Embassies of Belgium
List of all Belgium embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Belgium and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Belgium.
Embassy in Afghanistan
City: Kabul
Address: House 40 – Street 15 (2nd lane left) Wazir Akbar Khan – Kabul
Telephone: + 873 763.627.380
Fax: + 873 763.627.381
Embassy in Algeria
City: Algiers
Address: 22, Chemin Youcef TAYEBI, 16030 El Biar, Alger
Telephone: 922446, 924320, 925068, 9257120
Fax: 925036
Embassy in Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Defensa 113 – 8� Piso (1065) Buenos Aires
Telephone: (54) (11) 433 100 66/69
Fax: (54) (11) 433 108 14
Embassy in Australia
City: Sydney
Address: 12A,Trelawney Street, Woollahra NSW 2025
Telephone: + (61) (2) 9327 8377
Fax: + (61) (2) 9328 7924
Embassy in Australia
City: Canberra
Address: 19, Arkana Street Yarralumla – ACT 2600 Canberra
Telephone: + (61) (2) 6273.2501/ + (61) (2) 6273.2502
Fax: + (61) (2) 6273.3392
Embassy in Australia
City: Adelaide
Address: 8, Elizabeth Street, Norwood, SA 5067, Adelaide
Telephone: 83629110
Fax: 83332760
Embassy in Australia
City: Brisbane
Address: QHA Houe, 5th Floor, 160 Edward Street, Brisbane QLD 4000
Telephone: 32181444
Fax: 38006188
Embassy in Australia
City: Hobart
Address: 71 Bathurst St. Hobart TAS 7000
Embassy in Australia
City: Melbourne
Address: 310 King Street, Melbourne VIC 3000
Embassy in Australia
City: Perth
Address: 1109 Hay Street, West Perth WA 6005
Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: Wohllebengasse, 6 A-1040 Wien
Telephone: + (43) (1) 502.07
Fax: + (43) (1) 502.07.11
Embassy in Austria
City: Graz
Address: Keplerstrasse 105, A-8020 Graz
Telephone: 70.70.14
Fax: 70.70.13
Embassy in Austria
City: Innsbruck
Address: Adamgasse 1 – 7 , A-6020 Innsbruck
Telephone: 53.05.12. 33
Embassy in Austria
City: Linz
Address: Schillerstrasse 68/1, A-4020 Linz
Telephone: 65.09.83, 65.09.89
Embassy in Austria
City: Salzburg
Address: DreiEicheneweg 33, A-5023 Salzburg
Telephone: 64.58.05
Fax: 64.58.05
Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: Wohllebengasse 6, A – 1040 Wien
Telephone: 502.07
Fax: 502.0, 502.07.11
Embassy in Bahamas
City: Nassau
Address: Mason’s Building (1st floor), 308 Bay Street, P.O. Box N. 52 Nassau- Bahamas
Telephone: 322.40.98/ 323.74.21
Embassy in Bahrain
City: Bahrain
Address: AL ZINA PLAZA (first floor) Banque fran鏰ise de l扥rient, Tijjar Road, Manama (Mailing: Banque fran鏰ise de l扥rient, P.O. Box 5820, Manama, Bahrain, Bahrain)
Telephone: 224.361, 257.319
Fax: 229.994
Embassy in Bangladesh
City: Dhaka
Address: House-22, Road-140 Gulshan-1,Dhaka-1212 P.O.Box: 822
Telephone: (880-2) 600138
Embassy in Barbados
City: Christ Church
Address: 609, Rockley Resort and Country Club, Christ Church (Mailing: P.O. Box 669 c, Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies, Barbados)
Telephone: 4357704
Fax: 4357704
Embassy in Bermuda
City: Hamilton
Address: Insurance Brokerage and Manegement Co, Ltd. Windsor Place, 2nd Floor, 18 Queen Street, Hamilton HM 11 (Mailing: P.O. Box HM 604 , Hamilton HM CX, Bermuda)
Telephone: 295.24.70
Fax: 292.82.43
Embassy in Bolivia
City: La Paz
Address: Calle 9 n� 6 Achumani – La Paz
Telephone: + (591) (2) 277.14.30
Fax: + (591) (2) 279.12.19
Embassy in Bolivia
City: La Paz
