Embassies of Greece
List of all Greece embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Greece and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Greece.
Embassy in Albania
City: Tirana
Address: Frederik Shiroka Street No. 3
Embassy in Algeria
City: Algiers
Address: 60, Blv Colonel Bougara, 16030 El Biar, Alger
Telephone: (0021321) 921228, 923491
Fax: 923 490
Embassy in Argentina
City: Buenos Aires
Address: Av. Roque S醗nz Pe馻 547, Piso 4, 1035 Buenos Aires
Telephone: (1) 342-4958
Fax: (1) 342-2838
Embassy in Armenia
City: Yerevan
Address: 12, Proshian Street
Telephone: 530051, 536754
Fax: 530049
Embassy in Azerbaijan
City: Baku
Address: Kichik Gala Kuc.-Malaya Krepostnaya ul.86-88, Icheri Sheher, Baku 370004
Telephone: (0099412) 920119, 920175, 924680
Fax: 924835
Embassy in Belarus
City: Minsk
Address: Hotel Octyabrskaya 13 Engelsa 220030 Minsk
Telephone: (0037517) 2274036 or 2272760
Fax: 2260805
Embassy in Bosnia Herzegovina
City: Sarajevo
Address: Obala Maka Dizdara 1, 7100 Sarajevo
Telephone: (0038733) 203516, 213439
Fax: 203512
Embassy in Brazil
City: Brasilia
Address: Rua Presidente Carlos de Campos, 417 Bairro Laranjeiras 22231-080 Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Telephone: (0xx/21) 2554 0004
Fax: (0xx/21) 2553 0184
Embassy in Bulgaria
City: Sofia
Address: 33 San Stefano Str., 1087 Sofia
Telephone: (+359 2) 9461030
Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 80 MacLaren St. , Ottawa, ON, K2P 0K6
Telephone: (613) 238-6271(3)
Fax: (613) 238-5676
Embassy in Canada
City: Toronto
Address: 365 Bloor Street East – Toronto, Ontario – M4W-3L4
Telephone: (416) 515-0133
Embassy in Canada
City: Montreal
Address: 1170 Place du Frere Andre, Suite 300, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 3C6
Telephone: (514) 875-2119
Fax: (514) 875-8781
Embassy in Croatia
City: Zagreb
Address: Babukiaeeva 3a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: 2335834, 2331650
Fax: 2302893
Embassy in Czech Republic
City: Prague
Address: Helenska 2, Prague 2, TK12000
Telephone: 420 222 250 943, 22250955
Fax: 420 222 253 686
Embassy in Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Address: Borgergade 16, DK-1300 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 33114533
Fax: +45 33931646
Embassy in Ethiopia
City: Addis Ababa
Address: Off Debre Zeit Rd., P.O. Box 1168
Telephone: (2511) 654-911-2
Fax: (2511) 654-883
Embassy in Finland
City: Helsinki
Address: Maneesikatu 2 A 4 FIN-00170 HELSINKI
Telephone: +358-9-62 29 790
Fax: +358-9-27 81 200
Embassy in France
City: Grenoble
Address: 9, rue de la Libert� 38000 GRENOBLE (FRANCE)
Telephone: 00 33 4 76 47 39 23
Fax: 00 33 4 76 47 37 76
Embassy in Georgia
City: Tbilisi
Address: 2/5 Arakishvili Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Telephone: +(995 32) 93-89-81, 94-12-24,
Fax: +(995 32) 82-20-01-039
Embassy in Germany
City: Berlin
Address: Politische Abteilung J鋑erstrasse 55 (3. Etage), D-10117 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (30) 20 62 60 (Zentrale)
Fax: +49 (30) 20 62 64 44
Embassy in Germany
City: Hamburg
Address: Griechisches Generalkonsulat Hamburg – Presse- und Informationsb黵o Magdalenenstrasse 48 – 20148 Hamburg
Telephone: (0 40) 44 55 20
Fax: (0 40) 44 55 96
Embassy in Hong Kong
City: Hong Kong
Address: Suite 2503-2504, Two Pacific Place, Admiralty, Hong Kong,
Telephone: 2774 1682
Embassy in India
City: New Delhi
Address: 1EP-32, Dr.S. Radhakrishnan Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi 110003, India
Telephone: 6.8807e+006
Fax: 6.88801e+006
