List of Foreign Embassies in United Arab Emirates provides a full list of foreign embassies and consulates located in United Arab Emirates in alphabetical order. If you plan to travel from U.A.E. to other countries, this information can help you prepare your visit, including applying visa and packing your baggage. See the following list of diplomatic missions in United Arab Emirates for detailed contact information including city location, street address, and phone/fax number.
Embassy of Algeria
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3070
Telephone: 444-8949
Fax: 444-7068
Embassy of Argentina
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3325
Telephone: 443-6838
Fax: 443-1392
Embassy of Australia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: 14th Floor, Al Muhairy Centre, Sheikh Zayed the First Street, Abu Dhabi
Telephone: +9712 6346 100
Fax: +9712 639 3525
Embassy of Austria
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3095
Telephone: 626-7755
Fax: 626-7133
Embassy of Bahrain
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3367
Telephone: 665-7500
Fax: 667-4141
Embassy of Belarus
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 30337
Telephone: 445-3399
Fax: 445-1131
Embassy of Belgium
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3686
Telephone: 631-9449
Fax: 631-9353
Embassy of Benin
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3910
Telephone: 449-0999
Embassy of Bosinia and Herzegovinia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 43362
Telephone: 644-4164
Fax: 644-3919
Embassy of Brazil
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3027
Telephone: 666-5352
Fax: 632-7727
Embassy of Brunei
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 5836
Telephone: 449-1100
Fax: 449-1567
Embassy of Canada
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: Embassy of Canada in Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Trade Towers(Abu Dhabi Mall) West Tower 9th & 10th Floors
Telephone: 971-(0)2-694-0300
Fax: 971-(0)2-694-0399
Embassy of China
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 2741
Telephone: 443-4276
Fax: 443-6835
Embassy of Czech Republic
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 27009
Telephone: 678-2800
Fax: 679- 5716
Embassy of Egypt
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4026
Telephone: 444-5566
Fax: 444-9878
Embassy of Eritrea
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 2597
Telephone: 633-1838
Fax: 634-6451
Embassy of Finland
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: Embassy of Finland P.O.Box 3634 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971-2-632 8927
Fax: +971-2-632 5063
Embassy of Germany
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: German Embassy Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi Mall / Towers at the Trade Center West Tower, 14th Floor Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971-2-6446693
Fax: +971-2-6446942 or +971-2-6449425
Embassy of Greece
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 5483
Telephone: 665-4847
Fax: 667-3010
Embassy of Hungary
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 44450
Telephone: 666-0107
Fax: 666-7877
Embassy of India
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: Plot No. 10, Sector W-59/02 Diplomatic Area, Off the Airport Road P.O. Box 4090, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +9712 4492700
Fax: +9712 4444685 / +9712 4447768
Embassy of Indonesia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: Zone 2, Sector 79, Villa No. 474 Sultan bin Zayed Street (Street- 32), Al Bateen Area P.O. BOX 7256 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Telephone: +971 2 445 44 48
Fax: +971 2 445 54 53
Embassy of Iran
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: P.O. Box : 4080 , Abu Dhabi , UAE
Telephone: +9712 – 4447618
Fax: +9712 – 4448714
Embassy of Italy
City: Abu Dhabi
Embassy of Japan
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: Embassy of Japan in the United Arab Emirates P.O. Box 2430, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Telephone: (971-2) 4435696
Fax: (971-2) 4434219
Embassy of Jordan
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4024
Telephone: 444-7100
Fax: 444-9157
Embassy of Kenya
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3854
Telephone: 666-6300
Fax: 665-2827
Embassy of Kuwait
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 926
Telephone: 444-6888
Fax: 444-4109
Embassy of Lebanon
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO 4023
Telephone: 449-2100 449-3500
Embassy of Libya
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 5739
Telephone: 445-0030
Fax: 445-0033
Embassy of Malaysia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3887
Telephone: 4.48278e+006
Fax: 448-2779
Embassy of Mauritania
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 2714
Telephone: 446-2724
Embassy of Morocco
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4066
Telephone: 443-3963
Fax: 443-3917
Embassy of Netherlands/Holland
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 46560
Telephone: 632-1920
Fax: 631-3158
Embassy of Oman
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 2517
Telephone: 446-3333
Fax: 446-4633
Embassy of Pakistan
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 846
Telephone: 444-7800
Fax: 444-7172
Embassy of Palestine
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 841
Telephone: 443-4652
Fax: 443-4363
Embassy of Philippines
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3215
Telephone: 634-5664
Fax: 631-3559
Embassy of Poland
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: P.O.Box 2334 ABU DHAB UAE
Telephone: 971 (2) 4465200
Fax: 971 (2) 4462967
Embassy of Qatar
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3503
Telephone: 449-3300
Fax: 449-3300
Embassy of Romania
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 70416
Telephone: 666-6346
Fax: 665-1598
Embassy of Russia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 8211
Telephone: 672-1797
Fax: 678-8731
Embassy of Saudi Arabia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4057
Telephone: 444-5700
Fax: 444-8491
Embassy of Senegal
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 42052
Telephone: 667-8544
Fax: 667-8355
Embassy of Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3382
Telephone: 632-1674
Fax: 631-5839
Embassy of Somalia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4155
Telephone: 666-9700
Fax: 665-1580
Embassy of South Africa
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 29446
Telephone: 633-7565
Fax: 633-3909
Embassy of Spain
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 46474
Telephone: 626-9544
Fax: 627-8974
Embassy of Sri Lanka
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 46534
Telephone: 642-6666
Fax: 642-8289
Embassy of Sudan
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4027
Telephone: 666-6788
Fax: 665-4231
Embassy of Switzerland
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 46116
Telephone: 627-4636
Fax: 626-9627
Embassy of Syrian Arab Republic
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4011
Telephone: 444-8768
Fax: 444-9387
Embassy of Tanzania
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 43714
Telephone: 665-0226
Fax: 666-1613
Embassy of Thailand
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 47466
Telephone: 642-1772
Fax: 642-1773
Embassy of Tunisia
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 4166
Telephone: 681-1331
Fax: 681-2707
Embassy of Turkey
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 3204
Telephone: 665-5421
Fax: 666-2691
Embassy of Ukraine
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 45714
Telephone: 632-7586
Fax: 632-7506
Embassy of United Kingdom
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 248, Abu Dhabi
Telephone: (971) (2) 610 1100
Embassy of United States of America
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: P.O. Box 4009, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Telephone: +971-2 414 2200
Embassy of Yemen
City: Abu Dhabi