Cyprus Population

Cyprus Population

Cyprus has a long history of political instability and conflict between its Greek and Turkish inhabitants, and the island has been split in two since 1974. After being severely affected by the global financial crisis in 2008, the country’s economy has finally begun to strengthen again.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Nicosia
  • Ethnic groups: Greeks 98.8%, other 1% (including Maronites, Armenians, Turkish Cypriots), unspecified 0.2%, (figures represent only the Greek Cypriot part of the island) (2011)
  • Language: Greek (official) 80.9%, Turkish (official) 0.2%, English 4.1%, Romanian 2.9%, Russian 2.5%, Bulgarian 2.2%, Arabic 1.2%, Filipino 1.1%, other 4.3%, unspecified 0.6%, (figures represent only the Greek Cypriot part of the country) (2011)
  • Religion: Orthodox 89.1%, Catholics 2.9%, Protestants/Anglicans 2%, Muslims 1.8%, Buddhists 1%, others (includes Maronites, Armenian Orthodox, Hindus) 1.4%, unspecified 1.1%, none/atheists 0.6% (numbers represent only the Greek Cypriot part of the island) (2011)
  • Population: 1 189 085 (2018) The whole island
  • Control Form: Republic
  • Area: 9 250 km2
  • Currency: euro
  • GNP per capita: 32 708 PPP $
  • National Day: October 1st

Cyprus’ Population

Cyprus has a population of 780 100 (2005). Greek Cypriots make up about 80 percent of the population, and Turkish Cypriots make up the remaining 20 percent.

Cyprus Country Population

Following the invasion of Turkey in 1974 and the subsequent division of the island into southern and northern Cyprus, over 200,000 Greek Cypriots had to move from the Turkish-occupied northern part and settle in the south. Northern Cyprus, which makes up 36 percent of the island’s area, has thus obtained an almost pure Turkish settlement with, among other things, 50,000 mainland Turks, and Southern Cyprus a Greek settlement.

Population of Cyprus by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 1,207,248 0.730% 130.6666 158
2019 1,198,464 0.780% 129.7159 158
2018 1,189,154 0.810% 128.7083 158
2017 1,179,567 0.810% 127.6708 158
2016 1,170,076 0.790% 126.6436 158
2015 1,160,874 0.860% 125.6477 158
2010 1,112,501 1.600% 120.4125 156
2005 1,027,551 1.730% 111.2188 155
2000 943,179 1.980% 102.0877 155
1995 855,272 2.210% 92.5739 155
1990 766,504 1.730% 82.9670 155
1985 703,574 0.530% 76.1564 156
1980 685,294 1.070% 74.1780 154
1975 649,640 1.150% 70.3194 152
1970 613,507 1.100% 66.4089 152
1965 580,855 0.280% 62.8751 150
1960 572,819 1.570% 62.0054 148
1955 529,861 1.410% 57.3563 148
1950 493,904 0.000% 53.4648 146

Major Cities in Cyprus by Population

Rank City Population
1 Nicosia 200,341
2 Limassol 153,889
3 Larnaca 71,889
4 Famagusta 42,415
5 Paphos 35,850
6 Kyrenia 26,590
7 Protaras 20,119
8 Pergamos 14,889
9 Morfou 14,722
10 Aradippou 13,238
11 Paralimni 11,725
12 Geroskipou Municipality 8,202
13 Lefka 7,724
14 Geri 7,528
15 Ypsonas 7,237
16 Dali 5,974
17 Tseri 5,387
18 Livadia 5,218
19 Dhromolaxia 5,129
20 Lapithos 5,104
21 Rizokarpaso 5,104
22 Deryneia 5,050


The largest part of the population lives in the lowlands along the coast and in the cities, which have two thirds of the population. The island’s largest city is Levkosia (Nicosia/Nicosia), which is divided into a Greek-Cypriot section and a Turkish-Cypriot section. Other important cities are the port cities of Lemesós (Limassol) and Larnax (Larnaka) on the south coast, and Gazimağusa (Famagusta) on the east coast of the Turkish-occupied zone.


About 82 percent belong to the Greek Orthodox Church, about 1.5 percent are Maronites, while Muslims make up about 16.5 percent.


Greek and Turkish are official languages. English is important in teaching and trade.