Embassy in Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Address: Plaza 89, 12th Floor Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No. 6, Kuningan Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Telephone: (62-21) 520-7776 (Hunting)
Fax: (62-21) 520-7753
Embassy in Iran
City: Tehran
Address: Afrigha Express Way, 43 Esfandiar Ave., P.O.Box 113 65- 81 51, Tehran,
Telephone: (009821) 2050533, 2053784
Fax: 2.05743e+006
Embassy in Ireland
City: Dublin
Address: 1, Upper Pembroke Street, Dublin 2
Telephone: (353 1) 676 7254, 676 7255
Fax: (353 1) 661 8892
Embassy in Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Address: 47 Rehov Bodenheimer, Tel-Aviv 62008
Telephone: +972-3-6055461
Fax: +972-3-6054374
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 3-16-30 Nishi Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106-0031
Telephone: (+813)-3403-0871-2 , (+813)-3403-0901
Fax: (+813)-3402-4642
Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: 3-16-30, Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku. Post Code:106
Telephone: 3403-0871/2
Fax: 3.40246e+007
Embassy in Kenya
City: Nairobi
Address: Nation Tower 13th Floor Kimathi Str. P.O.Box 30543 City: Nairobi
Telephone: (002542) 340722 or 340744 or 228473
Fax: 216044
Embassy in Kuwait
City: Kuwait
Address: P.O. Box 23812 Safat, Kuwait 13099 (Khaldiya, Bl. 4, Str 44, Hs 4)
Telephone: (00965) 4817100-2
Fax: 4.8171e+006
Embassy in Libya
City: Tripoli
Address: 18, Shar’a Jelal Bayar, Dahra, Tripoli(P.O. Box 5147)
Telephone: (0021821) 3336689 or 3338563
Fax: (0021821) 4441907
Embassy in Morocco
City: Rabat
Address: 5 Km Route des Zaers Villa Chems, Souissi Rabat
Telephone: (0021237) 638964 or 638975
Fax: 638990
Embassy in New Zealand
City: Wellington
Address: 10th Floor, 5? Willeston Street, P.O. Box 24-066, Wellington
Telephone: (64 4) 473 7775, 473 7776
Fax: (64 4) 473 7441
Embassy in Nigeria
City: Lagos
Address: Plot 1397, Tiamiyu Savage Street, Victoria Island, P.O. Box 1199, Lagos
Telephone: (234 1) 261 1412, 261 4852
Fax: (234 1) 261 4852
Embassy in Norway
City: Oslo
Address: Nobels Gate 45, 0244 Oslo, Norway
Telephone: (0047) 22442728, 22431221
Fax: 2.25601e+007
Embassy in Pakistan
City: Islamabad
Address: H. 22, Main Margalla Road,F-6/3,Islamabad
Telephone: + 92 51 2825186, + 92 51 2822558
Fax: + 92 52 2825161
Embassy in Panama
City: Panama City
Address: Antiguo Edificio NCR, Avenida Manuel Espinosa Batista, Panam�
Telephone: (507) 263 0932
Embassy in Poland
City: Warsaw
Address: Gornoslaska 35 – 00-432 Warsaw,POLAND
Telephone: (+48 22) 6229460
Fax: (+48 22) 6229464
Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Leontievsky str., 4
Telephone: 290-57-42, 291-14-46, 290-45-58
Fax: 200-12-52
Embassy in Slovakia
City: Bratislava
Address: Pansk� 14, 811 01 Bratislava Slovak Republic
Telephone: (+421-7) 5443 4143-4
Fax: (+421-7) 5443 4064
Embassy in Slovenia
City: Ljubljana
Address: Trnovski pristan 14 Ljubljana
Telephone: 01 420 14 00
Fax: 01 281 11 14
Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 1003 Church Street Arcadia 0083
Telephone: 012 430 7351/2/3
Fax: 012 430 4313
Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Consulate General of Greece 11 Wellington Road, 3rd Floor Parktown 2193 P O Box 2405 Houghton 2193
Telephone: 011 214 2300
Fax: 011 214 2304
Embassy in South Africa
City: Cape Town
Address: Consulate of Greece 19th Floor, Reserve Bank Building 30 Hout Street Cape Town 8001 P O Box 3232 Cape Town 8000
Telephone: 021 424 8160/1
Fax: 021 424 9421
Embassy in South Africa
City: Durban
