Embassies of Barbados
List of all Barbados embassies and consulates in foreign countries or regions, including the city where it is located, street or mailing address, contact phone number and fax information. If you come from Barbados and need help from these diplomatic missions, please refer to the following list to find one that is close to you. International travelers may also find it helpful to get important information like applying for a visa when planning to enter Barbados.
Embassy in Belgium
City: Brussels
Address: 78 Avenue General Lartigue, B-1200 Brussels
Telephone: 7321737, 7321867
Fax: 7323266
Embassy in Canada
City: Toronto
Address: Suite 1010, 105 Adelaide Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 1P9
Telephone: (416) 214 9880
Fax: (416) 214 9882
Embassy in Canada
City: Toronto
Address: 105 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1010, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1P9, Canada
Telephone: (416) 214-9805
Fax: (416) 214-9815
Embassy in Canada
City: Ottawa
Address: 130 Albert Street, Suite 1204, Ottawa K1P 5G4
Telephone: (613) 236-9517/8
Fax: (613) 230 4362
Embassy in Hong Kong
City: Hong Kong
Address: 9/F Cheung Kong Center, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Telephone: 2128 8888
Embassy in New Zealand
City: Auckland
Address: 19 Vaughan Road, Okura, No. 2 RD, Albany, Auckland
Telephone: (64 9) 473 5949
Fax: (64 9) 473 5948
Embassy in South Africa
Address: 1 Great Russel Street London WC1B 3ND
Telephone: 0944 207 631 497
Fax: 0944 207 323 6872
Embassy in United States of America
City: Washington
Address: 2144 Wyoming Ave., NW Washington, D.C. 20008
Telephone: (202) 939-9200
Fax: (202) 332-7467