Embassies of Burkina Faso

List of all Burkina Faso embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Burkina Faso and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Burkina Faso.

Embassies of Burkina Faso

Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: Mittelgasse 16, PF 19 A-1062 Vienne
Telephone: (+431) 597 83 01
Fax: (+431) 597 97 35 89

Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 48, Chemin Range Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1N 8J4
Telephone: (613) 238 4796
Fax: (613) 238 3812

Embassy in Denmark
City: Copenhagen
Address: Svanem鴏levej 20, DK-2100 Copenhagen �
Telephone: +45 39184022
Fax: +45 39271886

Embassy in Ghana
City: Accra
Address: House No 772/3, Asylum Down, P.O. Box 651, Accra,
Telephone: 221988

Embassy in India
City: New Delhi
Address: G-5, Anand Niketan, New Delhi 110021, India
Telephone: 4671678, 4671679
Fax: 4.67175e+006

Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: Hiroo Glisten Hills 3F 3-17, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku.34007919
Fax: 3.40069e+007

Embassy in Taiwan
City: Taipei
Address: 6F, 9-1, Lane 62, Tienmu W. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 111 TRd., Taipei, Taiwan, 111
Telephone: 2876-0894, 2876-0895
Fax: 2876-0896

Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2340 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20008