Address: Consulate of Greece Suite 1101 Victoria Maine Building 71 Victoria Embankment Durban 4001 P O Box 1139 Durban 4000
Telephone: 031 301 4880/1
Fax: 031 301 4663
Embassy in South Africa
City: Port Elizabeth
Address: Honorary Consulate of Greece Under the control of the Consulate in Cape Town – NBS Building 30 Main Street Port Elizabeth 6001 P O Box 21450 Port Elizabeth 6000
Telephone: 041 585 1976
Fax: 041 38 1725
Embassy in Spain
City: Palma de Mallorca
Address: Santo Domingo, 8 07001 Palma de Mallorca
Telephone: 712221 – 710361
Fax: 716744
Embassy in Sweden
City: Stockholm
Address: Riddargatan 60, 114 57, BOX 24075, 10451 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 (8) 54566010
Fax: 6.60547e+006
Embassy in Ukraine
City: Kiev
Address: 19 Sofyivska str
Telephone: (044) 229-57-30, 229-13-38
Embassy in United Arab Emirates
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 5483
Telephone: 665-4847
Fax: 667-3010
Embassy in United Kingdom
City: London
Address: 1A Holland Park W11 3TP
Telephone: (020) 7229 3850
Fax: (020) 7229 7221
Embassy in United Kingdom
City: London
Address: 1A Holland Park London, W11 3TP
Telephone: (020) 7229 3850
Fax: (020) 7229 7221
Embassy in United States of America
City: Atlanta
Address: Tower Place, 3340 Peachtree Rd., N.E., Suite 1670, 30326
Telephone: (404) 261-3313
Fax: (404) 262-2798
Embassy in United States of America
City: Boston
Address: Beacon St., 02108.
Telephone: (617) 523-0100
Fax: (617) 523-0511
Embassy in United States of America
City: Chicago
Address: 650 N. Saint Clair St., 60611
Telephone: (312) 335-3915
Fax: (312) 335-3958
Embassy in United States of America
City: Houston
Address: Cigna Tower, 1360 Post Oak Bl., Suite 2480 77056
Telephone: (713) 840-7522
Fax: (713) 840-0614
Embassy in United States of America
City: Los Angeles
Address: 12424 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Telephone: 310.826.5555
Fax: 310.826.8670
Embassy in United States of America
City: New Orleans
Address: Int’l Trade Mart Bldg., 2 Canal St., Suite 2318, 70130
Telephone: (504) 523-1167
Fax: (504) 524-3610
Embassy in United States of America
City: Los Angeles
Address: 11835 W. Olympic Bl., Suite 405, 90064
Telephone: (310) 914-3434
Fax: 914-4577
Embassy in United States of America
City: Los Angeles
Address: 611 W. 6th St., Suite 2198, 90017
Telephone: (213) 626-6696
Fax: 489-9744
Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2221 Massachusetts Ave. N.W. Washington, DC 20008
Telephone: 202.939.1300
Fax: 202.939.1324
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 29 Broadway, Suite 2300, 10006
Telephone: (212) 425-5764
Fax: (212) 425-3795
Embassy in United States of America
City: New Orleans
Address: 2335 Int’l Trade Mart 2 Canal St., 70130
Telephone: (504) 529-5288
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 150 E. 58th St., 10155
Telephone: (212) 751-2404
Fax: (212) 593-2278
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: Olympic Tower 645 5th Av., 10022
Telephone: (212) 421-5777
Fax: (212) 826-6940
Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 866 Second Avenue, 13th Floor New York, NY 10017-2905, USA
Telephone: +1 212 888 6900
Fax: +1 212 888 4440
Embassy in Uruguay
City: Montevideo
Address: Rinc髇 487, Piso 2, Ciudad Vieja, Montevideo 110 00
Telephone: (00 5982) 9163359 or 9165191
Fax: 9.1508e+006
Embassy in Uzbekistan
City: Tashken
Address: 88 Pushkin Street
Telephone: 133-82-28, 68-52-49, 68-66-50
Fax: 68-52-47
Embassy in Zimbabwe
City: Harare
Address: 8 Deary Avenue, Belgravia, (P.O. Box 4809) Harare
Telephone: (0026 34) 793208 or 723747
Fax: 703662