Embassies of Chile

List of all Chile embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Chile and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Chile.

Embassies of Chile

Embassy in Argentina
City: Mendoza
Address: Paso de Los Andes 1147 Mendoza-CP 5500
Telephone: 0261-4255024 0261-4254844
Fax: 0261-4297297

Embassy in Argentina
City: Rio Gallegos
Address: Avda. Belgrano N 369, (9420)R韔 Grande, Tierra Del Fuego
Telephone: 54(2964)430523 – 430826
Fax: 54(2964)430862

Embassy in Argentina
City: Salta
Address: Santiago del Estero 965 – (4400) Salta
Telephone: 54 387 4311857 – 4215757
Fax: 54 387 4315150

Embassy in Argentina
City: Cordoba
Address: Crisol 280 B� Nueva C髍doba C.P X5000BVF
Telephone: (54 – 351) 4692010 – (54 – 351) 4696543
Fax: (54 – 351) 4691944

Embassy in Argentina
City: Rosario
Address: Rioja 1037 Piso 2 Entrar 2000 – Rosario
Telephone: + 54 341 4494036 + 54 341 4494032
Fax: + 54 341 4264023

Embassy in Argentina
City: Ushuaia
Address: Calle Jainen N� 50 – Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego Calle Jainen N� 50 – Ushuaia Tierra del Fuego
Telephone: 54 (2901) 430-909 / 430-910
Fax: 54 (2901) 430-661

Embassy in Australia
City: Melbourne
Address: Level 18, Suite 1803, AXA Centre, 44 Market Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Telephone: Local: (02) 9299 2533 / International: (61 2) 9299 2533
Fax: Local: (02) 0299 2868 / International: (61 2) 9299 2868

Embassy in Australia
City: Canberra
Address: 10 Culgoa Circuit, O’Malley ACT 2606

Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: Lugeck 1/3/10; A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: (00 43 1) 512 9208 – 513 1058
Fax: (00 43 1) 512 920833

Embassy in Barbados
City: Bridgetown
Address: Sea Freight Agencies Ltd. James Fort Building, Hincks Street Bridgetown
Telephone: 429-9688, 228-8455, 423-0296(h)

Embassy in Brazil
City: Sao Paulo
Address: Rua Glicerio 225, Barrio Liberdade, S鉶 Paulo, SP
Telephone: 3207-0888
Fax: 3209-5388

Embassy in Brazil
City: Porto Alegre
Address: Rua Padre Chagas, 79 conj. 602 Porto Alegre – CEP 90570-080
Telephone: (55)(51)33463970
Fax: (55)(51)33463970

Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 1413, 50 O’Connor Street Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L2
Telephone: (613) 235-4402
Fax: (613) 235-1176

Embassy in Canada
City: Toronto
Address: 2 Bloor Street West, Oficina 1801 Toronto Ontario M4W-3E2
Telephone: (416) 924-0106
Fax: (416) 924-2627

Embassy in Canada
City: Vancouver
Address: 1185 West Georgia, Suite 1250 Vancouver, BC, V6E 4E6
Telephone: (604) 6819162
Fax: (604) 6870624

Embassy in China
City: Shanghai
Address: Rm 305A, Equatorial Hotel, Yanan Lu
Telephone: 62494933

Embassy in Costa Rica
City: San Jose
Address: B. Dent, Los Yoses de Autos Subaru 200 metros Norte, San Jos�, Apartado Postal 10102, San Jos�
Telephone: (506) 224 1702, 280 0037
Fax: (506) 253 7016

Embassy in Croatia
City: Zagreb
Address: Simicilasova 23, 2; 10.000, Zagreb
Telephone: (00 385 1) 461 1958 – 461 1960
Fax: (00 385 1) 455 2054

Embassy in Croatia
City: Zagreb
Address: Raekoga 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Telephone: 4550468, 4610894
Fax: 4552054

Embassy in Cuba
City: Havana
Address: Avenida 33 N� 1423 entre 14 y 18, Miramar, La Habana, Cuba
Telephone: (53-7) 204-1222, 204-1223
Fax: (53-7) 204-1694

Embassy in Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Address: Kastelsvej 15, 3rd fl., 2100 Copenhagen �
Telephone: (0045)35 38 58 34 – press “1”
Fax: (0045)35 38 42 01

Embassy in Ecuador
City: Quito
Address: Juan Pablo Sanz 3617 y Av. Amazonas, Ed. Xerox, floor 3 y 4
Telephone: (593-2) 2466780

Embassy in El Salvador
City: San Salvador
Address: 9a Calle Poniente y Pasaje Bella Vista No 121, Colonia Escal髇, San Salvador
Telephone: (503) 2263-4285 y (503)2263-4346
Fax: (503) 2263-4308

Embassy in Finland
City: Helsinki
Address: Erottajankatu 11, 00130 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: 358 9 612 6780
Fax: 358 9 612 67825

Embassy in France
City: Paris
Address: 2 Avenue de la Motte Picouer, 75007 Paris 64, Boulevard de Latour Maubourg 75007, Paris
Telephone: (00 33 01) 441 85960 – 441 85980 (00 33 01) 47 05 46 61
Fax: (00 33 01) 441 85961 (00 33 01) 45 51 16 27

Embassy in Germany
City: Berlin
Telephone: 030/726 203-5
Fax: 030/726 203-603

Embassy in Greece
City: Athens
Address: Vassilisis Sofias 25; 2�; 10674
Telephone: (00 30 1) 725 2574, 729 2647
Fax: (00 30 1) 725 2536

Embassy in Guatemala
City: Guatemala City
Address: 14 Calle 15-21, Zona 13,
Telephone: 334-8273 /75, 332-0651, 332-7743
Fax: 334-8276