Address: Av. Hernando Siles 5290, Obrajes, La Paz (Mailing: Casilla 2433, La Paz, Bolivia)
Telephone: 78.49.25, 78.58.26, 78.58.27
Fax: 78.67.64
Embassy in Bosnia Herzegovina
City: Sarajevo
Address: 4, Abdesthana, 71000 Sarajevo
Telephone: 233.772, 233.773
Fax: 233.774
Embassy in Botswana
City: Gaborone
Address: 1284 Old Lobatse Road, Gaborone (Mailing: P.O. Box 821, Gaborone, Botswana)
Telephone: 35.74.38
Fax: 35.74.76
Embassy in Brazil
City: Sao Paulo
Address: Avenida Paulista, 2073 Conjunto Nacional Ed. Horsa I – 13� andar S鉶 Paulo 01311-940 SP
Telephone: + (55) (11) 3171-1599 / + (55) (11) 3171-1596 / + (55) (11) 3171-1603
Fax: + (55) (11) 3288-6869
Embassy in Brazil
City: Brasilia
Address: SES – Avenida das Na珲es, Lote 32 – CEP 70422-900 – Bras韑ia – DF
Telephone: 61 – 3443 1133
Fax: 61 – 3443 1219
Embassy in Brazil
City: Rio de Janeiro
Address: Rua Lauro M黮ler, 116/3904 Torre do Rio Sul – Botafogo 22290-160 Rio de Janeiro/RJ
Telephone: + (55) (21) / + (55) (21)
Fax: + (55) (21)
Embassy in Brazil
City: Brasilia
Address: SES Avenida das Na鏾閟, Lote 32, 70422, 900 Brasilia D.F. (Mailing: Caixa Postal 01.973, CEP 70259 – 970, Brazil)
Telephone: (55 61) 443 0083, 443 1056
Fax: (55 61) 443 1219
Embassy in Brazil
City: Sao Paulo
Address: Avenida Paulista, 2073 Conjunto Nacional 13 Ed “Horsa I” sala 1303, 013 11 S鉶 Paulo (SP), (Mailing: Caixa Postal 51614, 01499 S鉶 Paulo (SP) Brazil)
Telephone: (55 11) 3171 1596
Fax: (55 11) 288 6869
Embassy in Brunei
City: Bandar Seri Begawan
Address: 6 Simpang 545, Kampong Dato Gandi, Jalan Kota Batu, Bandar Seri Begawan, 2284 Negara Brunei Darussalam, Brunei, Negara Darussalam (Mailing: P.O. Box 65, Bandar Seri Begawan 1900)
Telephone: 787058, 787059, 787060
Fax: 787094
Embassy in Bulgaria
City: Sofia
Address: Veltchova Zavera, 1, 1164 Sofia
Telephone: + (359) (2) 988.72.95 / + (359) (2) 988.72.90 / + (359) (2) 963.19.45 (visa)
Fax: + (359) (2) 963.36.38
Embassy in Burkina Faso
City: Ouagadougou
Address: 3鑝e district de Ouagadougoo, Rue du Commerce, Quartier de Paspanga – March?de Sankariar? (Mailing: P.O. Box 1624 Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso)
Telephone: 31.21.64, 31.21.65
Fax: 31.06.60
Embassy in Burundi
City: Bujumbura
Address: Boulevard de la Liberte 10, Bujumbura (Mailing: B.P. 1920, Bujumbura, Burundi)
Telephone: 223266, 226176
Fax: 223171
Embassy in Cameroon
City: Yaound�
Address: Rue 1792 Yaounde B.P. 816 – Yaounde
Telephone: + 237 220.05.19 en + 237 221.17.68
Fax: + 237 220.05.21
Embassy in Cameroon
City: Douala
Address: Avenue G閚閞al De Gaulle, 121, Bonapriso – Douala (Mailing: BP. 12960,Cameroon)
Telephone: 429391
Fax: 427730
Embassy in Cameroon
City: Yaound�
Address: 121, rue 1851 Quartier Bastos, Yaound (Mailing: B.P. 816, Yaound? Cameroon)
Telephone: 20.05.19, 21.17. 68
Fax: 20.05.21, 20.52.43, 20.67.47
Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 360 Albert Street, Suite 820 Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7X7
Telephone: + 613 236-7267
Fax: + 613 236-7882
Embassy in Canada
City: Montreal
Address: 999, Bd de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 850, Montreal, Quebec H3A-3L4
Telephone: 849. 73.94
Fax: 844.31.70
Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 80, Elgin Street, 4th floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1B7
Telephone: 236.72.67, 236.72.68, 236.72.69.
