Category: Guide to California

California – This state is located on the west coast of the USA and is also called the gold state. The name California comes from a Spanish novella where the imaginary island of the same name is located near paradise. In 1848 gold was found at Sutter’s Mill in California, triggering a gold rush. Many gold prospectors went in search of gold in the previously little-known state in the east. California is the most populous of all states with over 21 million inhabitants. Already in 1534, the California peninsula, the Mexican part of which is called Baja California (Alta California is what is now known as the state), was visited by Europeans. First by the Spaniard Juan Rodiguez Cabrillo in 1542, then in 1579 by the sea hero of the English queen Sir Francis Drake. The first missions in Alt California were not founded by the Spaniards until 1769. California belonged to Mexico until 1846, and it was only in the same year that the “Bear Flag Rebellion” brought independence. In 1851 California became the 31st state in the United States. Fruit, wine, nuts, wood and petroleum are the most important products of the agricultural state. Disneyland in Anaheim, Death Valley (the lowest point on the American continent at 86 m below sea level), Yosemite and Redwood National Park, Lake Tahoe, Monterey are just a few of the attractions of this state. The capital is Sacramento. San Francisco is considered the most beautiful city in the USA, Los Angeles is world famous for its Hollywood district. Wood and oil are the most important products of the agricultural state. Disneyland in Anaheim, Death Valley (the lowest point on the American continent at 86 m below sea level), Yosemite and Redwood National Park, Lake Tahoe, Monterey are just a few of the attractions of this state. The capital is Sacramento. San Francisco is considered the most beautiful city in the USA, Los Angeles is world famous for its Hollywood district. Wood and oil are the most important products of the agricultural state. Disneyland in Anaheim, Death Valley (the lowest point on the American continent at 86 m below sea level), Yosemite and Redwood National Park, Lake Tahoe, Monterey are just a few of the attractions of this state. The capital is Sacramento. San Francisco is considered the most beautiful city in the USA, Los Angeles is world famous for its Hollywood district.