Weather in Kazakhstan by Month


Republic of Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia. The area of ​​the state is 2.7 million km2. The capital Astana is located in the northern part of the country. Kazakhstan is washed by the Aral Sea in the south and the Caspian Sea in the southwest, and has no access to the ocean. Lake Balkhash is located in Kazakhstan, with an area of 16.4 thousand km2.

Half of the territory of the republic belongs to deserts, semi-deserts. In the north there are forest-steppes and steppes. Here is the Cis-Ural Plateau, turning into a lowland in the west. To the east, on the coast of the Aral Sea, there are sandy massifs. In the center of the country there is a steppe with steep low mountains. Mountain systems grow in the east and north-west, they occupy 10% of the territory of Kazakhstan. The country has a well-developed network of natural reservoirs. Rivers belong to the basins of the surrounding seas. The state is also rich in flora and fauna.
The climate in Kazakhstan is sharply continental. Relative humidity is low. The average annual rainfall does not exceed 500 mm. The rainy season falls in spring and early summer, followed by a dry season. Large temperature amplitudes are recorded. To the south, the climate becomes mild, passes into the subtropical zone. In contrast to the north, winters in the south are short and summers are long and hot. However, here you also need to be prepared for cold winds from the north.
From April to June and from September to November is the peak tourist season in Kazakhstan. Choose a comfortable time for your trip by studying the weather conditions in Kazakhstan by months.

Weather in Kazakhstan in January

The capital of Kazakhstan does not indulge in warmth in January. Snowfalls are often recorded, wind gusts reach 8 m/s. The air temperature during the day is within -3.9°C, at night it drops below -10.6°C. In the far north, in Petropavlovsk, it is colder. Here the air temperature even during daylight hours does not exceed -15°C. The water temperature in the sea reaches +6.6°C.

Weather in Kazakhstan in February

The temperature regime in February is not much different from January. The average daily air temperature ranges from -3°С to -10°С. The north is still cooler. Precipitation is not recorded in the capital, but in the southern regions there are 2 rainy days in a month, up to 42 mm of precipitation falls. The water temperature in the sea drops to +5.6°C.

Weather in Kazakhstan in March

Spring does not bring warmth to Kazakhstan. However, the number of sunny days increases significantly. The air temperature in the daytime ranges from -3°С to -8°С. Warmer in Turkestan, Tashkent. Here the air warms up to +12°С. At night, the temperature regime in the country is within -8°С…+2°С. Rainfall peaks in the south, at 45.2 mm per month. The wind speed is 5 m/s.

Weather in Kazakhstan in April

In April, spring is already coming in Kazakhstan. The air temperature rises sharply. In the daytime, the thermometer readings are within + 8 ° С… + 21 ° С. At night, the thermometer drops to +2°С…+12°С. The water in the sea warms up to + 8.2 ° С. The average rainfall this month is 24mm. The wind speed varies from 2 m/s to 4 m/s.

Weather in Kazakhstan in May

In May, wind gusts up to 7 m/s are possible, but the average speed of air masses is 4.5 m/s. The air temperature in the daytime ranges from +17°С to +28°С. At night, the thermometer readings drop to +8°С…+14°С. In Alma-Ata, 9 rainy days are recorded in May, with 127 mm of rainfall. In other regions, except for the south, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 45 mm. In the extreme southern regions (Tashkent) falls up to 8 mm per month.

Weather in Kazakhstan in June

In the south of Kazakhstan in June, the daily air temperature jumps over +30°C. In other regions, daytime temperatures fluctuate between +24°С…+28°С. The amount of precipitation is increasing. In Alma-Ata and Chimbulak, this figure reaches 160.5 mm. In the extreme south, the opposite is true, here the amount of precipitation does not exceed 4.6 mm per month. The wind strength remains within the same limits, 4-5 m/s.

Weather in Kazakhstan in July

The average July air temperature throughout the country ranges from +24°С to +34°С. At night, the thermometer readings are within + 14 ° С … + 26 ° С. Up to 8 days are recorded with precipitation, during which up to 102 mm will fall. Only in Tashkent the amount of precipitation is 1 mm. There are often thunderstorms. The wind speed does not exceed 4 m/s.

Weather in Kazakhstan in August

In August, the air temperature gradually decreases. The average daily temperature range is 20 degrees, +13°С…+33°С. The amount of precipitation drops sharply. In the rainiest regions, up to 69 mm are recorded, and in Tashkent 2 mm. August is the only month when the water temperature in the sea exceeds +20°C, you can swim.

Weather in Kazakhstan in September

In September, the maximum air temperature in the daytime reaches +27°C (Turkestan), at night the minimum temperature is +8°C (Petropavlovsk). 3 rainy days are registered in the month, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 51 mm. The water in the sea warms up to +18°С.

Weather in Kazakhstan in October

In October, the daily air temperature drops by another 10 degrees. So, in warm Turkestan, it is already + 17 ° C during the day, and + 10 ° C at night. There are no frosts yet. The amount of precipitation remains the same, up to 51 mm. The wind speed slightly increases, 5 m/s. The water temperature in the sea drops to +15°С.

Weather in Kazakhstan in November

In November, Kazakhstan is already below zero. In the northern regions, even during the day, temperatures do not rise above -3 ° C. In the southern regions during the daytime – + 2 ° С… + 7 ° С, and at night – up to + 2 ° С. Precipitation varies from south to north, from 39 mm (Turkestan) to 23 mm (Astana). The water in the seas cools down to +11°С. The wind speed is 4-5 m/s.

Weather in Kazakhstan in December

December in Kazakhstan is snowy and windy. Gusts of air masses reach 6 m/s. Rainfall is 32 mm per month. The air temperature does not rise above zero either during the day or at night. Only in the extreme south are average daily temperatures within -3°С…+2°С. The water temperature in the sea does not exceed +9°C.