Weather in Tanzania by Month

The United Republic of Tanzania is located in central Africa. The area of ​​the country is 945 thousand km2. The state is washed by the Indian Ocean on the eastern side. The Zanzibar archipelago, which also belongs to Tanzania, is also localized here.

90% of the republic’s territory is occupied by the East African Plateau, 10% by the coastal lowland. In the north of the plateau is the highest point of the mainland – the active volcano Kilimanjaro, whose height is 5895 m. Nearby is another active volcano Meru. There are also several lakes in Tanzania: Victoria, Tanganyika (the longest in the world – 1828 km) and Nyasa.

The climate in East Africa is of the equatorial monsoon type. There is a comfortable weather for recreation all year round. Closer to the coast, humidity increases, and air temperature and rainfall vary with altitude. The rainy season in the northern part of the country takes place in spring and autumn, and in the center and south – from November to April.

It is pleasant to relax in the country at any time of the year, but before buying tours, make sure that the weather conditions suit you. To do this, we recommend paying attention to the weather calendar in Tanzania by months.

Weather in Tanzania in January

January in Tanzania is a break between heavy rainy seasons. In the capital, the average air temperature during the day is +29°C, and at night – up to +18°C. At coastal resorts, the thermometer rises above + 31 ° C, and the water in the ocean reaches a temperature of + 26 ° C. In Zanzibar, temperatures do not fall below +32°C. In the daytime, it is better not to plan walks, as the heat makes itself felt. We recommend leaving the hotel when the sun sets below the horizon and the temperature drops to +23°C.

Weather in Tanzania in February

February, like January, refers to the “African summer”. Daytime air temperature in central Tanzania ranges from +29°С to +31°С, at night it drops to +18°С. In the east of the country, the thermometer stays at +31°C, and the water temperature is +26°C. On the island of Pemba, the hottest is about + 32 ° С. The water temperature at this time reaches +28°C. In February, favorable weather for the conquest of Kilimanjaro.

Weather in Tanzania in March

In March, the rainy season begins. In Zanzibar and Pemba, up to 147 mm of precipitation is observed, in Dar es Salaam – less, up to 131 mm. In the capital, the air temperature during the day is +28°C, at night it drops to +18°C. The coastal areas are hotter. The air temperature on the islands and beach resorts fluctuates between +31°C during the day, and at night it is +24°C. Water is characterized by a temperature of +26°C.

Weather in Tanzania in April

In April, the average air temperature in the country during the day is +30°C, at night it drops to +18°C. The water temperature ranges from +26°С to +27°С. The least precipitation is observed in the center – up to 61 mm, most of all in the archipelago – 320 mm. In April, the season of excursions begins in the west of Tanzania. In Kigoma, the daily air temperature reaches +27°С, and the total amount of precipitation is 130 mm.

Weather in Tanzania in May

In May, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases. In Dar es Salaam, up to 176 mm falls, and in Dodoma – up to 3 mm. The air temperature in Zanzibar and Pemba is +28°C, the water temperature is +27°C. On the continental coasts, the water off the coast cools down to +25°C due to cool nights.

Weather in Tanzania in June

In June, the “African winter” begins, and with it the beach season opens. It rarely rains throughout the territory, in the center of Tanzania they do not exist at all. On average, the air warms up to +27°С…+29°С during the daytime. In Dodoma – up to + 27 ° C during the day and + 14 ° C at night. It is warmer on the islands: +28°C and +23°C during the day and at night, respectively. The water temperature in June ranges from +25°C to +27°C, the ocean is calm and conducive to swimming.

Weather in Tanzania in July

In July, up to 3 mm of precipitation is recorded in the west of the country. Here the air during the day warms up to +28°С, and at night this mark drops to +17°С. The capital is cooler. The average daily temperature of Dodoma is within +26°C, and the nighttime temperature is +13°C. In coastal zones, the most precipitation falls – up to 31 mm. Here, the thermometer rises to + 27 ° С. In addition to a beach holiday, we recommend going fishing in July: at this time of the year, sailfish bite well.

Weather in Tanzania in August

In August, the water in the ocean reaches a temperature of +24°C in Dar es Salaam and up to +26°C in the archipelago. Precipitation is practically not observed, there are no winds either. The air temperature in the east of the country during the day is + 28 ° С, at night – about + 19 ° С… + 22 ° С. In Dodoma +27°С during the day and +14°С at night. In the west it is warmest: +29°С and +18°С.

Weather in Tanzania in September

September is the beginning of the diving season. The water temperature is comfortable: in Zanzibar and Chaki-Chaki + 27 ° С, and in Dar es Salaam + 24 ° С. The air temperature is also pleasing: from +29°С (in Dar es Salaam) to +31°С (in Dodoma). At night, the minimum air temperature is +17°C. In September, precipitation appears, but they are insignificant. For example, in Dodoma there is only 1 mm, and on the islands – 66 mm is the maximum limit.

Weather in Tanzania in October

October marks the end of the high season in Tanzania. The air temperature in Dodoma during the day is + 31 ° С, at night the mark drops to + 17 ° С. In the west of Tanzania, the daytime temperature is within +29°C, the nighttime temperature drops to +21°C. At coastal resorts, the air warms up to +30°С, and the water temperature in the ocean is +24°С…+27°С. Despite the winds, the beaches are still filled with tourists.

Weather in Tanzania in November

In November, the amount of precipitation will melt. In Dodoma, up to 27 mm is observed, and on the islands – up to 170 mm. The air temperature in all areas of the country is getting higher, rarely drops below +27°C. On average, the thermometer readings reach +30°С…+31°С. The water in the ocean warms up to +28°С. An increase in plankton colonies can make bathing uncomfortable.

Weather in Tanzania in December
In December, the average air temperature in Tanzania overcomes the borders of + 35 ° С. The water temperature reaches +30°C. It is comfortable to rest only in the west of the country, in Kigoma, where the daily air temperature fluctuates within + 26 ° С. In the southern regions in December is not the right time to travel due to heavy rains.