Weather in India by Month

The Republic of India occupies the entire Hindustan peninsula, which has an impressive size of 3,287,263 km². Located in South Asia, the country has access to the seas on three sides. The east coast is washed by the Bay of Bengal, the south by the Indian Ocean and the Strait of Polk, and the west by the Arabian Sea. India borders on such Asian countries as Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, China and Pakistan.

The territory of the country lies entirely in the northern hemisphere. Its continental part is conventionally divided into four regions: mountains, deserts, the valley between the rivers Indus and Ganges, and the southern peninsula. The largest mountain range is the Himalayas with the highest point of 8,586 m above sea level (Mount Kanchenjunga).

The climate in the country varies from tropical monsoon in the north to subequatorial monsoon in the south. Depending on the geographical location, average daily temperatures range from -20°C to +48°C in the shade. The largest amount of rain falls on the Shillong Plateau – up to 12,000 mm per year.
At any time of the year, India is able to surprise tourists with its beauty and originality. To make the trip comfortable, pay attention to the weather by months.


The coldest month in India is January. Temperatures are similar in Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. During the day the air warms up to +20°С, at night it cools down to +8°С. Rainy days in January 2-3. The weather in the Himalayas is snowy and warm. On average, at an altitude of up to 2500 m, the indicators are -4 ° С… -8 ° С. The higher the mountains, the colder. Due to heavy snowfalls, avalanches occur. In the south of the country +28°С… +32°С during the day and +20°С at night. The sea in Goa pleases with warmth up to + 29 ° С.


In February in India – no more than 3 rainy days. Humidity is comfortable, high temperatures are easily tolerated. In the capital and northern regions up to +24°C during the day. In the Himalayas, the ski season is in full swing: the snow is thick, the temperature does not fall below -12°C. In the state of Kerala, up to + 34 ° C during the day. The average water temperature off the coasts of India: Mumbai +25°С, Goa +28°С, Kerala +30°С, Andaman and Nicobar Islands +29°С.


In March, India is characterized by dry monsoons and clear weather. In Delhi and neighboring regions, the average daily temperature ranges from + 29 ° to + 32 ° C, daylight hours increase to 10 hours. In most mountainous regions, the tourist season ends with +15°C. In Goa from 32°C during the day and up to +28°C at night. Humidity is on average 73%, it becomes more difficult to endure the heat of the day. The sea warms up to +29°C. The maximum water indicators in Kerala and on the islands are up to + 30 ° С.


April brings dry weather and high temperatures to India. In total, there are no more than 2 rainy days in the country, precipitation evaporates almost instantly. In the capital and its environs, the figures can reach +42°С. In the southern regions – approximately + 33 ° С… + 35 ° С in the shade. The sea in the Bay of Bengal, the states of Goa and Kerala resembles fresh milk: + 30 ° C. The most comfortable indicators are in the northern mountainous regions: +25°C during the day at an altitude of up to 2500 m above sea level.


May brings the rainy season to India. The amount of precipitation, depending on the region, can reach 1000 mm. Humidity in the morning is about 70%, by the end of the month the figures increase. During the day in the states of Goa and Kerala up to + 34 ° С. On the coast of the Bay of Bengal – up to + 38 ° С. The sea warms up to +29°С…+31°С. High waves this month delight surfers. In the capital during the day +43°С… +46°С. Heavy downpours in the foothills of the Himalayas.


In June, you should not count on a beach holiday in India. On the eastern and western coasts, frequent showers, thunderstorms and strong winds do not give even experienced surfers a chance. The sea is warmed up to +29°C. In Delhi and its environs during the day up to + 40 ° C, at night + 27 ° C. Humidity increases up to 70%. To visit national parks, it is better to go to mountainous areas. Here it is +28°С…+30°С during the day, +17°С at night, and the precipitation is minimal and does not spoil the impression of the trip.


The hottest month in India is July. There is little rainfall in the central part, and the average temperature reaches +36°C. The most comfortable indicators in the Himalayas: up to +30°C. There is less precipitation on the eastern coast, daily indicators range from +28°С to +34°С. The water in the Bay of Bengal is warmed up to +28°C. On the southern coast, the amount of precipitation increases, the air humidity sometimes reaches 100%. A temperature of +30°C feels like +40°C. The sea is stormy, the water cools down to +27°С.


In Goa and Kerala, the average temperature during the day is + 28 ° C, at night + 20 ° C. Humidity remains high, it rains every 2-3 days. The water in the Arabian Sea is warmed up to +26°C. The beaches of Kerala are mostly visited by surfers. In Mumbai, in August, the annual rainfall often falls, the daytime temperature reaches + 30 ° С. In the central regions, the average daily indicators are kept at around +33°С. There is little rain and the weather is perfect for sightseeing. In the Himalayas, the air temperature is comfortable for tourist recreation: + 26 ° C during the day and + 14 ° C at night.


By the end of September in the states of Goa and Kerala the monsoon comes to an end. Precipitation is less frequent, waves 5-6 meters high are suitable for professional surfers looking for adrenaline. During the day on the coast up to +30°С, at night +24°С. Similar temperatures in the state of Assam, but the humidity is higher here – up to 95%. In the south-east of the country, the average temperature reaches +35°С in the shade, the amount of precipitation is minimal. But the Adaman Islands in September are literally flooded with rain. In Delhi during the day + 34 ° C, at night + 26 ° C, it rains 2-3 times a month.


October is the transitional period between the wet and dry seasons. There are more and more clear days, but beach holidays are not possible at all resorts. Gusty winds and rains are characteristic of the coast of the Arabian Sea. On the western coast, humidity can reach 90% with air temperatures up to +33°C. By the end of the month, diving season opens in Goa and in the waters of the Bay of Bengal. In the northern and northwestern regions, temperature fluctuations are observed from +34°С during the day to +19°С at night.


In November, the weather is favorable for visiting the capital and its environs. During the day, the temperature in Delhi, the state of Punjab and Rajasthan does not exceed +30°С, and at night it drops to +15°С…+20°С. Goa and Kerala have ideal conditions for a beach holiday. During the day the temperature is +32°С, the sea is warmed up to +28.5°С. The east coast is also conducive to relaxation: the average daily rates are kept at around +30°C. It rains no more than two days a month. In the state of Gujarat in November, strong tides and hurricane-force winds dominate. In the Himalayas, the summer season has come to an end, and the winter season will begin in a month.


In December, when the winds subside and the rains end, it is the perfect time to relax. Precipitation falls a couple of times a month, the sea warms up to +29°C. The beach season on all coasts of the country is in full swing. During the day, average temperatures reach +30°C. Snow falls in mountainous areas, making it possible to conquer the ski slopes. By the end of the month, at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, the temperature drops to -10°C.