Nicaragua Population

Nicaragua Population

Nicaragua has a long history with a number of civil wars. The country is currently struggling with financial problems, partly due to political instability. The country’s governance is strongly criticized for gross violations of human rights.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Managua
  • Ethnic groups: European + indigenous people (mastiser) 69%, European origin 17%, African origin 9%, indigenous population 5%
  • Language: Spanish (official) 95.3%, miskito 2.2%, mestis 2%, other 0.5% (2005)
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 58.5%, Protestants 23.2%, others 2.5%, none 15.7% (2005)
  • Population: 6 218 000 (2017)
  • Control Form: Republic
  • Area: 130 370 km²
  • Currency: Nicaraguan Cordoba
  • GNP per capita: 5 540 PPP $
  • National Day: September 15th

Population of Nicaragua

The population of Nicaragua in 2019 was estimated at 6 465 501 residents (UN). Annual population growth in 2018 was 1.85 percent. Nicaragua has a “young” population; in 1992, 45 percent were under 15; in 2015 that share had dropped to 30 percent. According to WHO in 2018, life expectancy was 78.4 years for women and 72.5 years for men.

The majority of the population lives in the western half of the country, where also the largest cities are: Managua, León, Masaya and Chinandega.

Population of Nicaragua by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 6,624,443 1.210% 55.0487 110
2019 6,545,391 1.240% 54.3917 110
2018 6,465,390 1.260% 53.7270 110
2017 6,384,735 1.280% 53.0567 111
2016 6,303,863 1.300% 52.3847 111
2015 6,223,129 1.340% 51.7138 111
2010 5,823,954 1.380% 48.3967 110
2005 5,438,579 1.420% 45.1944 109
2000 5,069,191 1.730% 42.1248 110
1995 4,652,074 2.200% 38.6587 110
1990 4,173,323 2.250% 34.6804 116
1985 3,734,230 2.720% 31.0316 114
1980 3,265,408 3.070% 27.1358 115
1975 2,806,746 3.130% 23.3244 120
1970 2,406,402 3.070% 19.9976 121
1965 2,068,270 3.130% 17.1878 123
1960 1,773,018 3.290% 14.7343 123
1955 1,507,991 3.090% 12.5320 125
1950 1,294,881 0.000% 10.7611 126

Major Cities in Nicaragua by Population

Rank City Population
1 Managua 972,976
2 Leon 144,427
3 Masaya 130,002
4 Chinandega 126,276
5 Matagalpa 108,978
6 Esteli 96,311
7 Granada 89,298
8 Jinotega 54,889
9 El Viejo 53,393
10 Nueva Guinea 52,818
11 Ciudad Sandino 49,889
12 Juigalpa 49,889
13 Tipitapa 49,889
14 Bluefields 44,262
15 Diriamba 34,897
16 Ocotal 33,817
17 Puerto Cabezas 33,524
18 Chichigalpa 33,026
19 Rivas 29,889
20 San Rafael del Sur 29,725
21 Jinotepe 29,396
22 Boaco 28,935
23 Nagarote 26,159
24 Jalapa 23,926
25 La Paz Centro 23,370
26 San Marcos 23,236
27 Masatepe 21,341
28 Nandaime 20,699
29 El Rama 20,345
30 Somoto 20,205
31 Corinto 19,072
32 Rio Blanco 16,907
33 Camoapa 16,542
34 El Crucero 16,358
35 Siuna 15,945
36 Somotillo 15,274
37 Santo Tomas 14,698
38 Quilali 13,479
39 San Carlos 13,340
40 Ciudad Dario 13,207
41 Ticuantepe 13,098
42 El Sauce 11,787
43 Condega 10,889
44 Acoyapa 10,452
45 Matiguas 10,412
46 Diriomo 10,002
47 Telica 8,665
48 San Lorenzo 8,583
49 Corn Island 7,900
50 Bocana de Paiwas 7,761
51 Villa Sandino 7,688
52 San Juan del Sur 7,679
53 Niquinohomo 7,621
54 Larreynaga 7,592
55 Puerto Morazan 7,560
56 San Jorge 7,047
57 Nindiri 6,962
58 Dolores 6,954
59 Wiwili 6,844
60 La Concepcion 6,835
61 Nandasmo 6,823
62 Laguna de Perlas 6,698
63 Waslala 6,387
64 Posoltega 6,292
65 Waspan 6,292
66 Bonanza 6,204
67 El Realejo 6,097
68 Santo Domingo 5,716
69 Santa Teresa 5,678
70 San Rafael del Norte 5,347
71 Belen 5,304
72 El Ayote 5,295
73 Potosi 5,111
74 Villa El Carmen 5,108
75 Tisma 5,071


The name Nicaragua derives from Nicarao; The name Spaniards gave a Nahuatl- speaking people who originated in central Mexico, but who migrated around 700 AD. This migration may be related to the expansion of the interpreters. Around the 13th century, they settled on Lake Nicaragua. By the Spanish conquest, colonial officials estimated the population to be around 600,000. After the colonization, the Nicarao people have been largely absorbed by the Spanish descendants and have joined the Spanish-speaking Mistis population who make up the majority in the country. Around 9 percent of the population today is considered to have an African background, and the indigenous population is around 5 percent.

The east coast of Nicaragua has a different colonial history than the west coast and the population is therefore different. The Caribbean coast of Nicaragua has been under English rule for over a hundred years, and even after its incorporation into the Republic of Nicaragua, the area has been difficult to access for central government powers that have always existed on the west coast. The people of the west coast have a stronger connection to the British Caribbean than the Spanish Latin America, and English still serves as a lingua franca for the various peoples of this coastal area. It is also on the Caribbean coast that the main emphasis of indigenous groups resides. The largest indigenous peoples group in Nicaragua is michito and includes about 125,000 people. Some smaller groups include Sumu (also called mayangna, c. 13,500) and Rama (c. 1350), which are groups that traditionally practice horticulture, hunting, fishing and sanctioning, but today large sections of this population live in urban areas.. More than 30,000 black Creole live in Nicaragua today and the origin of the Garifuna ethnic group (c. 2000) is also the result of slavery in the Caribbean in the 18th and 19th centuries.

In western Nicaragua, there are only a few communities that are still considered indigenous (nicarao, matagalpa and sutiaba).


There has been close contact between the Central American countries and people have regularly moved across national borders in search of work. This movement across national borders has only recently been regulated.

In connection with the revolution and the civil war, which characterized the country from the late 1970s to the beginning of the 1990s, about 250,000 Nicaraguans fled the country to neighboring countries and the United States. After the end of the civil war in 1990, one saw that, although some of the emigrated Nicaraguans moved back during the 1990s, the flow of emigration continued, especially to the United States and the economically prominent neighboring Costa Rica.

After the riots and political violence in the spring of 2018, another large mass migration from Nicaragua saw. Over 100,000 Nicaraguans emigrated in the first year only after the riots began. In April 2019, the UNHCR estimated that 60,000 Nicaraguan have sought asylum in Costa Rica alone. Among those seeking asylum are students, former government officials, opposition figures, journalists, doctors, human rights defenders and peasants.


The majority of the residents belong to the Catholic Church. However, the percentage of Protestants (mainly Pentecostal and Baptist) has increased substantially in recent years and some studies estimate that over 40 percent of Nicaraguan people are now Protestants. The rise of Protestantism takes place largely in the larger cities and on the east coast.


Spanish is the main language, but English and indigenous languages ​​are also spoken.