a vital point of entry for cruise ship passengers and cargo. It is also important for the timber and fishing industries, which are central to the local economy.
Facilities and Infrastructure
KTN has 1 runway:
- Runway 11/29: 6,500 feet
Ketchikan International Airport is equipped to handle smaller commercial aircraft such as the Boeing 737, but it is not large enough to accommodate wide-body aircraft. The airport’s runway is long enough for most regional jets and narrow-body aircraft. KTN features a modern terminal with basic amenities, including baggage claim, restaurants, and rental car services. Given the city’s reliance on air travel for both residents and tourism, the airport plays a crucial role in the region’s infrastructure.
5. Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport (SIT)
Airport Code: SIT
Time Zone: Alaska Standard Time (AKST) / UTC-9
Address: 1000 Airport Rd, Sitka, AK 99835
Nearby Cities:
- Sitka (0 miles)
- Baranof (1 mile)
- Mount Edgecumbe (9 miles)
Major Airlines Served:
- Alaska Airlines
Annual Passenger Traffic: Approximately 100,000 (2023)
Airport Location and History
Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport (SIT) serves Sitka, a city located on Baranof Island in the southeastern part of Alaska. Opened in 1950, the airport is named after Rocky Gutierrez, a prominent Alaskan aviator. Sitka is a small community, and the airport plays a crucial role in connecting the city to the rest of Alaska and the lower 48 states. The airport primarily supports local residents, as well as tourists visiting Sitka’s historical sites, including Russian-era architecture and natural beauty.
Alaska Overview
Alaska is one of the 50 states in the USA. It was purchased from Russia, in 1867, and incorporated into the Union, as a state, on January 3, 1959. The population is 737 thousand residents (2014). The capital is Juneau, with 33 thousand residents. Alaska is normally considered to be part of the Arctic region.