Fax: 236.78.82.
Embassy in Canada
City: Toronto
Address: 2, Bloor Street West, Suite 2006, Box 88, Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2
Telephone: 944.14.22, 944.14.23, 944.14.24
Fax: 944.14.21
Embassy in Chad
City: N’Djamena
Address: B.P. 552, N’Djamena
Telephone: 52 21 00
Fax: 52 21 00
Embassy in Chile
City: Santiago
Address: Avenida Providencia, 2653, Oficina 1104, Providencia/Santiago (Mailing: Casilla 125, Correo 35, Santiago de Chile, Chile)
Telephone: 232.10.70, 232.10.71
Fax: 232.10.73
Embassy in Chile
City: Antofagasta
Address: Calle Baquedano 299, Antofagasta (Mailing : Casilla 650, Antofagasta, Chile)
Telephone: 222165, 268969
Fax: 221730
Embassy in Chile
City: Concepci髇
Address: Calle Orompello 61, Concepcion
Telephone: 230024
Fax: 224628
Embassy in Chile
City: Punta Arenas
Address: Calle Roca, 817, Oficina 62, Punta Arenas
Telephone: 24.14.72
Fax: 24.14.72
Embassy in Chile
City: Valparaiso
Address: Calle Prat 827, Piso 12, Valparaiso (Mailing: Casilla 21, Valparaiso, Chile)
Telephone: 21.34.94, 25.48.62
Fax: 25.26.22
Embassy in Colombia
City: Bogot�
Address: 26 Steet No. 4-A-45, Floor 7
Telephone: (011-571) 2828881 /82/2828901 Chancellery: 2828841
Fax: 2828862
Embassy in Costa Rica
City: San Jose
Address: Apartado Postal 3725-1000 San Jos�, Costa Rica
Telephone: 506) 225-6633 / 225-6255 / 280-4435 / 224-1855
Fax: (506) 225-0351
Embassy in Croatia
City: Zagreb
Address: Pantoveak 125 B I, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: 4578901, 4578903
Fax: 4578902
Embassy in Cuba
City: Havana
Address: Calle 8, N� 309 Entre 3ra y 5ta Avenida, Miramar, Playa, Habana
Telephone: (53 7) 204 2410
Fax: (53 7) 204 1318
Embassy in Cyprus
City: Limassol
Address: 119 B, Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, Cyprus Popular Bank Building, 3505 Limassol (Mailing: B.P. 1445, Limassol, Cyprus)
Telephone: 33.82.04
Fax: 33.82.04
Embassy in Czech Republic
City: Prague
Address: 118 01 Prague 1, Valdstejnska 6
Telephone: 5732 0389,5732 0390, 5731 4430, 57321005
Fax: 5732 0753
Embassy in Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Address: 豷ter All� 7, DK-2100 Copenhagen �
Telephone: +45 35250200
Fax: +45 35250211
Embassy in Djibouti
City: Djibouti
Address: Boite Postale 105, Djibouti
Telephone: 351027
Fax: 355309
Embassy in Dominica
City: Roseau
Address: Hanoverstreet 20, Roseau (Mailing: P.O. Box 79, Roseau, Dominica)
Telephone: 448.30.12
Fax: 448.68.08
Embassy in Dominica
City: Roseau
Address: Hanoverstreet 20, Roseau (Mailing: P.O. Box 79, Roseau, Dominica)
Telephone: 448.30.12
Fax: 448.68.08
Embassy in Dominican Republic
City: Santo Domingo
Address: Agencias Navieras Baez & Rannik Torre Panamericana, piso 10 Avenida Abraham Lincoln, 504
Telephone: (809) 544 2200
Fax: (809) 567 799 2
Embassy in Ecuador
City: Quito
Address: Av. Rep. de El Salvador 1082 y Av. Naciones Unidas, Edf. Mansi髇 Blanca
Telephone: (593-2) 2464387
Embassy in Egypt
City: Cairo
Address: 20, Kamel El Shennawi Street, Garden City 11511 Cairo
Telephone: + (20) (2) 792.59.66 Visa / + (20) (2) 794.74.94 / + (20) (2) 794.74.95 / + (20) (2) 794.74.96
Fax: + (20) (2) 794.31.47
Embassy in Ethiopia
City: Addis Ababa
Address: Fikre Mariam Street, Higher 16, Kebele 01, Addis Ababa (P.O. Box 1239)
Telephone: 611643, 611813
Fax: 613646
Embassy in Fiji
City: Suva
Address: Munro, Leys & Co, Air Pacific House, Butt Street, Suva (Mailing: P.O. Box 149, Suva, Fiji)
