Embassies of Cuba

List of all Cuba embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Cuba and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Cuba.

Embassies of Cuba

Embassy in Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Virrey Del Pino No. 1810, Belgrano, CP 1426
Telephone: (54-11) 4782-9049 / 9089 / 9149
Fax: 4786-7713

Embassy in Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Virrey del Pino 1810, 1426 Buenos Aires
Telephone: (1) 782-9049, 782-9089
Fax: (1) 786-7713

Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: Himmelhofgasse 40 a-c 1130 Vienna
Telephone: (431) 877-8198
Fax: (431) 877-819830

Embassy in Belgium
City: Brussels
Address: Rue Roberts Jones 77, 1180 Bruxelles
Telephone: 00/322/343/0020
Fax: 00/322/344/9691

Embassy in Benin
City: Cotonou
Address: Boulevard de France (face Hotel du Port) Cotonou
Telephone: 31 47 92

Embassy in Bulgaria
City: Sofia
Address: j.k. Iztok, 1 Konstantin Shtarkelov Str., 1087 Sofia
Telephone: (+359 2) 704622

Embassy in Cambodia
City: Phnom Penh
Address: N� 98, Street 214. Skt. Veal Vong
Telephone: 217 428

Embassy in Cape Verde
City: Praia
Address: Prainha-Praia Santiago
Telephone: 615597/8

Embassy in Chile
City: Santiago
Address: Av. Los Leones 1346- Providencia, Santiago de Chile
Telephone: (56-2) 4941485; 4941489
Fax: (56-2) 4941495

Embassy in China
City: Shanghai
Address: Rm 501, 55 Loushanguan Lu
Telephone: 62753078

Embassy in Colombia
City: Bogot�
Address: Carrera 9 No. 92-54
Telephone: (011-571) 6230205/6217054

Embassy in Denmark
City: Hellerup
Address: Carolinevej 12, DK-2900 Hellerup
Telephone: +45 39401510
Fax: +45 39401510

Embassy in Ecuador
City: Quito
Address: El Mercurio 365
Telephone: (593-2) 2269180

Embassy in Ghana
City: Accra
Address: 20 Amilcar Cabral Road, Airport Junction, P.O. Box 9163, Airport, Accra
Telephone: 775868

Embassy in Grenada
City: St. George’s
Address: True Blue Round About St. George’s
Telephone: 473-444-1884/1889
Fax: 473-444-1877

Embassy in Guatemala
City: Guatemala City
Address: 13 Calle 5-72, Zona 10
Telephone: 333-7679 – 333-4627
Fax: 337-3282

Embassy in Guyana
City: Georgetown
Address: 40 High Street Kingston, Georgetown Guyana, South America
Telephone: 592-225-1881
Fax: 592-226-1824

Embassy in Haiti
City: P閠ion-Ville
Address: 18, Rue E. Pierre, P間uy Ville, P. O. Box 15 702, P閠ion-Ville, Haiti
Telephone: 509-257-6626 / 257-8566
Fax: 509-257-8562

Embassy in Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Address: Jl. Opal Blok K-1, Permata Hijau Taman Puri Jakarta 12210, Indonesia
Telephone: (62-21) 530-4293
Fax: (62-21) 5367-6906

Embassy in Italy
City: Rome
Address: via Licinia 7, Roma
Telephone: 06-5755984/5742347
Fax: 06-5745445

Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 28-2 Higashi-Azabu, 1-Chome, Tokyo, JAPAN
Telephone: (03) 5570-4481
Fax: (03) 5570-4483

Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 4-11-12, Shimomeguro, Meguro-ku. Post Code:153
Telephone: 3.71631e+007
Fax: 3.71643e+007

Embassy in Lebanon
City: Beirut
Address: Hazmieh-Mar Takla, Street: Sa飀 Freiha, Center Farrania, LEBANON
Telephone: (961) 05-459925
Fax: (961) 05-950070

Embassy in Panama
City: Panama City
Address: Frente al Parque Porras, Avenida Cuba y Ecuador, Panam�
Telephone: (507) 227-0359, 5277
Fax: 225 6681

Embassy in Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: Penthouse, Cacho Gonzales Building 101 Aguirre cor. Trasierra Streets Legaspi Village,Makati City
Telephone: (63-2) 817-1192
Fax: (63-2) 816 4094

Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Leontievsky str., 9
Telephone: 290-28-82, 202-82-61

Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 45 Mackenzie Street Brooklyn 0181 P O Box 11605 Hatfield 0028
Telephone: 012 346 2215
Fax: 012 346 2216

Embassy in Sweden
City: Stockholm
Address: Embajada de Cuba, Secci髇 Consular Sturev鋑en 9, 182 73 Stocksund Stockholm, Suecia
Telephone: +46 (8) 545 83 277
Fax: +46 (8) 545 83 270

Embassy in Uganda
City: Kampala
Address: KAR Drive Plot 16 Lower Kololo Terrace, P.O. Box. 9226, Kampala
Telephone: 233-742
Fax: 233-320/236438

Embassy in Ukraine
City: Kiev
Address: 5 Behterivsky prov
Telephone: (044) 216-57-43, 216-32-29, 216-19-07

Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2630 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: [1] (202) 797-8609, 8610, and 8615

Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 315 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 212-689-7215
Fax: 212-689-9073