Category: Malta

Malta is a small country in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, formed by five islands, three inhabited: Gozo, Comino and the Island of Malta, the largest and most important. In antiquity, Malta was colonized by Phoenicians, Carthaginians and Romans. In the Middle Ages, it was occupied by Arabs and later by the French. In 1530, the King of France ceded the islands to the Order of Hospitallers, originally founded in Jerusalem in the 11th century, to care for pilgrims to the Holy Land. In 1814, Malta was annexed to the British Empire. In 1964, the country became autonomous, but with the British monarch as head of state. In 1974, it became an independent republic. Malta is an international financial center and a major European tourist destination. The capital is Valletta. The population is 417 thousand residents (2016).

Malta Country Population

Malta Population

Malta consists of three large islands and several uninhabited cliffs. The country has a long colonial history...

Malta Country Flag

Malta Facts

Malta, a state in the middle Mediterranean, located about 90 km south of Sicily; 316 km², 484...

Embassies of Malta

Embassies of Malta

List of all Malta embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it...

Airports in Malta

Malta Airports

As of 2019, there are 2 airports throughout the country of Malta according to IATA and ICAO....