Telephone: 314.188
Fax: 302.672
Embassy in Finland
City: Helsinki
Address: Kalliolinnantie 5, 00140 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: 358 9 170 412
Fax: 358 9 628 842
Embassy in France
City: Paris
Address: 9, rue de Tilsitt, 75840 Paris Cedex 17
Embassy in Gambia
City: Kololi
Address: Kairaba Beach Hotel, Kololi,
Telephone: 461179
Embassy in Germany
City: Berlin
Address: J鋑erstrasse 52-53 10117 Berlin
Telephone: +
Fax: +
Embassy in Ghana
City: Accra
Address: P.O.Box CT 3890, Cantonments, Accra, Independence Avenue (Mile 4 next to GWCL, ATMA offices)
Telephone: 776561, 762281, 762382
Fax: 764384
Embassy in Gibraltar
City: Gibraltar
Address: 47, Irish Town, Gibraltar, P.O. Box 185, Gibraltar
Telephone: +350 78 353
Fax: +350 77 838
Embassy in Greece
City: Athens
Address: Odos S閗閞I, 3 10671 Ath鑞es-Athene
Telephone: 3600314, 3600315, 3617886, 3617887
Fax: 3604289
Embassy in Guatemala
City: Guatemala City
Address: 14 Calle “A” 13-39, Zona 10 Oakland
Telephone: 337-0321
Fax: 368-1817
Embassy in Guinea
City: Conakry
Address: Villa n 38, Cite de lOUA, Conakry (Mailing: B.P. 871, Conakry, Guinea)
Telephone: 413510
Fax: 413510
Embassy in Guyana
City: Georgetown
Address: Georgetown, Guyana – ANSA, – Mac All Limited, Middle Street, 21 Georgetown, Guyana (Mailing: P.O. Box 10560, Georgetown, Guyana)
Telephone: 75.286, 75.287, 75.288, 75.289, 75.290, 75.291
Fax: 75.299
Embassy in Haiti
City: P閠ion-Ville
Address: 5, All閑 des Acajous, Delmas 95, P閠ionville, Haiti
Telephone: 509- 257-4055
Fax: 509- 257-4055
Embassy in Holy See – Vatican
City: Rome
Address: Via Giuseppe De Notaris, 6A, 00197 Roma, Holy See
Telephone: 322.47.40; 322.47.57
Fax: 322.60.42
Embassy in Holy See – Vatican
City: Rome
Address: Via Giuseppe De Notaris, 6A, 00197 Roma, Holy See
Telephone: 322.47.40, 322.47.57
Fax: 322.60.42
Embassy in Hong Kong
City: Hong Kong
Address: 9/F St John’s Building, 33 Garden Road, Central, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2524 3111
Embassy in Hungary
City: Budapest
Address: Toldy Ferenc utca 13, 1015 Budapest
Telephone: 2011571, 2011762, 2013934
Fax: 3.75157e+006
Embassy in India
City: New Delhi
Address: 50-N, ShantiPath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110021
Telephone: 6.88985e+006
Fax: 6.88582e+006
Embassy in Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Address: Deutsche Bank Building, 16th Floor Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 80, Menteng Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Telephone: (62-21) 316-2030 (Hunting)
Fax: (62-21) 316-2035
Embassy in Iran
City: Tehran
Address: Avenue Shahid Fayyaz Bakhsh, Rue Rabak 3, 19659, Teheran Mailing: P.O. Box 11365, 115 Teheran, Iran
Telephone: 200.95.07,200.95.54
Fax: 200.91.45
Embassy in Ireland
City: Dublin
Address: 2 Shrewsbury Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Telephone: (353 1) 269 1588, 269 2082, 283 9403
Fax: (353 1) 283 8488
Embassy in Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Address: 266 Rehov Hayarkon, Tel-Aviv 63504,
Telephone: +972-3-6054164
Fax: +972-3-5465345
Embassy in Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Address: Hahilazon Street, 12 52522 Ramat Gan (Tel Aviv)
Telephone: (972) (3) 613.81.30
Fax: (972) (3) 613.81.60
Embassy in Italy
City: Rome
Address: 49 Via dei Monti Parioli, 00197 Roma
Telephone: 360.95.11
