Dominica Population


Dominica Population

Dominica is a lush island with both volcanoes and untouched rainforest. The country lives by the banana industry, but wants to develop tourism as a source of income in the future.

Key figures and facts

  • Capital: Roseau
  • Ethnic groups: African origin 86.6%, mixed 9.1%, indigenous population 2.9%, other 1.5%, (2001)
  • Language: English (official), French patois (Creole language)
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestants 28.6%, none 6.1%, Rastafari 1.3%, Jehovah’s Witnesses 1.2%, other 1.7%, (2001)
  • Population: 74,308 (2018)
  • Area: 750 km2
  • Currency: East Caribbean Dollar
  • GNP per capita: 10 948 PPP $
  • National Day: November 3rd

Dominica’s Population

Dominica has a population of 72,000 residents (World Bank 2013) and a population density of 96 residents per km². The island has a fairly large birth surplus, but emigration has caused the population of 1991-2001 to decline by 0.1% on an annual average.

The island was originally populated by Arawak Indians, who were later displaced by Caribbean Indians. Dominica’s Carib is the largest group of surviving caribou in the Antilles, and approximately 3000 live in a 15 km² large reserve (Carib Territory) on the east side of the island. The majority of today’s residents are descendants of African slaves. At the 1981 census, the population gave the following answers to ethnic belonging: 91% blacks, 6% of mixed race, 1.5% Indians (caribou) and 0.5% whites. The capital Roseau (26,000 in 2001) is the largest city.

Population of Dominica by Year (Historical)

Year Population Annual Growth Rate Population Density Global Rank
2020 71,875 0.250% 95.9813 204
2019 71,697 0.260% 95.7440 204
2018 71,514 0.230% 95.5000 204
2017 71,347 0.210% 95.2773 204
2016 71,196 0.170% 95.0760 204
2015 71,072 0.090% 94.9107 204
2010 70,767 0.080% 94.5040 204
2005 70,478 0.270% 94.1187 204
2000 69,539 -0.410% 92.8667 203
1995 70,987 0.190% 94.7973 202
1990 70,308 -0.770% 93.8920 200
1985 73,090 -0.570% 97.6013 197
1980 75,203 0.880% 100.4187 195
1975 71,983 0.290% 96.1253 195
1970 70,962 1.790% 94.7640 194
1965 64,927 1.620% 86.7173 192
1960 59,900 1.920% 80.0147 192
1955 54,449 1.320% 72.7467 192
1950 50,989 0.000% 68.1333 190

Major Cities in Dominica by Population

Rank City Population
1 Roseau 16,460
2 Portsmouth 3,522
3 Berekua 2,497
4 Saint Joseph 2,073
5 Wesley 1,822
6 Soufriere 1,305
7 Pointe Michel 1,091
8 Colihaut 779
9 Rosalie 691
10 Pont Casse 591


English is the official language. The mother tongue of the majority of the population is a French-based Creole language.


About 80% of the population is Catholic. Otherwise there are Protestant churches, as well as several fundamentalist sects emigrated from the United States.