Embassies of Belarus

List of all Belarus embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Belarus and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Belarus.

Embassies of Belarus

Embassy in Armenia
City: Yerevan
Address: 23 Abovian Street, Apt. 23
Telephone: 597309
Fax: 567018

Embassy in Austria
City: Vienna
Address: H黷telbergstrasse 6, A-1140 Wien
Telephone: 419-96-30, 419-96-30-11
Fax: 419-96-30-30

Embassy in Estonia
City: Tallinn
Address: Magdaleena 3, Section “B”, Tallinn
Telephone: (372) 655 80 01, 651 55 02, 651 55 00
Fax: (372) 655 80 01

Embassy in India
City: New Delhi
Address: 163, Jor Bagh, New Delhi 110003, India
Telephone: 4694518, 4697025
Fax: 4.69703e+006

Embassy in Israel
City: Tel Aviv
Address: Merkaz Hatextile 2, Rehov Kaufman, Tel Aviv 68012
Telephone: +972- 3-5102236
Fax: +972-3-5102235

Embassy in Japan
City: Tokyo
Address: Royal Court 603, 23-2, Ichiban-cho, Chiyoda-ku. Post Code:102

Embassy in Kyrgyzstan
City: Bishkek
Address: 210 Moskovskaya St., Bishkek
Telephone: 650817, 242943, 242881
Fax: 650354

Embassy in Moldova
City: Chisinau
Address: MD 2012, ?.???????, ??.????????, 35
Telephone: (373 22) 23 82 73, 23 83 02
Fax: (373 22) 23 83 00

Embassy in Moldova
City: Chisinau
Address: Str. Bucuresti 72
Telephone: (+373-2) 23 34 91
Fax: (+373-2) 22 05 71

Embassy in Poland
City: Warsaw
Address: 67 Atenska Street, 03-978 Warsaw, Poland
Telephone: (48 22) 617 3212

Embassy in Russia
City: Moscow
Address: Maroseyka str., 17/6
Telephone: 924-70-31

Embassy in South Africa
City: Pretoria
Address: 327 Hill Street Arcadia 0007 P.O. Box 4107 Pretoria 0001
Telephone: 012 430 7664 – 012 430 7707/9
Fax: 012 342 6280

Embassy in Turkmenistan
City: Ashgabat
Telephone: 35-07-37
Fax: 39-64-88

Embassy in Ukraine
City: Kiev
Telephone: +38 044 537-52-21

Embassy in United Arab Emirates
City: Abu Dhabi
Address: PO Box 30337
Telephone: 445-3399
Fax: 445-1131

Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 1619 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009
Telephone: [1] (202) 986-1604
Fax: [1] (202) 986-1805

Embassy in United States of America
City: New York
Address: 136 East 67th Street, 4th Floor New York, NY, 10021
Telephone: (212) 535-3420
Fax: (212) 734-4810

Embassy in Uzbekistan
City: Tashken
Address: 53 Vokhidov Street
Telephone: 120-72-52, 120-52-33, 152-72-58
Fax: 120-72-53