Fax: 322.69.35
Embassy in Jamaica
City: Kingston
Address: 1D, Norbrook Road, Kingston 2
Telephone: 92.45.875
Fax: 92.45.875
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 5, Niban-cho, Chiyoda-ku. Post Code:102
Telephone: 32620191/ 5
Fax: 3.26207e+007
Embassy in Japan
City: Osaka
Address: Consulate General of BelgiumSnow Crystal Building 12F, 6-20 Umeda 2-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0001
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: Tokyo 108-8361
Telephone: +81(3)
Fax: +81(3)
Embassy in Jordan
City: Amman
Address: P.O. Box 942 Amman 11118 – Jordan
Telephone: + (962) (6) 560.63.50
Fax: + (962) (6) 566.82.40
Embassy in Jordan
City: Amman
Address: Hawari Boumediene street, Jabal Amman – near 4th. Circle Amman P.O. Box 942 Tel: 5930683, 5931859, 5932683
Telephone: 5930683, 5931859, 5932683
Fax: 5.93049e+006
Embassy in Kenya
City: Mombasa
Address: Honorary Consulate of Belgium C.M.B. Mombasa c/o Cotts House Moi avenue, Mombasa (Mailing: P.O. Box 90141, Mombasa, Kenya)
Telephone: 22.02.31, 31.45.31
Fax: 31.26.17
Embassy in Kenya
City: Nairobi
Address: Limuru Road, Mutha飃a, Nairobi (P.O. Box 30.461 Nairobi)
Telephone: 74.15.64, 74.15.65, 74.15.66, 74.15.67
Fax: 44.27.01
Embassy in Korea
City: Seoul
Address: 737-10 Hannam-2dong, Yongsan-ku, Seoul 140-893, Republic of Korea
Telephone: (02) 749-0381/4
Fax: (02) 797-1688
Embassy in Korea
City: Pusan
Address: 105-5, Yonsan-dong, Yonjae-gu, Pusan 607 – 080
Telephone: 861 – 8141, 861 – 81 – 43
Fax: 863 – 72 – 73.
Embassy in Kuwait
City: Kuwait
Address: End of Bagdad Street, block 8 , Lot 1, House 15, Salmiyah, Kuwait (Mailing: P.O. Box 328013.033 Safat Kuwait, Kuwait)
Telephone: 57.22.01, 57.22.015
Fax: 57.48.389
Embassy in Liberia
City: Monrovia
Address: Immeuble Alliance (4e 閠age – 4de verdieping), Avenue Terrasson des Fougeres, Abidjan 01, (POSTAL: 01 BP 1800 – Abidjan 01), Ivory Coast
Telephone: (225) (20) 21.00.88
Fax: (225) (20) 22.41.77
Embassy in Liberia
City: Monrovia
Address: c/o Mezbau Inc. Bushroad Island, Monrovia
Telephone: 22.62.09
Fax: 22.62.09
Embassy in Libya
City: Tripoli
Address: Complexe administratif de That Al-Imad, Tour 4, 閠age 5, Souk Ethulathah, Tripoli(Mailing: P.O. Box 91.650, That Al Imad, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya)
Telephone: 33.50.115, 33.50.116, 33.50.117
Fax: 33.50.118
Embassy in Lithuania
City: Vilnius
Address: Jogailos g. 8, 2001 Vilnius
Telephone: 22.67.69, 22.67.96
Fax: 22.64.44
Embassy in Luxembourg
City: Luxembourg
Address: R閟idence Champagne 4, rue des Girondins, 1626 Luxembourg
Telephone: 25.43.25-1, 44.27.46-1
Fax: 45.42.82
Embassy in Macedonia
City: Skopje
Address: Kor黶ka 9, Naselje Vlae, 91000 Skopje
Telephone: 31.73.27
Fax: 31.73.27
Embassy in Madagascar
City: Antananarivo
Address: P.O. Box 3046, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Telephone: 2.22098e+006
Fax: 2220368
Embassy in Malaysia
City: Kuala Lumpur
Address: 8A, Jalan Ampang Hilir, 55000 Kuala Lumpur (Mailing: G.P.O. Box 10558, 50718 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Telephone: 452.57.33
Fax: 452.79.22
Embassy in Mali
City: Bamako
Address: Place du Souvenir 1, Bamako (Mailing: B.P. 187, Bamako, Mali)
Telephone: 223975
Fax: 229881
Embassy in Malta
City: Valletta
Address: Scots House, 18/a M.A. Vassali Street, Valletta VLT 13, P.O. Box 596, Malta
Telephone: (356) 230 893, 231 052.
