Senegal Facts
Senegal, State of West Africa; 196,000 km², 15.8 million residents (2019).Senegal borders in the north to Mauritania, in the east to Mali and in the south to Guinea and Guinea-Bissau and to the west coast to the Atlantic and encompasses the Gambia. The capital is Dakar (2.6 million residents, 2014).
Country facts
- Republic of Senegal / Republic of Senegal
- Country abbreviation: SN
- Area: 196 000 km²
- Population (2019): 15.8 million residents
- Capital: Dakar
- Main languages: wolof, French
- State: Republic
- Head of State and Head of Government: Macky Sall (President)
- Per capita GDP (2018): US $ 1,522
- GNI per capita (2018): US $ 1,410
- Currency unit: 1 CFA franc = 100 centimes
- Currency code: XOF
- Country number (telephony): 221
- Internet domain name: sn
- Time difference compared to Sweden: −1
- National Day: April 4 (Independence Day, 1960)
- Land use: forest (40%), agricultural land (12%), other (48%)
- Highest mountain: unnamed place (581 m asl)
- Longest river: Senegal (1,700 km)
- Population density (2019): 81 residents per km²
- Natural population growth (2019): 2.8%; birthrate 34 ‰, deathrate 6 ‰
- Age structure (2019): 0-14 years (43%), 15-64 (54%), 65- (3%)
- Average life expectancy (2019): men 65 years, women 69 years
- Infant mortality (2019): 42 per 1,000 live births
- Population forecast 2050: 33 million residents
- HDI (2017): 0.505 (place 164 of 188)
- Urbanization rate (2019): 46%
- Most populous city (2015): Dakar (2.6 million residents)
- Industry’s contribution to GDP (2017): agriculture (17%), industry (24%), service (59%)
- Exports of goods (2017): USD 2 362 million
- Main export products: fish preserves, peanuts, oil products
- Main exporting countries: Mali, Switzerland, India
- Imports of goods (2017): US $ 5,217 million
- Main import products: food, capital goods, fuel
- Main importing countries: France, China, Nigeria
- Railway network (2017): 900 km
Senegal consists largely of lowland. Exceptions include the Cape Verde peninsula, which consists of a number of small plateaus, and southeastern Senegal which is highland. Among the rivers, Senegal is the most important. The country’s climate is determined by its location within the tropical zone. Along the coast, winter is cool, 17 °C as the average temperature in January and 27 °C in the summer, while in the southern parts it is humid and hot, 24-38 °C, with a rainfall of up to 1,500 mm per year.
According to the constitution, the executive power is exercised by the president, who is elected for seven years. Legislative power is exercised by a national assembly elected for five years. The country became independent in 1960.
Senegal has for a long time experienced high inflation and high unemployment and has been affected by recurring dry periods. Agriculture, mainly peanut farming, and fishing form the basis of the economy. Senegal is heavily dependent on foreign (especially French) aid.