Category: Guide to Montana

Montana – After the mountainous character of the state, it got the name “Spanish Montainous” (The Mountains). Montana, also known as “Treasure State” due to its mineral resources (silver, gold, and copper mines), has only around 700,000 inhabitants in terms of its size and was first explored in 1742 by French researchers. Researchers Lewis and Clark followed them (1805-1806). At the Battle of the Little Big Horn, Col. Georg Custer’s army was crushed by the Indians in 1876. Montana was incorporated in 1889 as the 41st state in the United States. The capital is Helena. The main products are ores, coal and sheep products. The most popular destinations are Glacier and Yellowstone National Park.

Montana Population

Montana is a state located in the western United States. According to the most recent U.S. census,...