Category: Guide to Florida

Florida – In 1513, the Spaniard Ponce de León discovered the peninsula and named it after the name of the day: Florida, after Pascua Florida, which means Easter in bloom. The state is populated with over 8 million inhabitants and is commonly referred to as the “Sunshine State”. The French settled the peninsula as early as 1564, but it was not until 1818 that the Spanish ceded Florida to the United States. In 1845 it became the 27th state in the United States. The main sources of income are tourism and citrus fruits. The capital is Tallahassee. Miami is the center of the tourism business. The Cape Canaveral spaceport, Key West, the Everglades and Disney World are the most interesting tourist attractions.

Florida Population

Florida is the third most populous state in the United States, with a population of 21.48 million...