Fax: (356) 237 606.
Embassy in Mauritania
City: Nouakchott
Address: Ilot T 38/39 Nouakchott (Mailing: B.P. 534, Nouakchott, Mauritania)
Telephone: 524.82, 525.73
Fax: 524.82
Embassy in Mexico
City: Mexico City
Address: Avenida Alfredo Musset 41 – Col. Polanco – 11550 M閤ico D.F.
Telephone: (**52) 55 / 52 80 07 58
Fax: (**52) 55 / 52 80 02 08
Embassy in Monaco
City: Monaco
Address: L’Astoria, 26Bis Bd. Princesse Charlotte, 98000 MC, Monaco
Embassy in Morocco
City: Rabat
Address: Avenue Mohammed El Fassi 6 Tour Hassan Rabat
Telephone: + (212)
Fax: + (212)
Embassy in Nauru
City: Nauru
Address: 19, Arkana Street, Yarralumla, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia.
Telephone: (61) (2), (61) (2)
Fax: (61) (2)
Embassy in Netherlands/Holland
City: Willemstad
Address: Elias R.A. Moreno Bulevar, Hoek, Willemstad (Mailing: P.O. Box 3037, Willemstad, Cura鏰o NA, Netherlands Antilles)
Telephone: 461.36.50
Fax: 461.65.69
Embassy in New Caledonia
City: Noumea
Address: 4 r P.Monchovet B.Citrons 98800 NOUMEA
Telephone: 284646
Embassy in New Zealand
City: Auckland
Address: Level , 5 Orica House, 123 Carlton Gore Road, P.O. Box 9786, Newmarket, Box 9815, Auckland
Telephone: (64 9) 915 9146
Fax: (64 9) 915 9151
Embassy in Nigeria
City: Lagos
Address: 1 A, Murtala Muhammed Drive, (formerly Bank Road), Ikoyi, P.O. Box 149, Lagos
Telephone: (234 1) 269 1507 – 11 (5 lines)
Fax: (234 1) 269 444
Embassy in Pakistan
City: Islamabad
Address: House 14 – Street 17 Islamabad F 7/2
Telephone: + (92) (51) 265 26 35,+ (92) (51) 265 26 36
Fax: + (92) (51) 265 26 31
Embassy in Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: Multinational Bancorporation Center 9th Floor, 6805 Ayala Avenue Makati City
Telephone: (63-2) 845-1869
Fax: (63-2) 845-2076
Embassy in Poland
City: Warsaw
Address: 34 Senatorska Street, 00-095 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: (48 22) 27 0233
Embassy in Portugal
City: Faro
Address: Rua de Santo Antonio, 68, 2 Dto, 8000 Faro
Telephone: 89.95.90
Fax: 89.95.99
Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Moltchanovka str., 7
Telephone: 291-60-27, 291-60-18, 291-05-31, 291-16-04
Fax: 291-60-05
Embassy in Singapore
City: Singapore
Address: 8 Shenton Way Temasek Tower, 14-01 Singapore 068811
Telephone: + (65)
Fax: + (65)
Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 625 Leyds Street Muckleneuk P O Box 0002 625 Leyds Street Muckleneuk Pretoria 0002
Telephone: 012 44 3201/2
Fax: 012 44 3216
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Consulate General of Belgium 3rd Floor, West Core 158 Jan Smuts 9 Walters, cnr Jan Smuts Ave Rosebank 2196 P O Box 3431 Parklands 2121
Telephone: 011 447 6434/5541
Fax: 011 447 5496
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Flanders Export Trade Office of Belgium
Telephone: 011 783 4732
Fax: 011 783 4737
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Walloon Region Trade Office of Belgium 8th Floor Fedsure Towers Fredman Drive Cnr Bute Lane Sandown, Sandton 2196 Johannesburg
Telephone: 011 447 5541
Fax: 011 447 6460
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Brussels Region Trade Office
Telephone: 011 884 5581
Fax: 011 884 1771
Embassy in South Africa
City: Cape Town
Address: Consulate General of Belgium 4th Floor, Vogue House Thibault Square Foreshore 8001 P O Box 2717 Cape Town 8000
Telephone: 021 419 4690
Fax: 021 21 1121
Embassy in South Africa
City: Durban
Address: Honorary Consulate of Belgium No 2, 18 Ross Gardens Morning Side Durban 4001 P O Box 47517 Greyville 4023
Telephone: 031 303 2840
Fax: 031 23 0434
Embassy in South Africa
City: Port Elizabeth
Address: Honorary Consulate of Belgium 81 Villiers Road Walmer 6070 P O Box 12540 Centrahill Port Elizabeth 6006
Telephone: 041 51 1704
Fax: 041 51 3907
Embassy in Spain
City: Palma de Mallorca
Address: Paseo del Borne, 15 1� 07012 Palma de Mallorca
Telephone: 724786 – 718967
Fax: 718967
Embassy in Suriname
City: Paramaribo
Address: Domineestraat 32, boven kantoor Holding Mij Interfund, Paramaribo. Tel: (597) 477 884.