Embassy in Haiti
City: Port-au-Prince
Address: 2 Rue Coutilien, Musseau, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Telephone: 509-256-7960 / 256-5934 / 257-0623 / 511-3888
Fax: 509-257-0623

Embassy in Holy See – Vatican
City: Rome
Address: Piazza Risorgimiento 55, Interno 19/20, 00192 Roma
Telephone: (00 39 06) 686 8925 – 686 1232 – 689 6891
Fax: (00 39 06) 687 4992

Embassy in Honduras
City: Tegucigalpa
Address: Colonia Rub? Dario, Avenida las Minitas, Calle Minas de Oro, Casa No. 501, Tegucigalpa, M.D.C., Honduras, C.A.
Telephone: (504) 232-2114; 232- 4095; 232-4106 y 232-6994
Fax: (504) 239-7925

Embassy in Hong Kong
City: Hong Kong
Address: Suite1408, Great Eagle Centre, 23 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2827 1826

Embassy in Hungary
City: Budapest
Address: Direcci髇: H-1024 Budapest, R髗sahegy u. 1/b.
Telephone: (361) 326 3054, 326 3055
Fax: (361) 326 3056

Embassy in India
City: New Delhi
Address: 146 Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110003, India
Telephone: 4617123, 4617165, 4617 270
Fax: (9111) 461 7102

Embassy in Indonesia
City: Jakarta
Address: Bina Mulia I building, 7th Floor, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.10, 12950 Jakarta, Indonesia
Telephone: (62-21) 520-1131
Fax: (62-21) 520-1955

Embassy in Italy
City: Rome
Address: via Po 23, Roma
Telephone: 06-8841433
Fax: 06-8841452

Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: Nihon Seimei Akabanebashi Bldg., 8F, 3-1-14, Shiba, Minato-ku. Post Code:105
Telephone: 3452 7561/ 2 3452 7585
Fax: 3.45245e+007

Embassy in Mexico
City: Mexico City
Address: Andres Bello No. 10 18th floor, Polanco, Mexico, D.F., 11560
Telephone: (52) 5280-9689 5280-9705
Fax: 5280-9703

Embassy in New Zealand
City: Wellington
Address: Embassy of Chile 19 Bolton St. Wellington
Telephone: 64-4-471 62 70
Fax: 64-4-472 53 24

Embassy in Nicaragua
City: Managua
Address: Reparto Los Robles, Entrada Principal, 1C al Oeste, 1C al Sur 15 metros al Oeste. Managua
Telephone: (00 505) 278 0619
Fax: (00 505) 270 4073

Embassy in Peru
City: Lima
Address: Javier Prado Oeste 790, San Isidro, Lima
Telephone: + 511 221 2221 or + 551 221 2080 or + 551 221 2081
Fax: + 551 221 1258

Embassy in Philippines
City: Makati City
Address: 17th Floor, Liberty Center Building 104 H.V. de la Costa corner Leviste St.Salcedo Village, Makati City 1227
Telephone: (63-2) 843-3461, 843-3463 and 843-3471
Fax: 63-2) 843-1976

Embassy in Poland
City: Warsaw
Address: ul. Okrezna 62, 02-925 Warszawa
Telephone: 48-22-8582330/31
Fax: 48-22-8582329

Embassy in Portugal
City: Lisbon
Address: Av. Miguel Bombarda N� 5 � 1� piso 1000-207 Lisboa � Portugal
Telephone: (351) 21 314 80 54 � 21 353 85 16 � 21 352 46 80
Fax: (351) 21 315 09 09

Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Junnosti str., 11, building 1
Telephone: 373-95-71, 373-91-76
Fax: 373-77-25

Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: P.O. Box 2449 Brooklyn Square 0075 South Africa
Telephone: +27-12-460.80.90
Fax: +27-12-460.80.93

Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: Brooklyn Gardens Block B1, 1st Floor 235 Veale Street Cnr Veale & Middle Str New Muckleneuk P O Box 2449 Brooklyn Square 0075 New Muckleneuk
Telephone: 012 460 8090 – 012 460 4482
Fax: 012 460 8093

Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Commercial Office of Chile Export House, 2nd Floor Maude/West Streets Sandton 2196 P O Box 652891 Benmore 2010
Telephone: 011 784 8422/23
Fax: 011 784 8424

Embassy in South Africa
City: Cape Town
Address: Consulate General of Chile Standard Bank Centre 19th Floor, Suite 1918 Heerengracht Tower Foreshore Street Cape Town 8001 P O Box 2067 Cape Town 8000
Telephone: 021 421 2344/46
Fax: 021 425 3034

Embassy in South Africa
City: Johannesburg
Address: Honorary Consulate of Chile 16 Sherwood Road Forest Town 2193
Telephone: 011 486 2137

Embassy in South Africa
City: Cape Town
Address: Honorary Consulate of Chile “Berg en Dal” 52 Canterbury Drive Bishops Court 7700
Telephone: 021 762 3704
Fax: 021 762 3704

Embassy in South Africa
City: Durban
Address: Honorary Consulate of Chile 67 Venice Road Morningside Durban 4001
Telephone: 031 312 8608
Fax: 031 312 8608

Embassy in Spain
City: Madrid
Address: C/ Sabino Arana n� 18 1� C 48940 Leioa Vizcaya
Telephone: 680 10 19 60
Fax: 94 480 47 96

Embassy in Spain
City: Madrid
Address: C/ Sabino Arana n� 18 1� C 48940 Leioa Vizcaya
Telephone: 680 10 19 60
Fax: 94 480 47 96

Embassy in Spain
City: Palma de Mallorca
Address: Vilanova, 2 1� 07002 Palma de Mallorca
Telephone: 723346 – 722651
Fax: 711411