Telephone: (597) 410 563
Embassy in Sweden
City: Stockholm
Embassy in Switzerland
City: Berne
Address: Embassy of Belgium / Belgique Chancellery Jubil鋟msstrasse 41 3005 Bern
Telephone: +41 (0)31 351 04 62
Fax: +41 (0)31 352 59 61
Embassy in Taiwan
City: Taipei
Address: Suite 601, Worldwide House, 131, Minsheng E. Rd., Sec. 3, Taipei 105, Taiwan R.O.C.
Telephone: +886-(0)2-2715-1215
Fax: +886-(0)2-2712-6258
Embassy in Tunisia
City: Tunis
Address: Rue du 1er juin, 47 1002 Tunis – Belv閐鑢e Tunisie
Telephone: (00 216) (71) 781.655
Fax: (00 216) (71) 792.797
Embassy in Turkey
City: Ankara
Address: Mahatma Gandi, Cad. No. 55, G.O.P., Ankara
Telephone: (+ 90 312) 446 8247, 446 8250
Fax: (+ 90 312) 446 8251
Embassy in Uganda
City: Kampala
Address: Rwenzori House, 3rd Floor Lumumba Avenue Plot 1, P.O. Box 7043, Kampala
Telephone: 00256-41-349559/569/570
Fax: 00256-41-347-212
Embassy in Ukraine
City: Kiev
Address: Leontovitcha 4 010030 Kiev
Telephone: +(380) (44) 238.26.00
Fax: + (380) (44) 238.26.02,+ (380) (44) 238.26.01
Embassy in United Arab Emirates
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3686
Telephone: 631-9449
Fax: 631-9353
Embassy in United Kingdom
City: London
Address: 103 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AB
Telephone: 020 74703700
Fax: 020 74703795
Embassy in United Kingdom
City: London
Address: 103 Eaton Square, London SW1W 9AB
Telephone: 020 7470 3700
Fax: 020 7470 3795/ 3710
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 220 East 42nd Street, Suite 3402 (34th Floor, between 2nd and 3rd Avenue) New York, NY 10017
Telephone: (212) 758-8130
Fax: (212) 355-7675
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 823 UN Plaza 345 East 46 St 4th fl New York, NY 10017 – USA
Telephone: +1/212/378 6300
Fax: +1/212/681 7618
Embassy in United States of America
City: San Francisco
Address: Belgian Trade Commission 155 Montgomery Street #207 San Francisco, CA 94104
Telephone: 415-546-5255
Fax: 415-546-3144
Embassy in Uzbekistan
City: Tashken
Address: 10 General Karimov Street
Telephone: 180-57-27, 55-01-88, 152-59-42
Fax: 152-59-42
Embassy in Venezuela
City: Caracas
Address: Apartado del Este 61550 1060A Caracas
Telephone: (+58)(212) 263.33.34
Fax: (+58)(212)261.13.33
Embassy in Vietnam
City: Hanoi
Address: 48 – 50 Nguyen Thai HOC Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Telephone: 845 2263, 823 5006
Fax: 845 7165
Embassy in Zaire
City: Kinshasa
Address: Building du Cinquantenaire, place du 27 Octobre, Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Mailing: B.P. 899 – Kinshasa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
Telephone: 20.109, 20.110, 21.021, 21.133, 21.406
Fax: 21.058
Embassy in Zimbabwe
City: Harare
Address: Tanganyika House, 5th floor, 23 Third Street/Union Avenue, Harare (Mailing: P.O. Box 2522, Harare, Zimbabwe)
Telephone: 9.03.07,79.33.06
Fax: 70.39.60